Good morning Folks...

Hey there everyone,
A fantastic and a lovely morning to you...
It's been really long that one has actually wished Good Morning...
And nowadays on these Chilly Mornings...(I know not still exactly chilly for a few), with loads of traffic, and loads of stupid construction activities, adding to the traffic hassles...
It is always really good to actually be wishing all of you, who are getting to the offices, waking up from sleep, making breakfast for your family, dropping children at schools, going jogging (topfull, or topless)...
"December is here, (alright about 2 days ago), Eid, Christmas, New Years, all around the corner, come on people, get those shopping carts rolling, the bucks spinning the wheel, and all of you it's high time you get into the Festive Season Mode, please remember, this Christmas and NEw Years, anyone who want to give me presents and sweets are most welcome, don't get too shy, my calendar is wide open for taking treats, LOL..."
Cheers then...
Good mornng to u 2
"Drink Beer Save Water"
staying home... for
Good morning.. ops, good evening to everyone!!!
Whatever Turns You ON...
I am 3 minutes short of evening..
However, How could I have ever missed this thread today.
..**.. ""They walk among us. They vote & they even reproduce"" ..**..
Hey there girl, how you doing...hows things going today...missed you a late did you turn up...sheeesh...
So whats been on the agenda for today...
" Live Life To The Fullest ! Enjoy Yourself "
oh, it's already afternoon... wow.. a loads of work today...anyway.. thanks a lot...
Whatever Turns You ON...
take care buddy, I'm off a little moment...see yas laters...
Have a fabulous evening...hey don't you dare scoot off without informing us that can always call us anytime...
" Live Life To The Fullest ! Enjoy Yourself "
Kasey buddy, am here but am afraid am not going to be here any longer $-0
I will check you out later chief!
People are very inclined to set moral standards for others.
~Elizabeth Drew, The New Yorker, 16 February 1987
Alright buddy, take care and have a good sleep...
cheers...catch ya laterzzzzzzz
" Live Life To The Fullest ! Enjoy Yourself "
finished working hardly and reached home had my lunch and now i'm off to take my beauty sleep:)
Where there is Fire...There is Coke. Where there is Rum..There is Smoke - Sir Smoke-a-Lot
Come on FC...I can't be waiting all day...where in the world are you...
Already left to Dubai and Bahrain...
Smokey dude...where are any chance are you working...hard...or hardly working...LOL...
" Live Life To The Fullest ! Enjoy Yourself "
Behold Rise of the Smoke! i'm quite alive and ready to kick who wants some?
Where there is Fire...There is Coke. Where there is Rum..There is Smoke - Sir Smoke-a-Lot
No Problemo, was just checking on people, if they are actually QL looks like a lot of DEAD MEN AND WOMEN WALKING...LOL...
Take your time...cheers...
" Live Life To The Fullest ! Enjoy Yourself "
Sorry Kasey buddy, am having a break from being out of mind at the moment. I will be with you in awhile $-0
People are very inclined to set moral standards for others.
~Elizabeth Drew, The New Yorker, 16 February 1987
Wonder where are the people...folks sleeping time or what...
Start of the week...
" Live Life To The Fullest ! Enjoy Yourself "
Good Morning!!!!!
Hey buddy, whats this on and off reply posts that you are sending...looks like you are a lot busy...are you playing poker by any chance at office...LOL...
Alright sounds like a deal to me...where is the PM...have you already sent it...?
Where is Smokey...wonder what he has on his mind...?
Which day did you suggest...rather than about a quick drink on one of these days, and we call it a bit even...for a start...
" Live Life To The Fullest ! Enjoy Yourself "
Ok Kasey buddy & smokey baby, how can I make it up to both of you. Next time we will have a party and since you like playing cards, I suggest a poker game, you take ur bet, strip or a shot! $-0
The full details on PM!
People are very inclined to set moral standards for others.
~Elizabeth Drew, The New Yorker, 16 February 1987
lol i was working the past two weeks..hehehehe..but now im free as a birt (sort of) to attend this bowling and get even with darude for bruising me the last time (kind of hard for me to forget ya know...)...:P
[img_assist|nid=12867|link=none|align=left|width=|height=0]Nothing in life is to be feared. It is only to be understood.
