French parliament on full Islamic face veil

Sarkozy THE BIG Bast***D and will be soon into crisis and GOD will punish such people and such countries with more volcanic ASHES...and all the French, Italy and Belgium peoples. People from these countries should be deported back to their countries without clothes on immediate effect from throughout the FULF regions and other parts of the world too...Lets see what Sarkozy has to say if his wife goes naked across...Bloody Bast***Ds
Combined - perfect replies :)
Uh, I can't help but find your words comical, raqesh. And we are expected to 'respect islamic ways'.
democracy reigns in QL
The original post is offensive, but the comments so far are surprisingly rational.
There are better ways of expressing disagreements.
how much we have valued for women, u need to study it first, no need to go for the so called manipulated and interpreted fatwa's.
yalllaahhhh.... rooooo
COma.. shhhhhhhhh.. will give u a lolipop :P
i just received it from a guy in his neighbor :P
lol Dotty
Arien ------ shal i post a video here, how u act inside ur home, or shall i keep quite and smile on your dialog ;)
Arien mind throwing a light and advicing us wats the meaning of " Fark" ?
lol whyte
I decide the rules in ma house.Its my kingdom. if you wana be in , abide by them. or Get the fark out of it. do u get me rakesh ql?
Hm, we are born naked.
But the volcano went off in Iceland, did God miss his mark from that far above or what :-/
The truth hurts, does it?
And many people are treated like slaves. Haha.
And the government sells alcohol. Haha., the "Constitution" begins with: "Qatar is an Islamic State". They really believe it, haha.
@ rakesh whoa mate!!! you have anger management issues buddy...what's the matter? your French visa/immigration application get rejected or something? wink*!!!...take it easy qoute the standard QL 'hardliners' line,"their country,their rules,don't like it,leave & go back home." very simple,so some of these veiled women are 2nd & 3rd generation French,well their families came from somewhere 2 or 3 generations back,they're free to go back there...but oh wait a minute,that means they lose state benefits & maybe even their citizenship,oooh can't have that now can we?...abuse the president & his wife & all French people,curse them for coming up with this law but want the French passport & state benefits eh?...there's a word for that,it's called HYPOCRITE...
@ qatarisun,well put mate...
acceptable here in QL
you ppl need to be realistic.
u didn't get my point.
officially its only "State of Qatar",
btw rumours that French President Nicolas Sarkozy and his wife Carla Bruni-Sarkozy are both having affairs are gaining momentum in France :P
and you are right about European society.
We claim to be "free", liberal and open countries but reality seems to be different with such kind of law...
Wikipedia again
Government and politics
Main article: Politics of Qatar
Qatar has an emirate government type. Based on Islamic and civil law codes; discretionary system of law controlled by the Amir, although civil codes are being implemented; Islamic law dominates family and personal matters; the country has not accepted compulsory International Court of Justice jurisdiction.
I don't know if its enough to call Qatar an Islamic state but its enough to defend the above points.
Anyway, Its good talking to you guys but we have no news from the guy who sent the 1st post.
Would be nice to hear from him again :-p
Qatar is only State of Qatar, i never read officially its written "Islamic State of Qatar", btw i really don't mind, what ever they are imposing the new rules and regulation in france or in europe, but being a liberal image of european society, they have to allow everyone for their own choice, wat kind of dress they want.
Qatarisun is just doing a comparison.
But what you say is somehow true also.
Yes people can be arrested for wearing sleeveless and/or short skirts in Qatar. Its a fact (its in all the tourists guides).
But its also true that (too) many expats do not respect that (unfortunately).
And its also true that the policeman are not really careful about this.
However, it happens that locals call the police to report certain cases.
I also got to hear that sometimes they kick out some girls from Malls for these reasons.
But if in France a women is spotted with a veil in a public place (when the law will be enforced) people may react exactly the same and report to the police or many people won't bother at all.
But in general you cannot say that Qatar is more Liberal than France and vice versa.
Both countries are rather different. Qatar being an Islamic state and France is a laicistic state (with a strong Christian background:-)
Dot. Com, i didn't say you necessarily will be arrested, i said, one MIGHT be arrested...and such cases are known.. and nothing wrong with that.. as i said, since this is the rule, everyone have to obey it... simple as that.. and if you cannot obey the certain rule, you better leave, otherwise it will put you in trouble sooner or later... this is my point.. for example, England is Left Hand Drive country. You cannot come to England and drive on the right side of the road, right? you have to follow the local traffic laws.. so why one get surprized, when the same idea is applied to clothes, to the certain behavour, to the life style in general?
i'm disappointed to see Qatrisun with such remarks, that if u go sleeveless or with skirt in qatar, u'll be arrested.
Do u need my guidance to show u how many ppl are wearing such dresses in Qatar???
Qatar is more liberal than france.
Happy to see that some people have common sens on this forum and can actually have a wider vision on such topics.
Thanks for your answer Qatarisun :-)
But good point also about Sarkozy's wife!
Even as a non muslim person, I wouldn't like my wife to be seen half naked to all men eyes on internet.
France is a great country to visit (even-though French ppl don't speak english much and are a bit rough especially in Paris) and I encourage everyone to go and see with your own eyes before criticizing!
the post is totally offensive, but its normal on QL, nothing new.
funny, Sarkozy's wife does go naked.. she is an ex-model, and the internet is full with her half-naked and even naked images..
as for condemnation of the full Islamic face veil.. even though I personally don't care who is wearing what, from being full covered to being full naked, I try to understand these people who also want to live in the certain country and also complain about this country.
Here on QL everybody keep advising those who complains about Qatar: "Don't like it, then leave it!" .. same thing you can say about France. Those who don't like French rules, are welcome to leave France at any time.. as per my understanding, France is not originally muslim country.. so what's the point to live in the country which doesn't meet your religious expectation on the desire level?
rakesh_ql, no one is Bloody Bast***Ds.. but one have to follow common rules.. Like in qatar, one can be arrested for wearing sleevless top and short skirt... So, since such rule exists, just cover yourself! otherwise you are in contradiction with the majority of qatar dwellers! you don't like to be covered? then you have to leave, go back to your original country and walk half-naked there..
same theory applies to every country...
Please watch your mouth.
People (regardless of the country they are from) are not all fully responsible for government decision whether these are good or bad.
However these decisions are usually taken with respect to the public opinion and in this case this is pretty much linked with Religion/Laicity.
Now rules are what they are...
When I came to Qatar I knew I'll have to respect certain Islamic usage and its now 5 years I adapted my lifestyle without any problem.
I come to Qatar so I have to respect the rules. I have absolutely no problem with that.
Now if you go to Europe which is mostly Christian, well it should be same case for you as Muslim. You should adapt yourself to what people are used to.
In each country there are laws, traditions, dominant religion, usages and habits.
So if you want to talk about the French president, please feel free but DO NOT accuse all French and Europeans of such government decisions.
From my side, when it comes to this particular point about the Islamic veil in France, I believe everybody should be free to wear whatever they wants. So I don't mind Muslim woman wear the veil.
But in the debate that was happening before they vote the law, there were quite valid points also from both side (for & against).
Anyway, I've just flagged your post as Offensive.
Its fine giving your point of view on such thing, but there are better way rather than insulting people!
Try to google the word "RESPECT", you will learn pretty good things there.
INSHAALLAH soon we will see the wives of sarkozy & berlusconi naked in airports..but the problem is that these peopel have no faith, they will never feel ashamed of this..