London, Sep 25 (IANS) People who work with goats are exposed to greater risks of a rare lung cancer, says a new research.
The study has linked exposure to goats with a distinct subset of lung cancer, known as pneumonic-type lung adenocarcinoma (P-ADC).
'Scientists have noticed similarities between P-ADC and a contagious viral infection in sheep before,' said Nicolas Girard from the Louis Pradel Hospital, Hospices Civils de Lyon, France, who led the study.
Girard and colleagues investigated whether a viral agent found in sheep and goats could be easily transferred to people who work with the animals, leading to risk for P-ADC, according to a Louis Pradel statement.
The study involved 44 patients with P-ADC and 132 disease free participants. All of them were asked about risk factors including their smoking status, their personal history of cancer and their exposure to goats.
The results showed that people who worked with goats during their lifetime were five times more likely to get P-ADC compared with other types of lung cancer.
PS: I hope my friend 'Dracula' is fine ? :(
If you are not in contact with the sheeps then why are u bothered?
cost controllers dont interact or exposed to the Goats directly, so u r safe Mr.hany !
next ?
im just working in the most big Sheep corporation here in Qatar , is thier any risk " Mr Risks" on my health ? my work is cost controller , and not in direct with the animals
You are indeed a friend..For a moment there I thought I'd have to ditch the wellies and the new not-so-virgin wool sweater I just finished knitting :O)
Thank Good it only applies to Goats other wise half of the Aussie/Kiwi/Welsh population would be at harm!
Brit its says exposure to Goats not to Sheep, so your and Betsy secrets are not a harmful act!
tiger84 No - i am a Pure NON-Veg !
but when i see a veggie around, i eat a potato....:(
Rizks aint u vegetarian ?..
What kind of contact is it? :p
i have exposed myself countless time to goats, sheeps, cows in mawashi but i was not effected i exposed from far and near and did countless exposure but was not effected ????
yes this news really made me laugh as goats and cats are considered clean animals and y dont they post about dogs and pigs that they are store house of disease and germs???
i dont know asif_khan....:(
I found this freshly baked news on net and posted here, so if another news of dogs and pigs comes - will surely keep you updated.
and wat about getting exposed to animals like dogs and pigs ?????
are they safe ???
Darude should check all his parts as he is constantly exposed to Goats, Camels, Horse and many more!
exposure to goat !!!!!...Rizk...keep ur lungi tight
Eeeeeeeeeeeek!That means I should go and see a doctor :O(
britey you lilliput, "exposure to goats" means a person exposing himself/herself in front of a goat by performing some seductive dance in front of a goat.....:(
"exposure to goats" - What exactly does that mean ?