Get the 'Palin' look!?!? Puleeeeze!
American women are flocking to try and get the "Palin" look?
God help us!
American women are flocking to try and get the "Palin" look?
God help us!
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You can't teach experience...
Princess Di, is Princess Di.....
Remember Princess Diana?
Women all over the globe copied her hairstyle and dress ..
Regarding the Queen.. The wigs are actually attached to each different hat.. makes it easier to wear..
i like me as me so im not lining up for that look....
The "Clone Wars" have begun..
Opticians must be rubbing their hands with glee..
and that was in the news????? unbelievable...
i dont see anything special with her look anyway,.... :P
"dgoodrebel will always be the rebellious good one"
You can't teach experience...
I will love to see every woman in England, willing to accommodate the Queen fashion statement, very Victorian and old fashion. Specially when wearing those extravagant hats with feathers. The rumor in the street is, she wears a wig because of her pale forehead and baldness.
I hear St. Patrick was an Englishman and a republican!"
What look is that?
I am always excited to go to sleep! In anticipation of the new experience I will find awaiting me.