Group members only?

Restricting access and commenting to members only, did it bring positive thing/s to the community as a whole?
It seems that the group activeness on board become dull if not nil. Should it be time to restore the old policy? At least then, non-member can participate in the discussion although could not start a group thread.
Hello Linna, You are welcome here. You may your own Topic here and we will discuss it, lets bring good fun here back ........ Good luck & joys .......... !!
I am also new here and my opinion: it's not quite user-friendly.
it's THEIR group! Remember, I was banned by the "good" people there!
so, are you happy now?
he he I have enjoyed reading your rants against your own group :)
you have problem with that?
exclusiveness has brought only more heart burn especially for you flor...
the exclusiveness of joining the discussion? Which means that non-member can participate in the discussion?
I say retain the groups but eliminate the membership.
Nomad, the rules are clear, as are the categories the threads should be posted in.
Anybody should be able to understand that, non?
...some topics are better discussed within a 'group' and in a language that is better understood by its members. Do we again want to see QL flooded with 'silly' threads discussed in strange languages?
Brit, I seen in daily life.
IMHO , groups create divisions, rather than bringing people together.
to make the groups "exclusive" to members only?
And if I follow your logic, does it mean that all along, this is the aim of the community, i.e., to remove the groups once and for all!
I think topics and posts should be open for discussion with everyone.
or there is an exception!
Groups should be done away with.
It seems like a Catch 22 situation... a country (or I can say some countries) specific issue posted on main forum more often than not gets into wrong hands and instead of controlling those users who led the carnage the post gets deleted and hence the discussion itself... the people of that country also cry foul even at the hint of an ensuing bashing. Post that topic in the group and the response is low as people who matter there are privy to it already except for a few, very few topics, which get into some discussion but then the discussion is deprived of a third persons perspective which I think, is what an online forum with people of different backgrounds, cultures, is all about.
But then since we don't pay to access QL we don't decide the just play on with whatever the rules are.
if anyone wants to write in their own language, let them go find their own website....
Groups and groupings should never be encouraged and all should be allowed to access and comment as in the main forum. Groups and groupings lead to crab minded mentality not only at QL but in the work place and everywhere else as is clearly evident in the society we live in out here.
the other channel. So, is this what QL wanted? Push the group to the other forums?
some restrictions around our society is for there is always getting a green while you never care the traffic problems..right????
who cares. groups shows the racist mentality of the people....
Yeah, I can feel his presence too :)
The Moderator is around... wait he might hear you ;)
I am a new user and I dont have membership in any groups. I find it highly inconvenient when I try to post comments in some very interesting topics posted in some arbitrary group.
Is that the reason why Qatar Living Indians Group is almost dead even though I see many Indians active on QL.