Hey there buddy,
Good to see you off from work...(when did you do work champ...LOL)...tomorrow's bowling Event...well I have to see...I'm quite tied up in this Event that I if i scoot off from that...I'm there...lets see... shouldn't be too bothered with food this season...and diet ofcourse...
" Live Life To The Fullest ! Enjoy Yourself "
yeah i can see that off from troublesome work today (hooray!)..will you attend Darude's bowling tomorrow?..
December..i have to forget dieting..there will be a lot of food hehehehee...
[img_assist|nid=12867|link=none|align=left|width=|height=0]Nothing in life is to be feared. It is only to be understood.
Good to see you online was about you doing...morning to you by the way...
Indeed...we are in for a festive season shortly...
" Live Life To The Fullest ! Enjoy Yourself "
FC Babe...O well, as little as I can say a reason for explanation for your French exit...(you could have PMed us...LOL...remember)) and now tell us how you going to make it upto us...
So girl, Dubai and Bahrain...I'm heading Bahrain around Christmas any you headed with your hubby are you?
" Live Life To The Fullest ! Enjoy Yourself "
morning everyone.. a bit late for my what's happening off from a stressful will see a lot of me here..(hopefully)
[img_assist|nid=12867|link=none|align=left|width=|height=0]Nothing in life is to be feared. It is only to be understood.
Right then… my long awaited explanation to my Kasey buddy and Smokey baby, I did my French exit last Thursday without leaving both of you a note when and where is the party because I don’t know you’re personal contact details and I just can’t carelessly posted it here, remember those loonies around here and am not sure if you are these young lad with oozing sex appeal to mingle with my fabulous friends, lol!
Scarlett, darling I will be eloping on eid to Dubai the Christmas in Bahrain, where are you going?
People are very inclined to set moral standards for others.
~Elizabeth Drew, The New Yorker, 16 February 1987
Jasskat take care in trying to protect this thread see that you dont get hijacked on the way
all the regulars are expert in this field
I would rather have one rose and a kind word from a friend while I'm here
Than a whole truck load when I'm gone
well, I do my best :D As Da will tell you, I am just the sweetest...
tra la la
So sweet of you, to keep hijackers away from this place...
" Live Life To The Fullest ! Enjoy Yourself "
Don't you dare try anything...sorry Ksarat, he keeps hijacking but I will teach him his lesson :D *waves around bag of special candy for Da*
tra la la
Scarlett...Naaz store for Tinsel..
You get every decorative item for Christmas there. Even the Christmas Tree...which was sold out last year in Carrefour.
I can only give you a general direction of that area. Its near the Sofitel/Mecure Hotel, another landmark is "Parthas" Saree shop.
They have 2 quality stuff. One is "Original" other is "Chinese", I guess both are Chinese but the original ones have a better quality.
So when ever the shopkeeper shows you a costly item like a tree or twinkle-lights he shows you the better quality one. Take if if you are satisfied, else if you say "Gosh this much!!??!!, is there anything lower?" ...then he comes with the "Chinese" ones.
The price difference is almost 40%.
As for my decoration I will start on the 23rd ....lazy
but this time dont drive fast coz i wont go above 80km/h :( damn its going to be a long way to dukhan and umbab and zubara.
Fair enough paaji...let them girls get online and let me fix us some good driving around Doha treats....ok...
" Live Life To The Fullest ! Enjoy Yourself "
dont leave or i will damn this jass with toxic from her lab the one she is making sweets out of for me :?
ah Scarlett, have a good day and dont shop too hard :D
tra la la
i will ring their bells Jass, Jauntie and Jasmine
while you ring FC, Scarlett and Shreeya Maria.m
Damn there's a fire drill... I'll get back to you guys!
People are very inclined to set moral standards for others.
