Gender diffferences...

Two interesting articles highlighting the evolution of gender differences and how they've helped us evolve.
A division of labor according to sex and age gave modern humans an advantage over Neandertals, a new study says.
The emergence of "female labor roles" played an important role in human evolutionary history, because it allowed early-human hunter-gatherer societies to draw on more food resources and live in larger communities, researchers say.
It may help explain why the Neandertals (also spelled "Neanderthals"), who occupied Europe until modern humans arrived some 45,000 years ago, went extinct.
"The competitive advantage enjoyed by modern humans came not just from new weapons and devices but from the ways in which their economic lives were organized around … roles for men, women, and children," said Steven Kuhn, an anthropologist at the University of Arizona in Tucson.
Differing roles in prehistoric times have evolved into differing shopping styles, the researchers believe.
While women spent their days gathering food often with children, men were hunters who made specific plans about how to catch and kill their prey.
He said women would spend hours trying to find the right outfit, present or object, because they had in the past spent ages trying to find the best quality and health giving foods.
Men on the other hand, decided in advance what animal they wanted to kill and then went looking for it. Once it was found - and killed - they returned home.
- A study Conducted by FriedUnicorn - Vol I (September,1999)
In all seriousness, this is typical researchers gobbeldygook..
Ofcourse Neanderthals became extinct.. THEY WERE NEANDERTHALS.
"John Shea, an anthropologist at Stony Brook University in New York State, says there is no single factor that explains the demise of the Neandertals. "
As far as division of labour is concerned, different societies adopt different methods. Look at rural areas of Africa and India/Pakistan/China even today.
- A study Conducted by FriedUnicorn - Vol I (September,1999)
- A study Conducted by FriedUnicorn - Vol I (September,1999)
I don't think you read the article properly FU.
...the strength and stamina.
- A study Conducted by FriedUnicorn - Vol I (September,1999)
nothing is permanent except change..
What a load of hogwash. I clearly remember Raquel Welch in 1 million years BC and believe me, there was no division of labour there..
cycle......need to balance the rhythm of universe.
created us EQUAL..
If you read the article FU it says that those old role should no longer be applied, as we've moved far past simple hunting & gathering. And that the roles weren't precisely gender based as they were ability based, as some females did become hunters and some males were gatherers. Apparently sexism evolved later.
...of the sexes even in mountain climbing and farming.
- A study Conducted by FriedUnicorn - Vol I (September,1999)
I like this quote myself:
"The scientists point out in their study that gender roles were not always the same in early-human cultures, and there's nothing that predisposes either sex toward certain kinds of work.
"That women sometimes become successful hunters and men become gatherers means that the universal tendency to divide subsistence labor be gender is not solely the result of innate physical or psychological differences between the sexes; much of it has to be learned," the authors write."
Which explains to me why I hate shopping and my finacee can spend hours at it. LOL.
persist physically and mentally for better evolution ;)