Friday Morning Coffee
By timebandit •
You cant beat a Friday morning coffee following a great night out. I have even treated myself to some freshly baked cookies to go with it. And now it's time to read the Gulf Times to see what news there is in Doha.
What's your Friday looking like?
I'm not typing very fast this morning, and now things are reading a bit out of context.
truly appreciate the offer bro but my husband will have to go take care of the prob today since this is his only day off *sigh* hope you have fun at the beach though. Wassalaam =)
Thank's for the offer saeedkan, that's very generous of you. but I am going to have trouble pealing myself out of bed today. By the time I do it will be too late to do anything constructive. May do a bit of shopping and pop down to CB for a nice iced coffee mocha later, but other than that a lazy day me thinks ;)
Our car's brakes gone crazy, Qadrallah mashafa'l..looks to be a boring day at home now for munchkin and I as my hubby would be heading off to the garage after Friday prayers.Was planning a lot for this eve too.. Oh, for a miracle!
nothing beats Thursday evening too ;) looks like Friday is just at home for me
Good choice saeedkan.
I'm sitting here drinking a nice cuppa tea with a lovely warm scone and strawberry jam..
Trying to read all the newspapers online...
Have a good ay all of you :O)
Mr.M...I hope so :-)
Drmana i assume it's the calm before the storm the weekend i mean :)
It looks like I am going to have another boring weekend.
Which beach saeedkan?
I doubt whether I will get out of my bed whole day today except to go to the bathroom.