Gulf times - Please pass it on

I hope they catch the guys, Qatar has been a very safe place. Yah, there has been the occational crime, but not to the extent we have worldwide. And I hope others do not copy this modus operanda
Maid says she was raped on her first day in Doha![]()
By Nour Abuzant |
nour is a man and a very good one
Wish that i could have done something to prevent that nightmare from happening...News about attack's and abuse of the innocent always upsets me!I hope that justice be served on her...
Glecs, how does the airport administration make sure the arriving women are greeted by only authorized men (company/sponsor mandup)?
When dw (who looks Filipina) arrived by herself in Doha last year; she just walked into Arrival Lounge, got into a taxi, and drove off. I see many other unaccompanied women walking out the Arrival Gate at Doha International Airport. They could be approached by any bad man who pretends to be her sponsor. How can the airport admin protect these women?
(I'm being such a man by looking for a solution instead of providing sympathy for her (and others) plight!)
the airport administration in doha already implemented rules for the protection of the housemaids. only the sponsor or the mandoub of the agency can get the housemaids out of the airport. the sponsor will need to present their ID the copy of the visa of the housemaid.
I've noticed that this story and others like it in the Gulf Times are always written by Nour Abuzant. Whoever she is, props to her for putting this out in the open--the papers here only started covering such stories in recent years. People need to be aware and cautious.
Those horrible guys will get what is coming to them, in this life or the next. And I hope the woman can get past this somehow. :(
What happened to the men who were supposed to meet her?
How are arriving housemaids protected at the Doha airport from men pretending to pick them up? Are the housemaids told the names of who they are supposed to meet (agency or otherwise)?
It sounds like, in this case, some guys hanging around the airport saw a young, cute, unaccompanied Filipina. They wanted to have some fun so they pretended to be her agency. I wonder if her agency in Manilla told her the names of who to meet in Doha.
to the world? It is getting more and more sick day by day :( So sad to hear and my deepest condolence ...
Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present moment. (Gautama Buddha)
This is disgusting,, i cant imagine what this poor girl went through, alone in a strange country...
I agree with PM, rape is about abuse of power, has nothing to do with frustration..
I wanted to see these kinds of men their hands tied up and pour them with gasoline and be burnt to death. Now what would these poor girl happen in the future???
"There's nothing we can do to change the past, if it teaches you a lesson profit from it then, forget it."
The poor lady.... how traumatic...
Sponsors not meeting employees at airport is a big problem.. they should be fined too.
You are very vunerable when you first arrive.
Mir Dont insult all the men out there who are away from their partners and wouldn't dream of doing this....
I agree with PM. Ther are lots of men living away from their wife's gfs etc but to actually rape someone I guess something must be wrong in his head.
I'm getting confusing before I knew that the 2 usernames belong to same guy. Is that allowed to have two usernames ?
SPM i meant spice me up not you
If every one feeling frustrated going to rape some one I can't imagine the world how will be and I don't wanna know why they feel frustrated.
PM i agree with spicemeup and you this is a act of frustration and power all men have power but not all men are alike many men are living here without their wifes or with out any contact with the opposite sex so the frustration leads to these type of horrible acts....
I hope that the victem gets justice....
Life is a mystery..... you never know whats next.....
oh that's terrible, who'd do such a horrible thing??
Many r frustrated out there beware!!
this is UN-forgivable!
This is truly heartbreaking.
"To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment. "
Ralph Waldo Emerson
I hope also that the sponsor will get his share of punishment. He is the one who exposed this innocent lady to such dangers. Its not possible for a maid to identify who is who when she's picked.
These are crimes caused by the system of sponsorship in qatar, exploitation of workers, servitude and ....
Forgive & Forget.
Yeah i read it in Gulf times...and was really feeling sick. and it also highlights one very critical area tht these local sposors are not taking care of these ppl.
i feel pity for the innocent victims
but if it's shreea the punishment is death penalty for sure.
hope they will be arrested very soon
yes you right ishutanu, hope the rapist got raped by all the men in jail too. hehehehe karma is the best punishment for all.
Everybody is right Everybody is wrong, it depend where we stand.
mila the rapist should not just get 1000 lashes but just hanged till death khallas this type of men should not be left alive to spoil others life tooo
hard to beleive that such things happen in Qatar and its hard to find the culprits
Whenever I hear of something like this, I always wish I have special powers to identify these people, and personally bring them to hell.
This is sick. Hope the police catch the rapist and give him 1000 lashes.. or whatever rules applied to him for punishment. I hope the victim stay strong and can move on with her life.
Everybody is right Everybody is wrong, it depend where we stand.