
I know this is funny, even silly, even awkward and absurd, but I still want your opinion on this one. First off, please do not make inferences, judgments or any conclusions. Please do not try to drag me, the author of the post, into being a part of what I am talking about, or comment in a way which questions or implies the same. Just tell me what you, as a person, would do in a situation similar to the one that I am just about to describe.
You meet someone, whom you plan to be on rather goodly terms with. During your meeting, you realize that the person is wearing a perfume whose smell is more disgusting than it is attractive. Its pungent power reaches straight to the depths of your brain and you find it so hard to remain in the person's company. The person, otherwise, is clean and tidy, it is just this smell which, it is surely difficult to tell, whether it is perfume or something else, is gnawing at your nose and heart.
In some time, as would be expected of the olfactory system to get desensitized, you do not seem repulsed by the smell. But every once in a while the guilty fumes, to your utter exasperation, do reach your nostrils, making you throw up all that you have had on the day. You cant stop wondering, "Do damn it, what the hell is this?".
If you happen to be someone in a situation like this, do you believe it would be polite to ask the person what 'perfume' they have put on. Or do you believe courtesy could invent another, more subtle, more palatable more for such a circumstance? Or would you just keep quiet about it, endure it and let it go. What would you do?
why dont you buy them a perfume instead of asking about generic viagra
the perfume they are wearing..
لَا إِلَهَ إِلَّا أَنْتَ سُبْحَانَكَ إِنِّي كُنْتُ مِنَ الظَّالِمِين
really very nice dear .great comment.
Repeatedly around that person , excuse yourself and tell them their perfume is too strong for you to handle....thus not hurting their feelings.
Angelina why would you care what people think of Qatar...if u cant stay in Qatar without being nosy u know where the airport is also. fire risk assessment
Thank you very much for your valuable comments.
Those of you who suggest that buying a perfume for the person would perhaps be the right thing to do are right; however, do you really think one perfume would allow the person to not use their own perfume for the rest of the time? Anyways, I think it is a very good suggestion.
As to the suggestion, that we should mention having negative memories with the perfume might not be so good. Instead, we may say this perfume (which you would buy) is really a nice one and has such memories attached with it in your mind. People do not like to be told what you dont like about them: they love to be told what you like about them. And yes, it is more true when it comes to women.
As to the importance of smells in relations, I completely agree with you Braveheart. Unfortunately, some people do not realize this. Some rather plain people can become pretty attractive by using appropriate fragrances. Some otherwise good looking people lose their charm completely by not paying heed to the fragrance they should use.
nomerci, your comment, as always, is full of wit. :)
Segmund, it depends on. If it is a girl you want to date, then go and buy her a perfume. After you have given it to her, tell her you are allergic to the perfume she was wearing before.
If you are talking about a friend, then just tell the friend that you really do not like their perfume.
its not my fault ... its english ... we wear perfume .... :-)
keep your ass away from me.
To continue our story (Brit) he handed me over "One Man Show" and since that moment I became the most irresistible gaucho, if not the only one, at Souq Al Rawnaq.
Just let it go .. someone from 'her' other colleagues / frineds will definitley correct 'her' in a near future.
I will tell him the story of the perfume which I gifted to my wife for the first time. It was a feminine fragrance from a well known brand which almost made me vomit. I love that Perfume but it was really disgusting on my wife.
There is no problem asking what type of perfume they used but putting in mind you own expression. Your physical expression will determine the impression you give them about the perfume they have on.
a study said, smell is the ignition of sex, of course I don't mean anything, but to highlight the importance of your point in relations. you'll never enjoy anyone's company unless you like the way he smells... even you may not like the dress,...etc.
buy a gift perfume of your preference...:)
What is wrong with "Your perfume s**ks"?
if u r hoping to see that person more often and want your freindship be the lasting one.... buy a perfume for that person .... and ask them to wear it often
or ask the person which perfume u r wearing , and whatever is the reply just tell the " i thought the same i have some bad memroies attached with this perfume *sniff* *snuiff* " ;-)
It's better to ask, and we must tell em that what we feel about it, if i'am on your situation i won't be able do my work properly coz it will disturb our mind, if i face the situation i will tell em directly.
I remember when Mike Shamrock and I went for a coffee. He was smartly dressed in his goucho gear, but what caught my attention was the cologne. It was over powering. Even the mosquitoes were falling by the wayside and commiting suicide by hurtling into the blue-bulbed heat thingy.
As we enjoye our extra hot mocha with whipped cream and cinammon , i finally plucked up the courage and asked.
He was not offended. he said that it was Eau de Llama from the nether reaches of the Andes.
u can create a story like "I can remember this perfume, what was the name of it? oh yeah, this is very bad memory for me coz once i met that person which i fought with and he/she was wearing the same perfume, so please don't use it again when u r with me coz it will make me feel angry and uncomfortable, etc etc"
this works especially with women ;)
It's funny how people jump into conclusions so quickly and once they edit they forget removing such comments from the subject line.
why dont you buy them a perfume instead of asking about the perfume they are wearing..
Thank you for your reply. I am wondering if one would ask the question would it make the person believe that we are appreciating the fragrance. Coz usually in a similar social situation such kind of a question would only carry a complimentary connotation. If the person is wise, and does realize that their perfume is being seen as offensive, they would be offended most likely, at least I think so. On the other hand, if they would feel that someone just genuinely admired something about them, they might get encouraged to wear the same perfume even more--- and that is certainly not what one would ever wish to happen. I hope no one has to get tossed on the horns of this dilemma.
Segmund, it is perfectly Ok to ask what perfume the person in wearing...
If the person is a Jew, you may end up getting killed and therefore you will miss all the important things ahead like for example, an opera concert.
If the person is anything but a Jew, sure, why not... it seems appropriate.