Forgotten Bloodshed Before the Internet

Masscares in Syria, Iraq and various other places are nothing new to humanity, the ones that happened before the days of the internet, social media and phone cameras are easy to hide and bury. Luckily the change in technology does not stop governments from killing their own people but it means the whole world can see what they are doing and what they have done.
Hyderabad 1948: India's hidden massacre
When India was partitioned in 1947 about 500,000 people died in communal rioting, mainly along the borders with Pakistan. But a year later another massacre occurred in central India, which until now has remained clouded in secrecy.
In September and October 1948, soon after independence from the British Empire, tens of thousands of people were brutally slaughtered in central India.
Some were lined up and shot by Indian Army soldiers. Yet a government-commissioned report into what happened was never published and few in India know about the massacre. Critics have accused successive Indian governments of an ongoing cover-up.
The massacres took place a year after the violence of partition in what was then Hyderabad state, in the heart of India. It was one of 500 princely states that had enjoyed autonomy under British colonial rule.
When independence came in 1947 nearly all of these states agreed to become part of India.
But Hyderabad's Muslim Nizam, or prince, insisted on remaining independent. This outraged the new country's mainly Hindu leaders in New Delhi.
After an acrimonious stand-off between Delhi and Hyderabad, the government finally lost patience.
In addition to their desire to prevent an independent Muslim-led state taking root in the heart of predominantly Hindu India was another worry.
Members of the powerful Razakar militia, the armed wing of Hyderabad's most powerful Muslim political party, were terrorising many Hindu villagers.
This gave the Prime Minister, Jawaharlal Nehru, the pretext he needed. In September 1948 the Indian Army invaded Hyderabad.
In what was rather misleadingly known as a "police action" the Nizam's forces were defeated after just a few days without any significant loss of civilian lives. But word then reached Delhi that arson, looting, and the mass murder and rape of Muslims had followed the invasion.
Determined to get to the bottom of what was happening, an alarmed Nehru commissioned a small mixed-faith team to go to Hyderabad to investigate.
It was led by a Hindu congressman, Pandit Sunderlal. But the resulting report that bore his name was never published.
Pandit Sunderlal's team concluded that between 27,000 and 40,000 died
The Sunderlal team visited dozens of villages throughout the state.
At each one they carefully chronicled the accounts of Muslims who had survived the appalling violence: "We had absolutely unimpeachable evidence to the effect that there were instances in which men belonging to the Indian Army and also to the local police took part in looting and even other crimes.
"During our tour we gathered, at not a few places, that soldiers encouraged, persuaded and in a few cases even compelled the Hindu mob to loot Muslim shops and houses."
The team reported that while Muslims villagers were disarmed by the Indian Army, Hindus were often left with their weapons.
In some cases, it said, Indian soldiers themselves took an active hand in the butchery: "At a number of places members of the armed forces brought out Muslim adult males from villages and towns and massacred them in cold blood."
The investigation team also reported, however, that in many other instances the Indian Army had behaved well and protected Muslims.
The Nizam of Hyderabad was a powerful prince. In this picture taken in 1899, the Nizam, Mahbub Ali Khan, and his party pose with tiger skins.
The backlash was said to have been in response to many years of intimidation and violence against Hindus by the Razakars.
In confidential notes attached to the Sunderlal report, its authors detailed the gruesome nature of the Hindu revenge: "In many places we were shown wells still full of corpses that were rotting. In one such we counted 11 bodies which included that of a woman with a small child sticking to her breast.
And it went on: "We saw remnants of corpses lying in ditches. At several places the bodies had been burnt and we would see the charred bones and skulls still lying there."
The Sunderlal report estimated that between 27,000 to 40,000 people lost their lives.
No official explanation was given for Nehru's decision not to publish the contents of the Sunderlal report. Though it is likely that, in the powder-keg years that followed independence, news of what happened might have sparked more Muslim reprisals against Hindus.
It is also unclear why, all these decades later, there is still no reference to what happened in the nation's school books. Even today few Indians have any idea what happened.
Aoy that the problem with the super sensitive people, especially when it comes to their myths, (because of course their myth is superior to all other ones and the only true one) they only read the bits they want to and ignore the rest.
and they said you were islamaphobic..
You learn something new everyday! I had never heard of this incident before. Massacres of this nature are by far such horribly criminal acts, yet awareness means those that those in the wrong may get their recompense and steps can be taken to make sure the same doesn't reoccur.
Mil is giving training to you or you are giving training to MIL...:P
have training for few days :(
lol where have you been?; haven't seen you of late..MIL keeping you busy?
dont tell him to see both ways he can see just one
to be fair, it goes both ways you see..I found from my time in the West, that Western women too are partial to some frolicking with a nice tan specimen from Asia..they even cuddle afterwards and call before 24 hours have passed:-)..oh well, women the world over like a real man, nationality no bar:-)
how do you know that...when was the last time you saw
this is getting interesting
Sorry Boxe you don't have the right colour of skin that they are interested in....
The women are not bad there either, they do like a western man to entertain them but then they are always concerned their father or brothers might find out. (I'm always the model of discretion after a good night of fun...)
Yes ur right...Iam a westerner for them...It means they consider all NRI DAMADS as westerners
thanks for using google
What about did not answer that
Do not use google...:P
Iam asking question since you posted on hyderabad and seem to show interest in hyderabad..InshaAllah soon iam planing to meet gullu dada for his gullu dada 5..i will recommend him your name...:))))))
Btw who is gullu dada
The women are not bad there either, they do like a western man to entertain them but then they are always concerned their father or brothers might find out. (I'm always the model of discretion after a good night of fun...)
Well if you are in Hyderbad then there are a few places to get a good biryani.
There is of courese Biryani itself and then Hyderbad House or even Paradise.
Nice and spicy does it.
hahaha there..boxbe's test of your hyderabad expertise..answer that biryani question and you're officially a leading authority on hyderabad lol
tfs man..i'm from hyderbabad and have never even had the slightest hint of this scene....but then, i've spent a total of 9 mths in hyderbabad and failed history regularly in school:-)..very tragic..i feel ill when i read about rapes or dead kids during times of unrest; besides, the present day hyderabadis (or hydros as some call us lol) are too busy reminiscing about how awesome and rich the Nizam was, while downing ginormous amounts of Biryani and the curries you mention:-)
mast kalandar : Where are you when you are most needed ? lol
u know about hyderabad a lot...can i know where we can get the best biryani in hyderabad...:)...Also where is mehdipatnam in hyderabad...:)
They do good curries from there....
I love my hyderabad..and TFS
From Nawab boxbe
For a country to move forward it has to accept it's past, warts and all.
TFS ! same incident was repeated during 2002 gujarat riots with state goverment police join with RSS attacking the minorities
You are right RC. Almost all people of India especially the generation after independence is not aware of such a massacre as it was not known or published anywhere. The history of India or the story writers were only publishing the Hindu/Muslim riot that took place in the boarder at the time of the partition. The congress leaders especially those with democratic mentality were not willing to have uncontrollable riots through out India which could have taken the country to a situation which no one will be able to control or rule.