Got my Driving License in first attemp

By malikadnan •
Got my first Qatari driving license from Al-Rayya Driving School Madina Khalifa
My Instructor Mr. Faisal Wahab is really professional and gives very accurate driving lessons.
Although it was tough to pass the test but after going through all that... it is worth having it...
Thanks drsam and blue_rose for your valuable tips. Although I agian failed but then I changed my school from Gulf Driving to Al Khebra. There again I enrolled for a 12 days course and I was given the quite early just after 4 days of registration because the time was 9.00-10.00 PM. My instructor was very good and he taught the basics of pocket parking and of course the tips to pass the road test. So I gave the test, passed in the first attempt got the licence and now I drive.
i took and passed the direct test since i was already driving in my country (even though it was a right hand drive). took me around a week to adjust to left hand driving and the traffic rules here.
now its me, my car and the trapster app ;)
i wish you many happy trips to the traffic department.
let's barty....
Drive safely
Wow well done! I barely crawled through in my 6th!
congrats! good luck! ^_^ now additional traffic ^_^ hehehe
congratulations! enjoy and be safe...
i passed the pocket parking in gulf driving school in first test itself after having 20 days class only.even after 10 days of training my instructor was telling me u can easily pass.thats because what ever he teaches i learn quickly and use my mind for techniques n all.
first of all, practice makes perfect doesnot go with driving.u cant pass the test by only practicing.u have to understand it properly the techniques n all.
if u only want to pass the test without any understanding then u may note the pole color and distance and when to turn full right or left then reverse up to curtain ditance and its parked.
hope it helps and good luck
I took the test 2 times in Gulf Driving School and failed. The next test is due on 19th May,2011. Please give me some tips to pass the pocket parking because daily I have to travel to Ras Laffan
Thanx for the tips ma friend :)
I passed too :) and ma friends..seems like its pretty easy if u have presence of mind. Thanx again.
I envy u !!!! my 3rd attempt coming up.... hopefully i pass my road test this time.... anyways, congrats and drive safely.... do give me lift sometimes !!!
Thanx alot ma dear friend :)
It will help me alot :)Thanx again :)
Make sure u r confident in what ever u r doing.
Test day
arrive early
look for your papers
pay the test fee
go to signal test window
give the signal test
learn by heart all the signals cz they ask the signals very quickly
go out side and get a car
drive on the slop L
and do the pocket parking
wait for the bus
get in the bus and perform the road test.
When u will enter the car adjust the following
- Seat
- Side mirrors
- Back mirrors
- put on seat belt
- give the indicator
- put the car in first gear
- release the hand break (should be done at the last)
- now look both ways and drive on the road.
- when ever u r taking the turn look both ways, mirror and back mirror
- make sure u shift all the gears accordingly
- now when the inspector says park!!
- give indicator
- look back mirror and side mirror
- then park the car on the side of the road
- take the car off the road and make sure that ur distance from the road side should be approximatly 2 feet
- park the car parrallel to the road
- now turn the on the warning lights (or wt ever they are called)
- neutral the gear
- remember to put on the hand break
thats it
Whoollaaa !!!!
u r pass!!!!
Good luck
got ur license, but not fine
rofl - first time lol
(gulps back laughter) good luck with that ;-/
congrats, happy and safe driving. be confident and stick to strict driving rules(which unfortunately no driving school teaches here)have patience and stay away from cars with saudi license plate and land cruisers, and rest should be fine. all the best.
Congratulations,drive slowly and be vigilant at all times when you are on the road.
Be careful of other drivers and pedestrians as well.Always remember,you are the eyes,ears and brain of your car,It does not have it's own.
good news!!!!
lucky person.
now just don't drive alone for 1 month.
drive with your friend who know good driving.
because it's not safe to drive alone for new drivers. i also did that. drive at less traffic. best of luck
Well well well, we have another LILI ROCHBERFORT
cONTRATS , KEEP IT Up but don't fly o.k???????
lisitin to Lina good experiance in Car.....
The word here is patience
not by seeing the post but the comments.every body gave a positive comment.where r those !@# who are always !@#$.
are they off the way congrates and drive safe...............
Congrats mate :)
I got ma test on 10th...wish me luck.
How it went ??? U got any advice for me ???
Aaawwwhhh thank u my friends... i really appreciate your concerns...
Ill definitly be carefull and look forward to all the safety precautions... Inshallah...
thanks once again
Do not buy a new car immediately, buy a second hand car and first learn for something to make yourself perfect like drive on small street, do parking and then a little later move on road
Well done but please do not get excited as excitment and then taking the car on the road immediately might cause an accident, so be safe and drive safe and think about your loved ones when you drive fast or recklessly
congrates..driving is easy
Congrats and happy and safe driving.