Government working hours in Ramadan

Doha, July 14 (QNA) - HE the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of State for Cabinet Affairs Ahmad bin Abdullah Al Mahmoud has issued a circular on the working hours during the holy month of Ramadan for the ministries, government bodies and public institutions.
On the occasion of the advent of the holy month of Ramadan for the Hijri year 1433, it was decided that working hours for civil employees will be five hours a day from 8:00 am till 1:00 pm, the circular said. (QNA)
check here (Speaking up policy), we shall have one in Qatar too.
you r welcome
Haaay..thank u..
tinatamad mga lahi nila pag ramadan kaya expect mo nalang na matatagalan konti ang visa mo.
Yes its just started today..and they told me that that the process will be affected by ramadan?? it possible?..does embassy do not process visas in ramdan?tnx
Ramadan has not yet started. Maybe your company has not yet started the process.
Hi!would u know if the visa processing is affected of ramadan? here in manila and waiting for my visa...thank u..
Hi!just wondering im here in manila and waiting for my visa..does ramadan affectd the processing of visas?the agency told me that it is because of ramadan that im waiting this so long..thank u
Become a muslim and you will work for 5 or 6 hours and you will go to heaven too. Am serious.
Makes no difference depends on your position and workload.
Like it or don't, that is your and my problem. This is their country, they do what they see as right and appropriate. who are we to complain or to raise an issue?? why are we here?? Our home countries spilled us out, rejected us, at least these people here allow us to work. If you do not like it leave it, go to your home country and do what you like.
but this is just in form. I work for the govt. but this is not followed, period! :(
Normal Days they are not working then how come in Ramadan Days???
I envy employees working in the Govt Sector, 5 hours + 9 Days full holiday..
we are all equal in this world.....fastin and non-fasting should be given equal treatment.
the law gives the maximum hours, u can make your workers work. but u can _as stated by the same law_ make them work less if u want, but not more without compensation (overtime, or an additional day off).
Again, they do what THEY want.
your sense is Right; Ramadan timing are universal but Management discriminate between fasting and non fasting employees to manage the work load.
Is this work timing applicable to all muslim and non-muslim employee?
It never changed since decades....
5 hours working for Govt and 6 hours working for private cos.
@LP_Labor law provides and restrict the maximum.
That's against the Labor Law, it says six hours! They change the laws as they like. Cool.