Forever Young

DUBAI – ‘Forever Young’ may be the title of one of Rod Stewart’s famous songs but for a 23 year young man it’s real life.
Palestinian native Mohammed Farouk Abul-Hassan, who is currently 23 years old, still looks exactly like he did when he was only 12.
The young man explains that he stopped growing (and aging) when he turned twelve years young and now 11 years later he looks exactly like and is the exact same height he was then.
Hassan says he has tried a variety of things to get out of his teen looks but thus far not a single one has worked.
At first doctors were baffled about Hassan’s condition but numerous tests finally revealed that the young man suffers from an hormonal imbalance that prevents his body from growing and getting older.
Mohammed, who grew up in Dubai, works as a cameraman for tv-station. Given his talent, Hassan decided to film himself driving a car and when he’s at work.
The “boy” really does look extremely young and it is difficult to accept he is actually a 23 year old adult.
I doubt it..if Alfie could do it why not this guy? And in case you are wondering who on earth Alfie is I mean this guy :
getting a girlfriend will be toughest task :P
amaze us but it is a medical condition and the guy is not happy to be like this. Hope he can recover.
yeah i wonder why it had to stop at 12....25 would have been perfect :P maybe this is what happened to Peter Pan! :D hahaha!
Hope and pray his condition is a source of benefit and favor upon the guy, but personally I'd rather look the age I am than looking like a child of twelve, Alhamdullilah.
wow.. can he share his secret with me?
Wow, now imagine that would happen when one is 25 years old!
It would put the cosmetic industry out of business.:P
Nice .. TFS :)
Oh above 60 and i still look younger than him :D