Good Samaritans

November 01, 2008
To the two of you and those others who bothered going out of their way to help me... my sincerest thank you!!
For what?
Today, past 10PM as i drive towards home from a short erands. Coming pass by Jaidah flyover towards Mansoura signal, i hit the brakes in quick response to that car ahead of me suddenly stopping. That was a knee jerk reaction which jolted my engine to a sudden stop.
Just when you thought things are going smoothly, that is when you get to find some harsh realization. As it happened, i get to realize that my Battery is Very Weak! Damn fool of was like a struck of lightning as i came to realize that i am way overdue with my regular 5K maintenance check-up/tune-up.
Was it my car's own way of reminding me? I am not sure about that but it definitely kicked hard at the back of my head. I MUST take him to service shop as quickly as possible, have the oil changed and the other basic checks conducted especially the battery.
It was combined shame and worry as i sit haplessly at the middle of the road blocking the traffic behind me. I clicked and clicked ignition to restart my engine to no avail....
Then they came.... the Good Samaritans.
The first guy which i thought was a "local, qatari" got out of his way, manuevered his Land cruiser to face my car and tried to jump start via battery cables. But the cables were'nt cooperative either, it looked badly rusted. Not a single spark manifested as he shorted the clamps.... whoah, this is what i call, one of those days!!
He had endowed enough help and i cannot ask for more and he must go ahead with his way, but before that he helped me furthermore by pushing my car to the shoulder. That was really very generous help accorded by him and i cannot say enough thanks for that.
As i decided to keep my car there for a while and look for some open car shops nearby, it strucked me harder upon realizing that luck is not really on my favor today as all shops are already closed.
Last resort, being a manual gear is to have my car push-jerk started. If only i can get someone to push. I asked two bystanders, i think they were Southern Asians but cannot understand some english... tough luck again.
While standing beside my car thinking of what to do next...the second samaritan, probably a "jordanian" came. He asked me what is the problem and thereafter, parked his car behind mine and asked if i can push-jerk start. I know i can but asked him instead if he can. Yes as he says, with some respect, i let him to do it while i push.... Voila!!
Unknowingly, they found themselves the big hero of that moment! They knew how grateful i was and we parted ways with me bidding them the biggest thanks and warmest send off.
To all of you guys, unfortunately i forgot to ask your names but your help had really enlightened a poor soul on one of his dark moments. You know who you are and your kind deeds in helping will be highly rewarded on the proper time.
Once again, my heartfelt thanks to all of you, may God and Allah bless you always!
you will find a lot of good samaritans here actually... i bumped into a few before when i had an emergency thingy... it's really overwhelming... God bless them...
reading the post about 'Bad Young Qataris' ... lol