Getting a car shipped to Qatar

By dacount1229 •
Hello everyone, I have a question I'm hoping someone can help me answer. I wanted to ship one of my vehicles over from Japan. Will the Qatari Government allow me to do it? If so what is the best and legal way to do it. Are there certain vehicles they will or will not allow in country? Thanks for the help.
Either my 2004 Lincoln LS or my 2000 Cadillac DHS. I was given a number to call this morning by one of my buddies who has been out here for 8 years. So we will see wish me luck.
well now i am just curious .. what make n model are these cars of urs that you are tryin to bring out here :D !??!
life goes on ..
The cooling part I'm not worried about. I had the cars with me in California. I used to live in the mojave desert. Just want to know how to get one of them here.
Dacount - apart from what has been said above you need to be aware that the cooling system of the vehicle AND the A/C might not be up to the Middle East standard and you can expect problems in the summer with overheating and inefficient A/C operation.
In short, after all the hassles and expenses involved I would rather but a car here.
"To be or not to be? That is the question"
I have a left hand drive vehicle there. But you said maybe the cut off date is 5 calender years. Thanks alot. I will keep trying to dig up the way to do it. If anyone else in here has an idea please let me know. Thanks alot.
the 5% customs duty
I think there may be two problems with importing a car from Japan.
1. I have a feeling that RHD (Right Hand Drive) vehicles aren't allowed here in Qatar for road use. I've seen many Japanese imports (via UAE) which have been converted to have the steering wheel on the left. Provided the vehicle is LHD, I don't think it would matter if its a european, north american, etc specification vehicle.
2. Other is age, but I'm not 100 % sure on the cut off date. I believe vehicles more than 5 calendar years old aren't easily admissable to Qatar. I'm sure someone else here on the forum could chime in.
Hope that helps.