Gulf Times has a shiny new website

By timebandit •
It's about time they sorted themselves out. 10 out of 10 for effort GT. Now please signup some journalists who don't rely upon press releases, and get some photographers out to events and incidents to provide richer content. But congratulations on heading in the right direction.
A step in the right direction!
A step in the right direction!
Joan Rivers has a new face also, but underneath she is still the same old Joan :O(
LOL... haven't seen that yet Fathima, will go and take a look now.
But still has room for improvements. They are quite over confident though. Check out the ongoing survey "What do you think of our new website?" the choices are only: Fantastic
Adequate and Acceptable. So sucks to anyone who thinks otherwise!
Here is Hussein Alfardan talking about their new website.
How is this for a statement from a staff writer:-
"But apparently no such rules apply to the illegal operators inside the airport."
LOL... who edits this paper?
However on trying to post an opinion I have discovered their text editor is not setup for English. It types from the right and the cursor has a mind of it's own. Quite challenging to write something.
And it has an opinions section. Hmmm this could get interesting.