Got fine of 1000 Qr and 3 points

By Qexpart777 •
Hi i have got a Fine 1000qr and 3 points for license rating . i found out it is for parking in disabled parking space . but i never parked in the mentioned area is my gutt feeling since i never parked just passed trough the steert lane that is mentioned in trafic voilation in website .
My question is where can i go to clear my doubts in this matter and can i get know is it trafic departments mistake ? . can i get it removed from my licsence if i not guilty ?
kindly reply in brief
Speak with sweetness to the officer my pal. Tell him about your little children and you will have joys
Go to the main police station .. See the Captain if necessary .. Explain your case .. If you're not guilty then all will be well ..
Having said that .. Three points is not much