~Elizabeth Drew, The New Yorker, 16 February 1987
I'm making you some special holiday sweets right now in my lab....yum ymu eat up :D
tra la la
keep it up while I am gone...they'll never suspect us...hehehe..OOPS!!! reminded me of that old song..Ring MY I'm going to have that on my mind all day long!
Alright Jassie...I trust ya...for a moment...only...
Scarlett...take care and come back on later in the see where the festivities have reached so far...
Da Rude: Paaji, I'm also planning on heading and crashing on someone's gate...where shall we go...
" Live Life To The Fullest ! Enjoy Yourself "
Scarlett and I are just defending the thread from Darude and his hijacking ways.... thats all...I swear *has innocent smile across face*
tra la la
i gotta go get myself busy for the rest of the day...c y'll later on guys!!
is a big time hijacker i know him well he will just get in every thing. Talking about Xmas whose bell should i ring for sweets ?? Jass urs or Jauntie or Ksarat or Scar or Tcom??
The 3 of you, don't you get started already...I can see the things fuming up, the lights firing up...I'm warning the three of you...don't make me come out to your places and the whack the crap out of you to attempt to hijack my thread...
You are on festive modes, XMAS Trees, Shopping lists, Wishlists...thats all stay there...don't get too far...LOL...
" Live Life To The Fullest ! Enjoy Yourself "
dictionary when i come back next time...the newest version so you can tell us off (or know when we are telling YOU off) in redneck...
where is my red neck dictionary :?
I never was all was...
And you are quite welcome tcom...but you know I'll have your hide if they end up in
I can see...but we are still on the lines of the topic...Festive that's ok...unless the 3 of you get into the threesome act and spoil and rip off my thread...LOL
" Live Life To The Fullest ! Enjoy Yourself "
Don't worry, I wont hijack this thread, I'm having too much fun thinking of shopping. :P With a million dollar cheque?? I'll give it away... give others the chance to start a shoe collection :D
Scarlett...I love that idea, can we have matching tennis bracelets and earings??
tra la la
far as I can tell here...tree's up, food stuff's much as i could having son ship me a box of things from home...
who hijacks any thread and expect me to join them in no time see they came here b4 me on ur topic and they almost hijacked half of r topic paye :D
Just struck me a thought...
How about who ever is interested though...
Having a "Best Christmas Tree Competition"...
what do you think guys and gals...get those trees stocked up decorated, and then at the end of the year about 30th or so, we decide and pick a winner...I'm sure there will be many of you doing some lovely trees...
what do you think people...
" Live Life To The Fullest ! Enjoy Yourself "
Thanks scarlet for your trust so sweet of you
I would rather have one rose and a kind word from a friend while I'm here
Than a whole truck load when I'm gone
Christmas is comming near...and the geese are getting fat...
How many have allready started working on their Christmas Tree ....?
How many will be building the Crib..?
How many have already started their shopping?
Tinsels, bells, lights?
Put your hands up guys & girls.
Back home I had designed an elaborate (modern) crib with a well, a road, street-light, lights in the stable, sand dunes & grass, (I had even planned a waterfall but could not get it done and all....
This time for me it only gonna be the Tree.
Now the both of you Jassie, and Da Rude: Keep your fights out of this thread, I know pretty well, how the two of you get cozy...on any thread, so don't even think of doing that here...LOL...
Da Rude: Morning paaji, how you doing...
FC: I'm still waiting on that explanation...*by the way, you are not going to be here for Christmas, O so you have to make it up to the two of us before you leave...where you heading girl...
Jassie: Girl, O well, I will leave your shopping outof the spree...I wonder what you would do if you are given one of those Millionaire cheques... a walkin for shoes...O my...and yea and Scar...helping the Economy of Qatar...what do you think it isn't good now?
" Live Life To The Fullest ! Enjoy Yourself "
you know that!! now you i would trust with my
diamond studded sports shoes..
Scarlet i am here too.... dont forget me
I would rather have one rose and a kind word from a friend while I'm here
Than a whole truck load when I'm gone
I added myself to the original group to a) drop the boys off, b) check just WHO was taking them out...I know some of you WAYYY too well...lmao
Ok, so who's leaving when for the holidays??? roll call!!!
