Fox Radio Host John Gibson Mocks Heath Ledger's Death
FOX News host John Gibson revelled in Heath Ledger's death yesterday on his radio show, finding a new opportunity to mock Brokeback Mountain (and by proxy, gay love), which in 2006 he called a "gay agenda movie," Think Progress reports:
"Playing an audio clip of the iconic quote, 'I wish I knew how to quit you' from Ledger’s gay romance movie Brokeback Mountain, Gibson disdainfully quipped, 'Well, he found out how to quit you.' Laughing, Gibson then played another clip from Brokeback Mountain in which Ledger said, 'We’re dead,' followed by his own, mocking 'We’re dead' before playing the clip again."
Gibson called Ledger a "weirdo" with a "serious drug problem" and suggested that Ledger killed himself because he had "a serious position in the (stock) market" or perhaps "watched the Clinton-Obama debate last night. I think he was an Edwards guy, cause he saw his Edwards guy was just completely irrelevant."
*This man is disgusting and pathetic in my opinion. How could you make fun of a dead person? let alone someone with a wife and a 2 year old daughter? I already sent an email at [email protected] letting him know exactly how I felt and if you're keen you could too!
is to know what drugs do to people, then over dosing on it anyway...
I could be wrong, but I doubt it.
have I missed something here, thought it was prescription drugs, not the hard stuff. I thought it was disgusting the way Fox, Sky and other reports made it out to be he was taking drugs.
Bajesus, I have emailed Fox on many occasions, to no avail, I doubt very much you will get a reply :(
I agree a drug overdose is not quite " going out on top"....but come on!
If your'e going to talk about "natural selection at its finest", should we mention the atrocities in your own country.
Drugs are a disease where i come from right now, Ive lost family members to it.
Please take on board that people in glass houses, shouldnt throw stones.
Humanity is simply a parade of fools....and im right at the front twirling the biggest baton anyones ever seen.
It is not like he died trying to save dying baby seals or something. He died overdosing on drugs... Natural selection at its finest.
Have you read Mandela's 'Long Walk To Freedom'? Very inspirational.
Love is the answer...
He is one of my heroes along with Ghandi and Nelson Mandella.
The time has come to substitute caution for courage. Martin Luther King, Birmingham, Alabama 1963
Like the change of quote R123.
Love is the answer...
Take some advice, don't watch Fox news. Its complete crap and people like John Gibson are so crass its unbelieveable that anyone can stand to listen to them at all.
Fox News and its "newshounds" represent the worst of America.I blame Fox news for Bush becoming president for the second time and many other things.Fox is garbage.
The time has come to substitute caution for courage. Martin Luther King, Birmingham, Alabama 1963
I did read the thread and all I can see is the comparison between insulting a dead person and reporting a pregnant where's the double standard in that ? I still don't get...grrr...
I'm not always right, but I'm never wrong -Garfield
Like I said, I wouldn't report a pregnant or a gay person either because it's none of my business what they do. But should they get in trouble, I can't say anything either because they should've expected it.
But what double standards are u talking about ? We weren't talking about double standards :S
I'm not always right, but I'm never wrong -Garfield
Ok so I wouldn't personally report an unwed pregnant lady, but if someone does we can't say it's wrong because pregnancies out of wedlock is illegal here. As much as I sympathize with people being punished for out of wedlock pregnancies, being gay, carrying alcohol around, etc, it is their responsibility to know that its illegal and should therefore expect the consequences of being caught and punished. The rules are rules and whether we agree with them or not they are here and we should respect them or be ready for the consequences.
I'm really not trying to preach, nor do I have the right to do so, but if for example, I'm caught drinking and driving and get deported, then I only have myself to blame. I hope I'm getting my point across.
I'm not always right, but I'm never wrong -Garfield
"How can you make fun of a dead person?
How can u be neutral about stoning?
How could you report a single woman for being pregnant?"
---> U can't really compare those three cases. Making fun of a dead person is just disrespectful and rude. Being neutral about stoning is an opinion that doesn't hurt anyone. As for reporting a single woman for being pregnant, I haven't seen anyone do it yet, so until it is, we can't really talk about it.
There's a difference between freely expressing ur opinion (which everyone has the right to do so) without crossing anyone else's boundaries and just plainly insulting a dead person.
I'm not always right, but I'm never wrong -Garfield
It is beyond your grasp. But you're entitled to your opinion as I am to mine. Anyway, as much as you'd like to, let's not turn this thread about me ;)
How can you make fun of a dead person?
How can u be neutral about stoning?
How could you report a single woman for being pregnant?
I don't know.......... these and many actions are wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
beyond the grasp of my comprehension. But the geat bard was more eloquent:
There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, Than are dreamt of in your philosophy (Hamlet, Act 1 Scene 5) - William Shakespeare
Yeah, I have read about it. That only shows what kind of a human being he is. Only his opinion matters. He invited these guests into his show and when he doesn't agree with their opinions he went totally berserk and told them to shut up.
Yeah, he has one ugly picture of Bill...
Usually his most disgusting person of the day...LOL
You can't teach experience...
Can't say I do but I know Mr O'Reilly has plenty of enemies. He sure had a lot of bashing coming from Al Franken, among others. But I'll sure look into it.
Is by far the most disgusting man on TV. Luckily in the UK, he's virtually unheard of.
Some of his interviews are sickening. Ignorance beyond all belief.
Its all about sensationalism really
Humanity is simply a parade of fools....and im right at the front twirling the biggest baton anyones ever seen.
Ah, the splotchy Mr. Bill O'Reilly, so full of cr*p :)
Yea I know, I'm just stressing that such barbaric attitude calls for barbaric treatment as well :) But such is the ugly side of freedom (but don't get me wrong,i'll take freedom any day) all it comes down to is basic human decency and moral responsibility for all our actions. I'm sure he's someone who doesn't get a good night sleep, if you know what I mean :)
Fox is run by republicans and they hate anything gay as much as they hate democrats. Hence, the reference to Brokeback and Clinton/Obama. I think it's malicious and he should be burned at the stakes.
Yeah Gibson is a total Dyck...
He needs a could azz kicken
You can't teach experience...
I couldn't agree more PM.
It's quite common in western society (well, the UK & US at least) to make light of tragedy. Sometimes it's done as a way to deal with the horror of the situation, sometimes it done to get ratings. Normally it's not done in bad taste and people can usually see that, but every now and then someone over steps the mark and enters into the realm of bad taste and insensitivity.
It's rare for a famous person to die and a joke or two not to surface in the next couple of days.