Goodnight and Good Luck…

Ok so the Al Jazeera English story is getting stranger by the second...
According to the Guardian story that "Steve Clark… resigned at the end of last week… saying his resignation had been a difficult decision." What bollocks… the fact is that Mr. Clark was at the end of his contract and the staff, (and I'm sure the administration), were fed up of his lack of engagement with his work. To most of us at the channel Mr. Clark's departure was a relief… as in big relief. His personal appointment of his then mistress, and now wife, Jo Bergin was big gossip at the channel and of course continues to be big gossip with her eventual dismissal and current lawsuit. No-one is making mention of the fact that she's lost the first part of her lawsuit for unfair dismissal and I doubt she'll get anywhere with the second part which is citing "race, religion, and gender discrimination". Hard to fathom when over half the staff of AJE are women who are Christian (like me), Jewish, white, black, Muslim, Buddhist, and on and on. The fact was that she was useless at her job and deserved to be let go. And ditto for her husband.
Not hard to see why Mr. Clark left… hard to be the Director of News when you are the news.
Cross posted on my blog
very interesting..funny how things get reported
i think our ngourlay already posted the same exact writing like this long long time ago.
Everybody is right Everybody is wrong, it depend where we stand.
theres always two sides to every story...get in