Girl dies after dad forgets her in locked car

Okay, I want you to express your views
about this irresponsible father..
A TWO-YEAR-OLD girl died in Doha on Wednesday when her father forgot her in the back seat of his locked car for four hours, a local Arabic daily has reported.
The father, an engineer, was supposed to drop the girl at a kindergarten on her first day. But he forgot, parked the car in front of his office and went to work as usual.
Realizing his mistake after four hours, he rushed to the car only to find his daughter in an unconscious state. He rushed the girl to the American Hospital on C Ring Road, where doctors pronounced her dead.
The man fainted on hearing the shocking news. His wife, who reached the hospital shortly, also collapsed unable to bear the tragedy, the daily added.
ouch...this is heartbreaking indeed. there are enough atrocities around the world. the least we could is to take care of our OWN family...
"there's hope
it doesn't cost a thing to smile
you don't have to pay to laugh
you better thank God for that"
If he did as other idiot parents do here and had his daughter on his lap as he drove he would not have forgetten her :o(
Did you Google it first?
Sad... Rest of their life is a brutal punihsment..
I would have committed suicide rather..
Yike we have some scary people on QL imagine equating Rape with forgetting your child, rape is a huge act of deliberate violence. As PM so nicely pointed out let any one of you that has never made a mistake take a bow. Believe me this father will forever suffer the worst suffering you can ever endure, until you are in his shoes you are best not to judge, but instead feel sympathy. What sickos, you think it will help to give him time in prison??
a father who forgot that he has a kid in the car for 4hrs?
all we can do now is pray for the child's soul as well as peace of mind for the parents especially of the father for him to overcome this incident.
"Ask the Lord to bless your plans and you will be successful in carrying them out." - Proverbs 16:3
Quite interesting responses, the majority coming in with the sympathy vote.
What if he had been cleaning his shotgun and it had accidentally gone off, killing his child. Or he was playing with her with a large sword and accidentally stabbed her through the heart? Still no price to pay for accidentally taking a human life? - Where is the responsibilty? I am sorry but if you commit such a crime, even if it not pre-meditated, extenuating circumstances can be taken into consideration but there must be some price to pay, otherwise you could take a life and always claim it was accidental in order to escape the consequences. If he was before me, then I would state that if you take a life, then you must sacrifice yours, albeit translated into a prison term, except in cases of self-defence. I am sure person is full of people racked with guilt, but people must take responsibility for their actions and face the consequences when necessary. If indeed, this story is true, can you even imagine being cooked alive? Sorry, but he must face the consequences.
If you're living life on the edge, you've got too much room.
Gyspy, PM and others, I agree. It was an accident. Surely no one here can cast the first proverbial stone.....everyone has made mistakes that have cause people pain in some way. This is just a more tragic one. So sorry that the family has to go through this.
I may be blonde but I am wise
smile lots laugh more
leaving your baggage in the car is an accident,..this one is stupidity...
This guy is going to have to live with the guilt of this for the rest of his life. He will more then likely lose his wife and the rest of his family because of it. I feel for him, I really do. :(
vey sad.
that would make you forget that you got a kid in your car ...
Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present moment. (Gautama Buddha)
That is just not how the human mind works. It protects itself from unpleasantness when it can (but that is a totally different discussion on psychology)
All I am saying is, don't bargain on it that he would punish himself more than the courts would.
Lets put it this way, if your best friend left your child in that car. What punishment would you want for him/her? If your answer is honestly none, then good. You are a better person than I am :)
Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence - Carl Sagan
it would never turn into a mild sorrow..
he's gonna carry the guilt in his conscience forever..
he would wake-up every single day and will be reminded
of what he has done.. accident or not..
Having said that, I guarantee you the guilt he will feel will be far bigger punishment than any sentence a court of law will hand out.
The human mind is a wonderful organ. Eventually the extreme guilt will turn into a mild sorrow, which will be no punishment at all.
Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence - Carl Sagan
Regardless if its your child, or your friend, if they die in front if you, in your arms, due to your honest mistake, the torment is misrably hard to bear.
Even if it happens 20 years or ago or 8 years ago, it still feels as if it happened just today.
Hey I lost one of best qatari mate in a car accident back in Australia, he was driving and I was next to him...still feels as it happened today.
I pity the father, no matter what kind of punishment you give him, the mother of all punishment is the one his own conscience would be giving him constantly.
Thats my two cents.
This is just an Urban Myth. Trust me.
Just like this one, cheritz
Seems that people never learn!
what a tragedy to the whole family....:-(
hopefully you are right, labda.
MagicDragon, in as much as I empathize with this man and the family as a whole, I agree he should be held accountable for what he's done.
Having said that, I guarantee you the guilt he will feel will be far bigger punishment than any sentence a court of law will hand out.
--------------------- N.O.W --------------------------
I think the father will be too concerned with other things, snartbuddy.
And regarding punishment, the Father is already undergoing a punishment that of the feeling of unending guilt of losing his own child because of his mistake...
Yes, a mistake, but the cost is a human life. How many 'mistakes' of this kind should a society allow??
Rape is done on purpose....this is a tragedy for the parents. No doubt its a mistake and its a priceless mistake but it was not on purpose.
One paper said "the father used to take his daughter to the nursery every morning before going to work. But the toddler had not gone to the nursery for the past two months. "Yesterday marked her return to the nursery after a gap of two months, and the father seems to have been influenced by his recent routine of going straight to work, without taking her with him," ..
Its a priceless mistake but a mistake.
