Going to China

Hey QL junkies,
Im considering going to China sometime within the next month. Specifically Shanghai and Beijing. I was wondering if any1 here been there and if u could help me out if u did. I wanna know as much as possible. I would appreciate any feedback. Oh and dont forget to include nightlife if u have any clue as to what its like there.....thx
Next time insha'Allah! Don't forget to invite me to your bbq once your back! ;-)
Too bad I didn't see this thread ages ago.
I went to Shanghai and had a great time.
Found lots of arabic restaurants and arabian themed clubs.
Wrote alot about it on my blog.
Im off to the airport in 20 mins. Ill really miss talking to you guys here. Keep it fun.
Super Ill be calling you when I get back. Have ur # but been too busy arranging everything. Ciao guys....gotta split
Im off to the airport in 20 mins. Ill really miss talking to you guys here. Keep it fun.
Super Ill be calling you when I get back. Have ur # but been too busy arranging everything. Ciao guys....gotta split
I wish you enjoy your trip to China! Have fun mate!
Thank you for your update about planned travel to China in the near future. Now that I have looked at my travel schedule, I see that I now have work-related international travel in October & November.
I may need to start looking at dates in next Spring to travel to China. Possibly there would be a group of women who would like to join me in traveling from Doha to Beijing and Shanghai in May.
Thank you for your update about planned travel to China in the near future. Now that I have looked at my travel schedule, I see that I now have work-related international travel in October & November.
I may need to start looking at dates in next Spring to travel to China. Possibly there would be a group of women who would like to join me in traveling from Doha to Beijing and Shanghai in May.
Thx 4 ur wishes. I already applied for the visa. I paid for fast track and I will go to collect it on Monday. As for the accomodation and and air fare m looking for a package but Ill settle on something when I get 2 the agency today. Ill be staying for 2 weeks there so I was wondering when are you planning to go there? I wouldnt mind meeting up with any1 so just let me know by email if anything happens so we could get intouch. Anyways Im crossing my fingers so that everything goes smoothly. Feel free to contact me when Im there as Ill be checking my email regularly.
Get your hotel booked while in the airport terminal--- you can select all sorts of hotel, with your budget available, from 100 to 1000 yuan ( Ren Ming Bi ). 100 yuan = 50 riyals
My suggestion is in Xi Dan that area, at the west side of the Tian An Men, very centrally located and convenient to get around
Transport: Airport bus leave airport terminal so frequent, almost every 15 minutes and will take you to where you want to get off in the major city location. Xi Dan is the end stage and that area is one of the majot shopping district in Beijing.
Bus, subways are easy to navigate , if you can pronounce Han Yu Ping Ying. Subways is very easy to get to many places and just read the map of the route.
Otherwise taxi, but certainly cost a lot more compared to buses or subway--bust cost only ONE riyal for most distance you travel, may be 2 to 3 riyals with an airconditioned bus.
Travelling in the major tourist sites in and outside Beijing, you can just joi the local tourist buses, they are all routed, and many are around the Train staion and the Qian Men area, check with the hotel staff--all hotel staff are very friendly to get along with--but be sure don't be rude to them.
Shanghai--same principle applies, booked hotel at the airport terminal before leaving airport.
More to see outside of shanghai-- those cannal regions from XuZhou to Zhou Zhuang--Xi Tang- Su Zhou-- Tai Hu. If time allowed, than carry on to Hang Zhou.
Beijing you need 7 to 10 days, shanghai city may be 3 days, and the cannal ( The delta region ) may be another 7 days.
Always change money at the bank, the bank of China can cash you major currencies, traveller's cheque, very little commission.. Restaurants are everywhere, including Muslim restaurants-- remind you that the majority of the people from the western part of China are muslims, so it is easy to get muslim meal--look for Qing Zheng restaurants, the signs is always green , with crescent.
It is safe to get around in anywhere in China, but same as any place, always have full precaution and avoid unnecessay approached by strangers trying for currency exhcnage-- many of them are standing outdise any Bank of China branches.
Hotels over the price of 120 yuan ( 60 riyals) are clean and safe enough. 200 yuan price hotels are as good as those 3-4 stars western hotels in the middle east. Alwas ask for discount-- all starred hotel got lots of discount 20-40 %.