Hmm, better be nice or you will just get a stocking full of coal :/
tra la la
That would be trouble indeed....Doha would be cleaned out :P Maybe we can start our sport team....have gucci uniforms?? We can shop for them too :D
tra la la
but now..better check Santa's list to see which one you are on..naughty or might have to spend the holidays in your kennel...
Sheeesh will have to wait a bit longer...for the cookies and hot chocolate...maybe on a Friday morning in the New Year 2008...some nice cookies, Hot Chocolate...and some pleasant times with friends and folks should be the ideal way to st things up for the New Year ...don't you think so...?
And regd the boys, no problemo girl, infact that should be the way to go...except for the Part "WHAT ARE YOU DOING IN THAT ITENARY???"...
Hmmm...what will the security guard do with the keys...and I'm sure I have the Ambulance number on hand to call to get the sec guy admitted into the hospital...see I'm ready to take care of him as well...even now...don't you think so...*pretty pls...look at bout we have Corne join us...she is a good girl and will keep us and the house under check *...
" Live Life To The Fullest ! Enjoy Yourself "
early...where you heading, hon?
Oh scarlett darling, I would volunteer to guard your house while you're away but I am also going for Christmas. I will miss those cookies & hot chocolates $-(
People are very inclined to set moral standards for others.
~Elizabeth Drew, The New Yorker, 16 February 1987
want some? then come get some?? will try to give you more then ur expectation. Good Morning
you aren't here to go shopping with me...I'm in the mood to BUY...whatever..we could certainly increase the Doha economy just from us heading out together...
How'd you know my plan?? If I put the food out, he wouldn't even notice if a elephant went by :P It's a good thing that he never goes in my shoe closet... its walk in...uhhhtooohhhhh
tra la la
too much eating too early and no one enjoys it...we all feel like a stuffed turkey...
lol about the boy being left alone...actually, that's kinda what i had guys take them out with me then head off on your own...ohh dear, what DID I just do???!!!
and no, still not leaving you and smoke with my house keys..would give the security guard a heart attack..
You bring home Dinner because... yeah right...LOL... there are other things that you buy off, that (you don't need, and didn't probably go for in the first place) and wan't to keep that out of sight of your hubby with some good know as they say...
The best way to get to a man is through this stomach...LOL...(I hope I got that saying right)...
" Live Life To The Fullest ! Enjoy Yourself "
Sounds like a pleasing enough bribe...but it would have been better if you had left the keys with us...*O come on, we Assure you that you will have your house back in one Piece and not a Jigsaw Puzzle...LOL*...
Don;t you worry girl, get your kiddos here...they should be in for a pleasant the same time we will also ensure that Mommy isn't around though...LOL...
Cookies and Hot Chocolate...So you mean the first week of December right...or did you just mean January...Yuckkkkk...with that on offer, why is the festive season so late...
I think we all should catch up after New Years...but this time I guess we have to make it at someone's place...rather than a Pub...I mean that's on my mind, pubs are getting a bit too boring and noisy to have a good time...
So lets see how things go...but think about that option of leaving us boys HOMEALONE (Part 5)...LOL
" Live Life To The Fullest ! Enjoy Yourself "
oh, but I bring home dinner :D And yes, I am very lucky :D :D
tra la la
O this month is sure getting expensive...he is crying...and on top of that he is serving you breakfast and the morning...Jassie, you are riding on your luck to find such a nice guy don't you...LOL...
The next month should be good to view with all the bills...
" Live Life To The Fullest ! Enjoy Yourself "
I do that too Jass...then look at everything when you open the car boot and go utohhh...hmmm.. way am i leaving my house keys with you two guys.. do you think I look that naieve??? lol Tell you what tho...I'm about to get geared up for Christmas baking and will bake extras for everyone..then we'll have to have a get together and eat cookies and hot's that sound? I don't leave until the 25th but will be back on the 1st of jan..with the we'll ALL get together youngsters need to show my boys a good time, without getting them thrown in jail!!
