Gulf Crisis Alternative Solution

Many countries are trying to mediate in the gulf crisis, but without success, in view of which, there is a need to explore the altenaive solutions, one of which may be that the Govt. of Qatar writes a letter to the crown prince of Saudi Arabia, mentioning that Qatar is a peaceful country and strongly believes in fostering relationship with its Arabian neighors other than any thing elese. In line with that, let us form a high level joint committee to look at the issues and problems with all openness.
I am sure, there shall be a reply and there stand a chance of 50% success.
EquinOx: Good ideas, but it will not work. The Emir of Qatar HRH Sheikh Tamim has indeed taken all steps and is continuing to do so to end this crisis and bring the Arabs together to live as brothers. The Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) was a great platform for keeping the member countries united and sharing their ideas and concerns in an friendly atmosphere. But there were the interest of others who saw their loss in this unity and as such were working overtime to break up this close relationship. Have they succeeded? Only time will tell.
Having said that, the saying goes that in every adversity there lies the seed of an equivalent advantage. In the end that will be true with Qatar. This is already proving itself on the ground with prices of some consumables hitting a record low level. Eggs are now available on the shelves for just QR 5.50 for a tray of 30. This was not the case before the crises when the lowest rate was QR 11 for the same quantity. I had never seen any item from Ukraine in Qatar but now this country has begun exporting to Qatar.
But in order to achieve more and nullify the effects of this unjust blockade, much more needs to be done than what is already being seen. There are many untapped sources of supply for items needed by Qatar and these sources should be exploited to the full. No doubt, some new sources have already entered the market but the real ones have not. That I believe is simply because those who are already here in the market and have been sitting here for decades, do not want products of other countries except their own countries to enter Qatar. Recently, I tried to get very good quality rice from my country (not Basmati) which would have come in at a better price simply because my country is closer to Qatar by sea and by air route than several other countries that are exporting goods here. Hence, it enjoys an advantage of lower freight costs compared to other countries. And then there is a direct shipping service that I guess has now begun. I ran into a wall of resistance. Importing companies where majority of positions are are dominated by people from one country, just do not allow products from other countries to enter Qatar. Possibly, they have their personal interests involved and where personal interest hold sway, the interest of Qatar gets shoved aside.
This is the time when Qatar's national interest should be of prime importance to everyone whether one is a Qatari national, or otherwise. We should look over personal interests or the just the interest of ones own country, and play our individual roles that will result in a slap on the faces of those countries who have lodged an economic blockade on Qatar.