Domestic airfare are with lots discount too, depends on the flight time of the day.
thanks for your reply message about your travel plans for China. I understand that you have already booked your travel and plan to leave in one week, following the approval of your visa.
I am keen to travel to China, but hoped to join a group. Possibly there would be others who may be interested in making a travel group in September to go to Beijing and Shanghai.
thanks for your reply message with information about your travel plans for China. I understand that you will depart in about one week, when your visa is approved.
i am keen to see China, but was hoping to join a group traveling to Bijing and Shanghai for future trips.
best wishes for a safe journey!
thanks for your reply message with information about your travel plans for China. I understand that you will depart in about one week, when your visa is approved.
i am keen to see China, but was hoping to join a group traveling to Bijing and Shanghai for future trips.
best wishes for a safe journey!
Depending on which hotel you're staying at you can probably take the hotel's shuttle from the airport. The taxis will take you there too.
Once you've checked in and need to go anywhere have the concierge write the address for you to show the cab driver in case his English is not so good which it will probably be.
Shopping is divided into two categories; there are department stores with fixed prices and there are open-air markets and family-run stores at which you can haggle. It's expected so don't be shy.
By all means go to these markets, take in the sites and smells and enjoy your time.
Use common sense in terms of security. Always make a note of the cab number you're riding in, don't accept the cabbie's offer to take you somewhere special for shopping, fun, sightseeing and don't wander around an area where you're the only person there!
I always travel alone and have never run into a problem anywhere. Just be aware of your surroundings, keep your money safe, never have your wallet in your pocket (!) and don't keep your hotel's key card in the little pouch/wallet tehy give you with your room number in it. That way if you lose it or it's picked from your pocket people won't know what room to go to!
Enjoy it.
Id be happy to let u know how it all turns out. Ill keep my fingers crossed cuz im very apprehensive about the outcome of it but still very excited and am looking forward to it. Im probably going back to the agency today to confirm evrything and Ill probably leave as soon as my visa is over with which ill be issuing tommorow so yeah i think within a week or so.
sure u can give me the number. I need all the help I can get. Thx
Bajesus, Beijing and Shaghai are equally as polluted, if not more so, than Hong Kong. They have both public transportation and private, but my suggestion is you take taxi's which are readily available everywhere. I wouldn't worry to much about the cost, China is general is cheap even when they are ripping you off. There are some amazing theater and culture shows you can also check out.
Once again Im very grateful for ur help. Just what i also need to know about is transportation. I reckon they have fully operational public transportation systems like trains and buses but what i need to know is r cabs expensive there and r they easily found at the airport? also, is the merchandise at markets there affordable and should I always bargain for them at markets or should I just avoid these places alltogether?
Im definitely going to visit famous landmarks and historical sites such as the geat wall and the forbidden city. As for going to Hong Kong, ive considered it initially but i was told I have to issue a different visa and that its very polluted so i dont want to go thru the hassle. Im still concerened about general safety for tourists there especially since this is my first attempt at travelling individually.
Sorry for bombarding u with questions again.
Having nice time there.
never been there but i know someone in china and was living in Doha if you need help i can give you the number and helping you more if agree to given the number to you.
see you
i would be interested to hear more details about your travel plans to Beijing and Shanghai. will you potentially travel in september?
It depends what you're going to do. There's much to see if that's what you're into; museums, Great Wall, Forbidden City.
Shanghai, I hear, is a happening place.
Or you can do 4 nights in China and spend a couple of nights in Hong Kong which is worth visiting. If you do go there DO NOT buy anything from the electronics shops no matter how tempting the price unless you eat, sleep and breathe the item you're buying and you know it inside out. They are lying cheats.
Ur not the only 1 who said it was dreary. I already went 2 an agency to check out the packages available. But what Im concerned about is safety over there and I wanna ask do u think its worth a 6 night stay or should I just make it shorter?
I can't tell you about Shanghai.
Beijing is huge with lots of Volkswagens believe it or not, made in China.
I found it dreary when I went.
For nightlife the best area is the Sanlitun entertainment area; everything from restaurants and pubs to discos and girly bars.
Lots of foreigners so you won't feel out of place.
Oh, yeah, and lots of Chinese food.
Unfortunately the Chinese have a bad habit: Spitting.