Getting Clever eyy...what's this FA thing...and no I wasn't on board with Emirates...I partied for a simple reason, not because you eloped( which is one of the reasons though)...but purely because I was too much into the frenzy of playing cards and getting drunk...
But I didn't see you that day, which is why I was forced to party, in all the sadness...that you eloped know the kinda like getting drunk to forget your worries...LOL...
I was with a couple of ma Emirates or Etihad...for sure...unlike you girl...*Darn You *...
And now your explanation...*I'm still waiting*.
" Live Life To The Fullest ! Enjoy Yourself "
Good morning Scarlett! It was my goal to have the house decorated this weekend, but alas, I got a little lazy :D
NExt weekend though, I swear :/
But shopping, I've been doing that non stop... I think I'm addicted cause I come home with stuff that I cannot believe I bought. Husband has taken to texting me while I am in a store saying "dont buy other stuff if you cant find what you went for" Oh, he knows me too well as I always receive those messages in the shoe department when I went for shirts for him!
tra la la
Seriously, dude, it wasn't meant to be a hangover, but it was all adding up to that...had quite a few drinks, and played Cards with freinds till about 2 a.m so it was a really good thing, that added up, after so many years it was that scene, party with friends over a whisky, and some playing cards...
Will return this the next couple of days for sure...
" Live Life To The Fullest ! Enjoy Yourself "
Hey kasey buddy, I demand an explanation as well why you went on a party without telling me as well, don't reason out because I eloped! You could have tell me earlier so we can be wasted together at the same party (your party). Btw, who are you with? Don't tell me FA from Emirates?
Good morning fabulous Scarlett $-0
People are very inclined to set moral standards for others.
~Elizabeth Drew, The New Yorker, 16 February 1987
sarat so much i wanted to have a bbq but it was not to be no problem hmmmm i hate hangovers so never go over my limit
smokee wake up dude dont daydream in your office we dont have chimneys here and BTW no santa also sorry to dash your hopes about santa... but dont worry FC will come dressed as a santa to bring you gifts
I would rather have one rose and a kind word from a friend while I'm here
Than a whole truck load when I'm gone
@ JAssie: O I'm sure that would have been the scene...LOL...god imagination...more like the Tom & Jerry cartoon, where in one cartoon, the Maid owner of the house keeps yelling at Tom, to stay awake and keep Jerry out of the Refridgerator, but this cat is all staring hard to stay awake...and then finally ends up at the kitchen himself...LOL...
@Scarlett: Hey there beautiful, O how are you my many events on your calendar looks like...I guess you ain't going to be here for the Festive season right, last time I remember you mentioning something about scooting away to Europe...
Do that alright, but remember to give me the keys to your house, so me and smokey can feast on the festivities at your place girl, LOL...stock up the place alright, don't leave it empty...I'm warning you...
And yes indeed, Happy Holiday Season...It's always a good feeling to get into December...
" Live Life To The Fullest ! Enjoy Yourself "
and smoke, tcom, jass, senti and fc! goodnight to you Vegas!
Ahh December...the month of buying stuff for everything and everyone...then comes Jan when the bills come in...lmao...We have a ton of activities here..both birthdays plus anniversary, and Christmas. Hmm..guess I better get myself in gear and go shopping..time is flying!!
DID get the house decorated this past weekend, for Christmas..that's a biggie off my TO DO list.
I wish each and every one a very happy holiday season (early!) since there are so many(holidays and people!)!!!
Oh no, I am munching away while he grumbles, I look at his food and eye it and ask if he is going to eat it while I reach for it :D Of course, he just smiles and starts eating before its too late :D
tra la la
Don't you get too close and cozy with me ... no hugs...stay away...that is not a good enough explanation...
I know it is good to get wasted once in a should have asked us to waste you, I'm sure we'd love to do that to our good old friend FC...but you decided on going elsewhere and getting wasted...humppphhhh...
Alright bygones are bygones, now if I were to get even with you , how are you planning to make it us to the both of us...* you better come up with a good suggestion*
" Live Life To The Fullest ! Enjoy Yourself "
Smokey, get your hands off me mate...LOL...yea right...pls...camel milk I can't think of it...speaking of Milk...I rather get myself a Coffee...anyone for a coffee...*EXCEPT FC* Coffee for you girl...untill you give us an explanation...
