The future way to divorce?

I thought about putting this in the funnies, but it is kind of serious . . .
Divorce via text message becomes popular in Tajikistan
A growing number of men in Tajikistan are using a simple, three-worded text message to divorce their wives, the Associated Press reports.
Decades of shared families, responsibilities and commitments can be ended with a message reciting the words, "Talaq talaq talaq."
The growing number of Tajik men who have used their mobile phones to divorce has prompted religious authorities to condemn the practice, and there are plans to issue a fatwa against it, AP states. Tajikistan is a predominantly Muslim Central Asian country.
Other countries have faced similar social predicaments as technology has influenced how people behave. The practice of Muslim men divorcing by text message has been debated in many Muslim countries and banned by some communities, AFP reports.
Singapore's religious authorities banned such divorce by text message in 2001, whereas Malaysia ruled it legal in 2003 and Saudi Arabia saw its first text-message divorce in 2009.
Full story at:
Well, quite frankly, since it only takes saying the words 3 times(apparently), does it matter if they are said via mobile or from person to person? The outcome is, obviously, the same, non?
A high profile politician from my home state in India used SMS to divorce his wife back in early 2009 while he himself was in Scotland.
Divorce was deemed legal as far as I can remember
It's surprising how the state of Malaysia could rule it legal. Individuals always look out for an easy way out but the judiciary should be prudent enough to curb such practices which are not in the best interest of the society.
here; it is a social and religious problem; need serious consideration and practical solution.
IMHO....this is the misuse of technology.
If it's been going on since 2003, then it can't be the future can it ?
People are getting sacked by SMS. People are getting dumped by SMS.. So, this is another useless use of technology for gutless people... Isn't it ?