Filipinos should dress properly

Hot on the heels of the advisory to Filipinas, now its aimed at the men..
I think that more embassies / expatriate bodies should follow suit.. It does no harm to keep citizens informed...
DOHA: Filipino men were also told to dress up presentably when going to public places, offices and other government departments.
Sitti Jaffar, Welfare Officer at the Philippine Overseas Labour Office (POLO), issued this piece of advise to remind her countrymen that proper and decent dresses has been the call of the day if only for Filipinos to get a respect to a country like Qatar where it is already inhabited by multi-cultural people.
Jaffar said she had observed not only some Filipino women but men as well who visited their office wearing only T-shirts, shorts and slippers which she find not proper attire when they are doing some personal transaction at the POLO.
She however admitted that in several occasions there are female Filipinos still sporting spaghetti blouses and sleeveless shirts that she personally told one of them at one time to be decent enough when they visited their office.
“I once told a Filipina lady one time to be nice looking with a little decency on what she wears and she was receptive,” Jaffar said. She added she is particular about this even to runaway women seeking refuge at POLO to be decent looking to avoid getting attention especially from men of different nationalities visiting their office.
Outgoing Philippine Ambassador Isaias Begonia shared Jaffar’s observation. He said it is but proper for his countrymen to follow the rules of the Qatari government and respect their culture.
“We should act accordingly because we are just visitors here,” Begonia said. He said he understands Filipinos are now more open in the way they wear in public but there are limitations in a conservative Muslim country like Qatar.
A Qatari businessman, for his part, made a friendly reminder to Filipinos that they are really particular about the dress code especially among women because of their Islamic belief.
“For clothes, we made it sure that women are covered and not showing much of their physical features,” said Yahia Hamed Mohammed Salman, co-owner of Sun and Moon Restaurant in Al Sadd.
He explained it has been a long observed Arabic trait that nobody is allowed to see any physical exposure from women except their husbands.
“We ask our Filipino women friends to observe proper dresses when going to the public especially during the upcoming Holy Month of Ramadan,” Salman said.
" Failure is Not an OPTION "
i remember a qatari screaming at a Filipino in the zoo here for misbehaving herself in public with two men.
breasts are simply breasts !
come on !
be humble
As one filipina said, that is the consequence of being popular..always talk of the town.
Life is short...300 meter before roundabout!
Because this is an advisory from Mr. Sitti Jaffar, Welfare Officer at the Philippine Overseas Labour Office (POLO)..
heres the link:
" Failure is Not an OPTION "
I would love too..walking around half naked..(same i do in my home island) if the woman here dont stare me to death, and specially men.
Life is short...300 meter before roundabout!
So after ramazan ?????
i agree that filipinas should dress decently here in doha. Last time i was at the city center, there were two filipinas wearing a very skimpy tank tops showing half of the breasts. I salute their bravery though. For me, it's just a matter of respect of the culture of the muslims. Moreso, I think this should apply to all nationalities... I am just more concerned about filipinas because the image of my fellow has become not-so-good...
dressing inappropriately is not helping at all...
ROFLING Brit. I wished they ban men's speedos next ;)
Yes, but that is solely for the Filexpat group..
I think there is a thread with the same topic on this one...
" Failure is Not an OPTION "
You are correct..
Gypsy: Thank your lucky stars that spandex Bicycling shorts are NOT in ....
Wearing the right attite to the right occasion is still the key. No need for argument.
"Be Honest even if others are not"
be humble
@ duglas...ROTFL!!'re killing me mate!!...good one :)...not usually me terminology,just thought it was apt...
even in your office for sure there's one like that..lolz ;)
coz it's Summer...back home, it's the typical summer wear.
LOL rockduke!:))
I didn't say they were. I'm just happy men in general are being pointed out as dressing inappropriately to!
wearing clean and well pressed clothes, not like others who are wearing their clothes for one week and don't care even if they stink already and to think that some of them are professionals too..its very disappointing!
I don't believe that most Fiolipino dress inappropriately. I think some dress scruffily.
Then why dont you roam NAKED instead .. lolz
not as a negative comment
"You cannot propel yourself forward by patting yourself on the back."
I don't get it Gadarene, why would women want to dress like a gardening implement?
Commom its summer!
Life is short...300 meter before roundabout!
For other nationals they are arresting them with out any notice, u should be thankful for being noticed, I know a lot of Ethiopians who r in Jail because of dress codes....
Is it only filipinos who wear such type of dresses? This should be addressed to other nationalities as well. Let us not be racist.
Bout time they started pointing out that men are dressing inappropriately to!
shouldn't this apply to all nationalities?...i mean seriously,with all due respect to my Arab sisters(non-Qatari/non-GCC),some of 'em dress like real skanky ho's(Gypsy,thanks for that apt terminology),seriously,it's like they take the time & effort,look in the mirror & say "do i look like a ho? maybe the bright red lipstick,a bra 5 sizes too small & the fishnet stockings will do it then."...seriosuly & quite honestly,it looks waaaaaaaay more vulgar & ho-like on an arab woman than an Asian(esp. Filipinas) 'cos the arab women are genetically bigger,i.e bigger t & a,hence more vulgar,so maybe the Lebanese,Palestinian,Jordanian,Syrian,etc. embassies ought to issue the same directives,how about a level playing field here huh?...
"You cannot propel yourself forward by patting yourself on the back."