I got that, labda. But you can see how hard others try to 'excuse' this guy when there is no excuse for his behavior. He is guilty and he should be punished, not by his family or wife, but by the laws of a mature society which is made up of mature individuals.
MagicDragon, I don't make excuses for myself. I'm not about to start for other people.
Preventative action, thats all I got.
--------------------- N.O.W --------------------------
"concerned with other things", is not good enough as an 'excuse' for the death of a human being. Give me some other ones.
They are not the same thing to be compared. He did not do it on purpose he forgot - often minds of people are so concerned with other things that they do forget. Rape is a different story altogther and is done with a purpose behind it.
The man will never forget and his wife may never forgive him let alone the surrounding family. He will pay afor his forgetfullness.
So, what is your "excuse" for this man, then, labda??
labda, somebody who preaches rules for everybody except himself.
Eve sorry for your loss.
MagicDragon, do you REALLY in all honesty think this man WANTED to kill his own daughter? I am not condoning this mans actions. But having watched a show where there was nothing but PAIN on the face of the woman who did the same I am more interested in preventive action for this kind of tragedy than "HANG HIM" "HANG HIM" "HANG HIM".
P.S Its not nice to call people hippocrats...btw what is that? ;P
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You guys are hippocrats! If a man rapes a girl you ask for death penalty. If a father kills his child for whatever reason or without an obvious reason you pledge to support and help him. I don't get this!
I feel for the parents their life will now be a living hell as they will blame themselves forever. I lost my 17 year old daughter in a car accident. No matter what its human to hold blame as you are the childs protector. They will need tons of support from the community and friends. Its too bad their is no grief support groups here it really helps to relate to others with loss. Its too bad no one else saw the child in the car. Maybe its time for those of us in the community to report it when you see children left alone in cars, get involved. I hate it when people leave the A/C on and leave the children alone in the car, its very dangerous, they can easily get the car out of gear, little ones have even been known to drive.
God forbid this happens to another family lets look out for each other. God bless her.
You're right.
I worked with a guy who had watched his own son get run over .. The guy had been on medication and therapy ever since..
this really hurt me ...
poor baby :-(
A-hole of a father ...
He will never forgive himself I am sure, I watched a report of an American woman on TV recently she did the same thing but with a much smaller baby. She as great difficulty with her everyday life still.
They don't do it on purpose it just happens.
Poor thing may she rest in peace.
"Everything in this book may be wrong." Illusions: The Adventures of The Reluctant Messiah by Richard Bach
May the little one rest in peace and may the Lord allow his parents to continue their lives after such a loss..
It was an accident pure and simple.. One paper said "the father used to take his daughter to the nursery every morning before going to work. But the toddler had not gone to the nursery for the past two months. "Yesterday marked her return to the nursery after a gap of two months, and the father seems to have been influenced by his recent routine of going straight to work, without taking her with him," ..
I hope will go to jail for 20 years for 'murder'.
May Allah let her Rest In Peace.
How can one parent forget his girl when she's supposed to bring her to the kindergarten school without the student to bring in?
"Everything in this book may be wrong." Illusions: The Adventures of The Reluctant Messiah by Richard Bach
This guy is just an unhappy idiot. Whatever he may bring up as an excuse, is no excuse.
Where is the debate in this? Simple way of making sure you are unlikely to forget your child is to form simple habits. Most parents will never forget their child and kudos to them. But this is a fast paced world we live in, and if your child is fast asleep in the back and you have a gazillion things on you're to do list this MAY happen as we have seen.
I'm not taking this personally.
--------------------- N.O.W --------------------------
I think that's the usual habit around wonder such things happen...
"Everything in this book may be wrong." Illusions: The Adventures of The Reluctant Messiah by Richard Bach
Erm, you need to train yourself to look for your handbag in order to remember your child?
Please don't take it personally. It's a debate.
If you're living life on the edge, you've got too much room.
It's called habit formation. Im not forcing this down your throat. Remain speechless.
--------------------- N.O.W --------------------------
I can remember my handbag but not my child? Please - you have almost left me speechless.
If you're living life on the edge, you've got too much room.
It's crazy how this mirrors a very similar tragedy a coupla years ago. A woman left her toddler in the car for two hours and the baby died. It happens, especially in this "go, go, go" world we live in. We can all judge and say we would never do that, but it happens. One thing that was advised in this womans case was if you have kids make sure you always keep your briefcase or handbag in the back which you'd have to get before leaving your car. Chances of seeing your sleeping toddler? 100% or near enough.
Poor kid.
--------------------- N.O.W --------------------------
...having a piece of paper would make any difference?
You cannot take a life without bearing some responsibility - and please don't tell me about how guilty he wil be for the rest of his pathetic life.
He should be locked away for twenty years. There is no excuse for the agony and torture that he put an innocent through.
If you're living life on the edge, you've got too much room.
Isn't it funny that we need licenses to drive, buy alcohol, run businesses etc ..... but you don't need a license to be a parent? ;)
Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence - Carl Sagan
ya allah...its really a happens to some....but the time of that child had come....thats whr we should think.....its a mistake by the father.....but its the child's fate....inna lilahi wa inna lilah raajiyoon....may her soul rest in peace..
What a terrible tradgey for everyone involved.
Very sad tragedy for everyone.
“Be fearful when others are greedy, and be greedy when others are fearful,”
it was an accident maybe but still, how could he forget??? OMG... i pity the child, most of all the MOM... cant say more except to pray for the soul of the child... may she rest in peace... i just hope the parents would support each other in this time of mourning instead of blaming each other...
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