I know you hate Smokey's cat...but still, that doesn't warrant you not to invite us...and even though Smokey still doesn't ride a Ferrari, but he is still aspiring right...
" Live Life To The Fullest ! Enjoy Yourself "
I bet smokey wouldn't mind me not inviting him, its with the FA of QA so how can I dare to invite him, I found out he got a bad blood with them. $-0
Sorry Kasey baby, I was in a rush that day, I had a blast thursday night but the next morning felt so horrible, anyways its nice to get wasted once in awhile, don't you think so buddy? *hug*
People are very inclined to set moral standards for others.
~Elizabeth Drew, The New Yorker, 16 February 1987
yeah FC dont u buddy buddy us...ur just using me for my good looks and Kasrat...hmmm well for his...err u know...hmmmm oh yeah for his camel milk...Plus u just want to keep all the pretty QA staff to urself. I demand an explaination right now.
Where there is Fire...There is Coke. Where there is Rum..There is Smoke - Sir Smoke-a-Lot
@ TCom: O well, buddy, yeah the Independence Day holiday yes, but I'm talking about the Festive that's why I didn't put that in the list...sorry dude about your BBQ Set, I totally forgot...was stuck with a hangover on Friday...Head was almost about to break and know whenever we have drinks and get a hangover, the next day, we swear and take an oath not to drink, but that same evening we again end up having one...isn't that right or does it happen to me only...LOL...
@ JAssie: Buddy, are you actually listening to him grumble, or I'm sure you are pretty busy munching away on that breakfast...don't tell me you actually listen to him grumble...I can imagine the scene, funny, looking at the food in front of you and there your hubby, and he is talking and you are staring at the food...LOL...
@FC: Hey sweetie, how you doing, you know me and smokey are very angry with you, you went to the second party in the consecutive weekends and didn't bother to call bad can you get...hmmmmmph....*Looking away with hands folded*...
" Live Life To The Fullest ! Enjoy Yourself "
TCOM dont spoil the fun for us kids..if i say there's a chimney then there's a chimney, like when i say ur old ur a dinosaur. kapish?
Where there is Fire...There is Coke. Where there is Rum..There is Smoke - Sir Smoke-a-Lot
GUD GUD morning for everybody and good evening for
"Drink Beer Save Water"
hmmmm chimny .... doe we have chinmy here in doha or anywhere in the gulf
I would rather have one rose and a kind word from a friend while I'm here
Than a whole truck load when I'm gone
Good Morning Kasey buddy! This is a good start on QL today $-0
May all of us have a FABULOUS day!
People are very inclined to set moral standards for others.
~Elizabeth Drew, The New Yorker, 16 February 1987
Good morning all hey sarat how could you forget Independance day holiday
I would rather have one rose and a kind word from a friend while I'm here
Than a whole truck load when I'm gone
Morning???I'mgoing to bed thank you...
You can't teach experience...
he just brought me some food :D And also pointed out hoa cold he was and how brave he was to go get it...but I offered to go and he wouldn't hear of it!! I think he just likes to grumble, but I dont mind since my belly is full :D
tra la la
I'm sure Santa excuses his naughty children, he will come down your chimney, and bless you with some party chichs and some pole dancers for festival times soon enough...
So what's on your wish list of things...?
" Live Life To The Fullest ! Enjoy Yourself "
Morning to you too champ, so what sipping on coffee bought or made by your hubby...even today...LOL...
So hows the weekend been, and whats in store for your hubby's wallet during the festive season...?
" Live Life To The Fullest ! Enjoy Yourself "
I'm posting my letter to santa today, hopefully he knows i've been naughty but if he doesnt come down my chimney...somebodys gonna get hurt real bad....i'm not saying who...SOMEBODY.
Where there is Fire...There is Coke. Where there is Rum..There is Smoke - Sir Smoke-a-Lot
well, good morning to you :D
tra la la