Goodie Good Morning Weekend!

This is always new around this time,
This is always welcomed around this time,
This is so wanted after all this time,
Once it comes, it freaking goes away in no time...
All about time,
Its that time of the week, "WEEKEND - TIME"
And people, welcome aboard, Subah-al-khair, Namaste, umaga (Tagalog), Bonjour,
And a Very Very Good Morning Everyone...
What's happening over the weekend?
I know I come up with this Weekend thread each weekend, but people I feel this is much better to light-start the day rather than all the serious questionnaire that some new folks put up, all the interesting news that turn into violence, racism and hatred in other threads...
So thats why, get your azzes in here and before which...
Happy weekend every1, this day is so bad for me, why? secret hihihi!
- better learned from the PAST -
Rizks your head is a cricket pitch or the New Doha International Airport? Since when did u start wearing shoes? I will SPIT shine your shoes dont worry man it will be as shining as your head, you wont even need a mirror :P
Good Fortune always comes knocking at your door...when you are sh*tting in the toilet!! :)
and of course, thursday will not pass without KSA's thursday thread :D)
HAPPY WEEKEND everyone... OK back to work :D)
lol on expired panadols Rizks, how about u try them first, let's see what happens :P .. anyway, panadols don't do wonders for me anymore, so i've switched to ibuprofen... :P
Jamille why not try Banadols, but this time use the expired one- it may give u a KICK....:)
Smokey SIR, tats so kind of you.
By the way, my head used to be very soft many years back when i used to have Soft n Silky Hairs but now ?? Only a clean cricket Pitch ...:(
Tongue cleaning ?? hmmmmm then i shall give my shoes as well ...:)
Ur Most welcome any TIME, Tide - dear SIR... !!
lol ksa, my day has just begun and i still feel sooooooo uugghh.... pain killer's not doing the job :/
Rizks baba i dont mind moping the tiles at all...i heard your head is so soft it absorbs all the dirt instantly. I dont like doing dishes, but for you bro i dont mind cleaning it with my tongue you wont even need dish washing soap :) What time do i come?
Good Fortune always comes knocking at your door...when you are sh*tting in the toilet!! :)
Definately not the same party.. smoke.. you rightly pointed that there can only be one handsome man the party and that ain't you smokey
good morning Arien and great WE to you too.
I look forward to this thread every thursday... just to get ideas for things i may want to do myself for the weekend. Although I may have to sit or may be lay this one out...a bit sick and lazy to do anything.
Hope that everyone enjoys their weekend. :)
Good morning
Smoke if ur not tat much busy on SAT, i shall invite you to MOP the tiles of my house and some dish washing ??
If you dont mind SIR...:)
Good lord UKeng i hope we are both not going to the same party tonight, there can only be ONE handsome man at a party and thats ME. Oh well speaking of which yeah me got a bbq party tonight, then i shall be going rambling in my nicely washed car may be till 3 am, Friday invited for lunch, then perhaps a movie, then in the evening some pool, then more rambling and coffee, Sat is still open if anyone wants to book me for lunch or dinner i think i'm available :P
Good Fortune always comes knocking at your door...when you are sh*tting in the toilet!! :)
Good Morning DA,KSA,Rizk,MJ,UKeng,smoky,Panda,vegas....
Have a Gr8 weekend.
- Listen to Many...Speak to a Few -
Very Busy weekend planned..
Party tonight, sailing to Banana Island Friday,
Industrial Area and shopping on Saturday..
Good Morning KSA.. and the rest.
lol Smoke..
KSA baby please lets not talk about submitting and taking arses here in the mains, thats what we have PM's for lol
about the busy weekend plan, I shall tell when you shall call :p
Good Fortune always comes knocking at your door...when you are sh*tting in the toilet!! :)
Good morning KSA....week end at work as usual.
you will never know.
Hmm i wonder how Darude manages to enter Irish if its only for couples? Which lady in her right mind would want to be seen with a camel? Oh wait unless u mean "couple" as in any two people like same sex? coz rizks seems to go missing every weekends :P
Good Fortune always comes knocking at your door...when you are sh*tting in the toilet!! :)
Ello my dear buddy...
Busy Weekend planned, what is cooking? Do tell...
And hmmm alright mate...hopefully I should be handing over your azz back to you rather than submitting mine ... Will surely come along to playing balls and sticks my friend... whats happening for the weekend?
Ello Ello all my smokeaholics and that includes you KSA lol
Bonjour to everybody, yep the weekend is finally upon us and boy do i have a busy weekend planned! Some how i feel the weekdays go by quicker than the weekends hmmm strange.
KSA boy your arse is waiting to be handed to you at the pool tables on Friday, come along to save your izzat.
Good Fortune always comes knocking at your door...when you are sh*tting in the toilet!! :)
I know you dont need any membership, I was asking cos you only seem to be picking that place... :P
you dont need any membership there.
orion is open Irish is couple.
I almost forgot...morning and come on come on get your azz out of bed and start the day will ya...
Its about time you start the day girl...morning!
Rizks, good morning you doing, hows the family...kya haal chaal...
DaRude...seriously you got a membership at that stupid place Orion, I mean everytime you go is so lame music...I mean how could you call that music...!!!
Vegas...morning buddy, too early to be having anything for today most probably next Thursday we should set things on motion...!!!
with Red Pope.
Ok Al March to Orion tonight and if you dont find me there then to Irish harp.
You can't teach experience...
A Very Good Morning Ksarat bhai and dear QL'ers...
Ksarat did you bought a new watch or wat, tat r goin on mentioning abt time ?? :)
Anywayz hav a great Morning and Weekeend ALL..!!
too lazy to get up today but i kinda have to so i did... woke up with a spinning head this morning, hope to get better during the day.. good morning anyway...