Hi Everyone,
This is some news from my home! I laughed when I read this...and then I felt bad!
Hi Everyone,
This is some news from my home! I laughed when I read this...and then I felt bad!
Bad Canadians!
Veni, Vedi, Visa! ~ I came, I saw, I shopped!
I think that Canadian Authorities need to look into this as a matter of urgency. Stingrays should not be penned up and kept in an enclosure. They are not domesticated and have a much highr survival rate in an extremely moist enviroment - preferably 100% H2O..
I've never eaten goat.
Veni, Vedi, Visa! ~ I came, I saw, I shopped!
who cares ....
just a bloody GOAT .
they are meant to be on a plate
suicide is haram maybe she didnt knew ;)
It isn't just goats...last year the stingrays mysteriously died.
Veni, Vedi, Visa! ~ I came, I saw, I shopped!
So did they BBQ it or what?...lol
lol UKEng....
Brit You dont have any greek blood do you?..
poor goat... :/
Yep! Sheep man through and through. They used to call me Shane..
However, you know the old saying.. When in Canada ....
Brit Where did you get all the goatie information from.. I thought you were the expert on Sheep..baaaaa
What sort of Canadian are you ? EH!
Newfie goats are usually found on snow covered hillsides. Their front legs are shorter than their rear legs so they can climb quickly up the mountain side and get footholds in the crevices.
They also use their strong curly horns to repel intruders when neccessary.
NOT an animal to be messed with!
Poor Goat :(
May his soul rest in Peace....
Good, I'm not the only one who laughed!
Veni, Vedi, Visa! ~ I came, I saw, I shopped!
oh god. lollll .. sorry to hear that Beela.. sad but very funny tho
It was a Newfie?
Veni, Vedi, Visa! ~ I came, I saw, I shopped!
A "newfie" goat... Which genius told them that goats needed stimulating???