Forget dogs, How about a CHEETAH for a pet?

Nothing new to Doha, many of us have seen such pets on the Doha Roads
Dubai: How about a cheetah for a pet?
That's what an unknown owner showed when he walked around with the world's fastest animal on a leash at the Dubai Media City on Wednesday evening.
The sight of the big cat prancing around caused a commotion among people who spotted it outside the OSN Showtime building, just after 6pm.
"The cheetah was walking about the parking lot for about 20 minutes, being held on a leash by a man who was keen to show it off," said Jane, an expatriate who works at the Media City. Many onlookers on their way home, double-parked their vehicles to have a closer look at the surreal spectacle.
"But when a car jam-braked nearby, the animal got agitated and restless."
After a while, the owner just picked it up and put it inside his white Porsche Cayenne.
Dr Reza Khan, an expert at the Dubai Zoo, has identified the animal as a sub-adult African cheetah, probably less than 12 months old. He wondered how the cheetah, an endangered species, landed in private hands in Dubai.
"Cheetah is on the list of endangered animals as per IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature) Red List and in Cites (Convention on the International Trade of Endagered Specicies)
yep TB, the might of a local prince :)
No Jayca - that was about a Two/ Three Legged Animal :)
DAMN, this crocodiles are eating my brains.....:(
Is this somewhat related to the post where someone is asking if we have met Tiger in the club? :P
"He wondered how the cheetah, an endangered species, landed in private hands in Dubai."He wonders?
Rizks missing from this thread got something to do with Exotic pets,he had a verbal duel on QL with a Guy wanting to sell off his white Tiger Cub ;)
hajmola..nobody is interested in you! you can buy yourself one of your missing pair!!
Brit...Rizks is missing..maybe he is playing with his pet...
What about Rizks with his pet Cobra named Ka ?
One guy in QL got many exotic pets at home including two big pythons...
Maybe that cheetah's RP got expired and was deported back to its country... ":P
I wonder if Cheetahs lie and fib all the time :S
The Cheetah ate him, jjj75. Or the owner killed it.
Nothing unusual - there was a guy here who drove around with a Cheetah in the passenger seat -although not seen him for a while - wonder what happened to him???
I agree with MY SENSE. Poor Cheetah, let this poor animal live where he/she belong!
Makes me only remember all those "exotic pet" owners who themselves or their unfortunate loved ones ended up killed or maimed by their "pets". People are so foolish,really. And sadly others have to pay for their folly. Wish such a practice can be STRICTLY outlawed!
yes it was..and that idiot was obviously showing off his wild pet.. if you search you can find thread about spotting it in many places..
Back home, one of our Congressman have a tiger as a pet ..... no kidding.
I mean, do they really think that they can tame wild animals? I think these animals should be back in the wilds. (I mean the pets not the owners :P)
Perhaps its a "Cheeter" - A Chinese Knockoff :O)
FS, I hope you are fine.
FS - was the vehicle 'FJ Cruiser'?
before i could click a snap last time, the vehicle sped off
I have seen this here also... the car next to me had a cheetah in the front seat...
so dangerous to others..wild animals should not be treated like that, let them live freely as wild.
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