Fitna The Movie -- Free Exchange of Thoughts

I am almost sure that everyone has seen Fitna on LiveLeak before it was removed due to "serious threats" against its staff.
Thank God I am not a religious bigot, but is it me or has the world gone crazy? Go to liveleak, youtube, dailymotion and put any word that is remotely related to Iraq, IED, or any other similar word and you would find a million search result. How are such operations considered not be a violation of other people's rights, especially when they see people getting beheaded or blown up for merely religious reasons. The only thing Fitna did was put together video clips that we already know and that we already saw. Is that a crime now?
Didn't the September 11 attacks happen? Didn't terrorists behead a man while (sadly) yelling Allah Akbar? Didn't Muslim scholars describe Jews as the sons of pigs and monkeys all day long?
These events have already happened so what exactly are we trying to hide here?
My suggestions:
-- Ignore the movie (not a good choice)
-- OR make a movie showing how Islam is indeed a religion of forgiveness and tolerance and send a message to the world that although this religion has been unfortunately used in a bad way, it still has some positive aspects.
I posted a thread on the politics, culture and religion section about this short film.
If anyone is interested, the link is below:
gmrieb, I guess it is not the events depicted that is the problem but the using the verses of Quran out of context to show that it preaches violence is the problem. There is a similar thread already which we could use
well we should ignore such an atitude..let them do what they want...we have to prove our religion as a peace make not the one to hard the humanity...