We were given: Two hands to hold. To legs to walk. Two eyes to see. Two ears to listen. But why only one heart? Because the other was given to someone else. For us to find.
@ naseeb N shn111 ur welcome i like all jokes and im laughin also like crazy so i thought of postin here in QL for you guys yups rezy i like all kind of funny jokes but specially sardars N pathanz jokes but i cant find jokes abt pathanz so i post abt sardars hahaha makein me laughin N laughin hahahaha dont worry next time i will again post some funny jokes
Qatar's winter months are brimming with unmissable experiences, from the AFC Asian Cup 2023 to the World Aquatics Championships Doha 2024 and a variety of outdoor adventures and cultural delights.
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waley dotcom sanga chal da rora and chinx sardars jokes are so funny and its community in indians lolzzzz
thanx a lot jervis...:P
hi handsome may i know who sardar is?he is always the primary actor here?
lolz,,, :)
We were given: Two hands to hold. To legs to walk. Two eyes to see. Two ears to listen. But why only one heart? Because the other was given to someone else. For us to find.
gucci ghaley kena ;)
(sorry if u can't get the meaning)
@ naseeb N shn111 ur welcome i like all jokes and im laughin also like crazy so i thought of postin here in QL for you guys yups rezy i like all kind of funny jokes but specially sardars N pathanz jokes but i cant find jokes abt pathanz so i post abt sardars hahaha makein me laughin N laughin hahahaha dont worry next time i will again post some funny jokes
gucci... i think u did good research on sardars...
where u have been throughout the year....lolz
Thanks gucci boy27...n u modified da vodafone joke;-)
thanx gucci boy for sharing jokes. never heard b4. laughed like crazy...............
wife: Darling today is our anniversary, what should we do?
hubby: Let us stand in silence for 2 minutes.
rickz, bhai, where are you? ya sardar
really pajju rizks is sardar mmmmmm why u ddnt tell me at the starting hahahaha well its just for fun lolzzzz not about rizks
Sardar Saw A Very High vodafone Tower Red Light Glowing On The Top.
Seeing This He Said? Qatar Is Developing Fast See There R Trafic Signals For AeroplanE In Air
did u see Rizks nick ? Rizks is sardar :)
why its always sardar? who is that? are there any other characters
Can U Make A Sentence Using Green, Pink and Yellow?
O Yah Yah Ji Y Not.
My Phone Rings? GREEN GREEN, I PINK It Up And Say YELLOW.;-);-)
Judge 2 sardar: 3rd Time U R coming 2 court u ,
Dnt Hav Shame?
Sardar 2 judge: You Are Coming daily u
dnt hve shame
hhuu ooooh hahahhaa..........
Teacher To Sardar: What Is Number ?Seven?
Even Or Odd
Sardar: Even
Teacher: How Can You Make Seven Even?
Sardar:Remove The S from seven
A Sardarji Goes To A Chinese Restaurant And Puts His Finger On The Last Of Menu: Bring This.
Waiter: OH! You Cant Get It Because He Is The Owner Of Restaurant.
Once Prince Charles And Sardarji Were Having Dinner
Prince Said?
Pass The Wine U Divine?
Sardar Thinks How Poetic,
sardar Says
?Pass The Custard You Bastard?
Sardar's 60th B'day
Guest: Why This Bulb In Place Of Candles?
Sardar : Its Dificult 2 Put
60 Candles On
Cake. So I Put
This 60 Watts Bulb!!
A Sardar As A Director: U Should Jump 2 Da Swimingpool 4rm 100 Ft Height.
Actor: I Don't Know Swiming.
Sardar Director: Oye Dn't Worry Yar There Is No Water :-P
A Sardar Was Drying Some Fruits In The Sunlight And Then Eating Them
Some1 Asked What R U Doing?
Sardar: I Am Weak. The Doc Has Advised Me To Eat Dry Fruits!
Sardar:I've Pain In Ma Ryt Leg
Doc:Its Nothin .Its Only Coz Of Old Age.
Sardar:As Far As I Know,
Both Ma Legs R Of Same Age
ofocurse pajju im laughing i have stomach pain now hahaha
sArdar Writes 2 Bill Gates Abt PC And Windows Problems:
1. My Child Learned MS WORD Now He Wants MS SENTENCE
2. I Find Only RE-CYCLE But No RE-SCOOTER. I Need That As I Own Vespa Scooter
3. I See MS OFFICE But I Need MS HOME, As I Use Pc @ Home
4. Finaly,Hw Is That Ur Name Is Gates But U R TElling WINDOWS
buwwooh hahahaa oooh
buwwooh hahahaa oooh
u laughin urself ?
Twinkle Twinkle Little
We All Wonder What
They R
Up Above A
Jura So High
Like An Antena
In The Sky
Dimag Ka Portion
Always Dry
Ab Hans De
Ullu Dont B Shy
Do U Knw Why Sardar Bought A Brown Cow
Why Did Sardar Cut The Sides Of Medicine
TO Avoid Side Effects
me tooo naseeb i cant stop laughing also
Sardar's Intrview 4 New Job
Interviewer: Wht Did U Do B4 ?
Sardar: I Was In Army
Intrviewer: How Long Were U In Army?
Sardar: Five Foot Eleven Inch ...
lolz.....cant stop laughing....so funny...
/me yawnsss
Sardar G WAs ASkd ,
What IS A AduLt Joke?
Reply CAme
Any Joke Which Iz EighteEn YEaRs Old. . .
In Maths Exam Sardar Was Dancing Instead Of Writing
Becoz Someone Told Him That There R Marks 4 EVERY STEP! :)
Sardar's Essay On Cow:
He Is D Cow.
He Has Got 4 Legs 2gether.
2 R 4ward & 2 Aftrwards.
It Gives Milk Wich Comes Frm 4 Taps Attached 2 D Basement.
@Its Motion Is Vry Useful Of Green Color.
It Has Tail Situated In The Backyard & Has Hair On It To Frighten Flies.
Many Use It As Vehicle Also.....;-)
Teacher : Who Is Ur Favorite Writer?
Sardar : Ur Daughter.
Every Week She Give Me A Nice Love Letter