Like a fish out of water..

A fish doesn’t know it’s swimming around in the water because it has no point of reference. But just take a fish out of its environment for a moment and then plop it back in the tank. The water will be exactly the same, but the fish’s appreciation of it will be changed forever.
How does this example work in your life? Have you ever risen out of the water of your life, and found your paradigms shifted, the frame broken? How much does it take to wake up to all invisible gifts flooding your life which you don't seem to appreciate or recognise right now?
starseed, you are always Philosophical.
Corne would love that dancing
It is not enough to do your best; you must know what to do and THEN do your best.-W. Edwards Deming
what the heck u doing roaming around in a dress??
Where there is Fire...There is Coke. Where there is Rum..There is Smoke - Sir Smoke-a-Lot
I dont know i cant swim so never been in a water. but yea after getting out of tub i am wet so i use towel :D coz rest of the day i a using dress :D