Friends in Doha

By Michal.Juranka •
Hello everyone :)
My name is Michal and I am from slovakia. I am 26 yrs and I work for Qatar Airways.
I moved to Doha 4 months ago and I would like to meet some people here. This is a first time I live abroad my country, and I find it bit difficult to make a new friendship here. I would like to meet some people to meet up time to time, to go to cinema or just to chat up..
I speak english, german, slovak and czech. I look forward to meet someone here!
This post was more than 2 yrs ago... do you not read your flight plan too, or just follow blindly what your commander tells you to do?
The thread is over 2 years old, he may have come and left by now.
Welcome to qatar......
welcome 2 qatar...........
& Qatar living....................
welcome to doha michal, i am spicy and i am fr malaysia.hymmmmm(where did he go?) omg i hope these folks did not scare the crap outta you their bark is worse than their bite really...hehehhehehhe
hope you will enjoy working with QR and enjoy living in doha.....
life's too short so make the most of it, you only live but once.......
welcome to QL Michal ... have alook around on this forum and participate in posting. Once you got 50 points and have over 2 weeks old membership you cant join Qatarliving social group. Then you can tag along in DaRuDe's outing. Well ... DaRuDe have explain that anyway.
I have met most regular on QL ... and they are all nice people. Come across abit weird and scarey in the forum at times
By the way ... I am novi and i am from Indonesia.
Welcome to Qatar &
Welcome to
if you want to make friends you have to be active on Qatarliving
and then later you can join Qatarliving Social group for gatherings in future.
we do have some polish members too.
You can divid smoke in 4 parts he is half German half Polish half English and half cezk
Smoke...............send the guy to me and I will smack his head silly.LOL
Dude you work for QA and your searching for friends elsewhere? someone smack this boy over his head! lol
Where there is Fire...There is Coke. Where there is Rum..There is Smoke - Sir Smoke-a-Lot
Welcome to Doha and hope you will be having joyfull life in qatar
My advice, try to find friends among your co workers & colleagues. Qatar Airways is a big company you'll find plenty
Learn some Polish :)
I'm Sylwia and Im from Poland :)
Dont we all
Michal - Is solvekia next to Chec.. Republic?