Fifty Shades of Grey !

Here's a funny one. Guy gets irritated by his girl friend reading what he considers "saucy" material and takes appropriate action ..
My question: would you be irked by your partner reading such a publication ? If so, why ?
Raymond Hodgson, 31, was charged with common assault after being appalled to discover that his partner of five years, Emma McCormick, had been reading the racy book.
The couple began arguing after McCormick began reading extracts from the best-selling novel by E L James - now the fastest selling book of the year.
Miss Harris said: "Mr Hodgson thought that the book was pornographic, and that she should not read such literature.
"The argument continued into the following day, with the two exchanging text messages."
Mrs Harris said: "He went to her home and took with him a bottle of brown sauce.
"She answered the door and the argument continued.
"She went to close the door and he jammed his foot into the door, slapped her once in the face, and then squirted her with this bottle of sauce."
When interviewed by the police, Hodgson said he felt Fifty Shades of Grey was a 'distasteful' and 'pornographic' book.
Asked about his views of the book after the case, Hodgson said he thought Fifty Shades of Grey was 'wrong'.
He said that he did what he did to Miss McCormick to show her what saucy really meant.
Sauce: The Telegraph
Can you please send me those amazing books. I did not read but i hear a lot about them
ready for my trip to Maldives next week, but best I take extra reading material, if the feedback above is anything to go by!!!!
How rude
Wow! I'm in! What a wonderful description you gave, Tinkerbell :)
I haven't yet read any historical/factual book, though I do enjoy period fiction. Judging from how you describe it, it promises to be all-engrossing!
Hunting for it now :)
Missteacher and wirehead, word :)
Most of it was incoherent, and had the potential for being exciting, but somehow wasn't :/
Well, we shouldn't expect much; it started out as a woman posting her fantasies on a blog. People liked it, it became famous.
Tinkerbell, your book sounds promising :) let me know when u finish it, how you found it.
Does the plot include a maid and a feather duster ?
I've ended up skipping the juicy parts and am just trying to get through the actual "plot", not going well I'm afraid.
same here! also the number of times 'crap', 'holy crap' and its variants were mentioned. add 'i'm not hungry' to the list too. i hate girls who don't like to eat.
ok fine, i try to read it for the juicy parts but there's only so much garbage one can take. the concept is indeed interesting but unfortunately the author did not develop it well.
MT, i think the guy actually tried too hard to be christian grey-ish and did the slapping way too seriously. there's even text messaging involved like the email exchanges in the book ^__^
I got bored half way through the second book tbh. Very badly written as well, with all the "Oh my" & "My inner Goddess...." Yawn!
The man in question was probably threatened by his lack of Christian Grey-ness in the boudoir! Haha!
It was a mindless diversion between mindful reading :)
This is so funny, while Hodgson is there assaulting the poor lady, my woman informed me about the book, i got two copies of the Trilogy some days ago and sent her copy to her in my country while i keep mine too.she'll be reading over there while i read here too,whatever is there in the book might be useful for both of us only.Funny some will say.
It started off as light reading but then it got harder :O(
Flew in last month with Book 2 and 3. Worried that I'd get caught with them and get a nice welcome to Qatar flogging :)
Quite frankly wasn't worth the risk.
yeah britexpat, that's why I said it's a light read :)
Didn't mention its plot at all ;)
But the other books I mentioned have good plots and are well written.
I don't think people were reading it for the plot :O)
50 Shades of Grey was a 'light read'. Try The Hunger games trilogy by Suzanne Collins. Well written and good story. I read that and Eat, Pray, Love immediately after 50 Shades.
i think it's overrated. still stuck in the middle of the first book.
yeah there's a lot of sex involving bdsm but it's badly written. as expected from a twilight spinoff. there are some mills & boon books that are better written. lots of people i know like it though.
i would suggest 'the claiming of sleeping beauty' trilogy by anne rice written under a pseudonym. forgot which name she used.
i'll give it a month and if i still get bored by it i'm selling my box set.
Anything by Nora Roberts is guaranteed to be good. Right now I'm reading His Every Desire by Emma Rose and it's worth a read as well (though it is a bit...descriptive like fifty shades of grey).
hey please help me with the book i have heard so much about it but cant get my hands on is my email:[email protected]
All my friends are reading it,so will defo be getting the books when heading back to the Uk in a few weeks..
thank you very much! :-)
Here guys download it from this link
Ok, yazleb can i send you my email for that copy? :D
mercurie : fifty shades of skirts :P
Marco, you mean 'Squirts', right?
I like the bit where he skirts in her eyes and all over the walls.....And she cleans up afterwards..Maybe he has read the book.. O: LOOL
I am gonna break the suspense.. it was the butler:)
wat ? No pics...:(
how am i suppose to read all tat without pics ? lols
Thanks anywayz. YAZLEB
I implore you not to do that..
Rizks has a dodgy heart and a weak stomach. He may not be able to complete even chapter 1 :O(
Yippey...Okie Dokie ! :)
yes rizks.....send me ur inbox me ur email address
Brit: Maybe he got scared, sounds like he was trying to fend her off. Looking at her picture, it'd take a brave man to tackle that! :P
Yazleb can you mail me tat book plz ? :(
He also slapped her ...
ur all welcome.......i havent started reading yet, too bloody busy & as for getting friend requests on facebook from ppl in QL i wont accept the weirdo's!!! lmao
i honestly cannot believe that this has even gone to the magistrates court.i could understand if he had wrapped the bottle around her head but come on please. :P
Yiffeeee, got my books! Thanks a trillion Yazleb :))
Now, to the kindle!!
The books are easily available for download, just google it..
I guess that instead of slapping her on the face, if he had put her over his knee and given her a sp@%king, she would not have complained...considering that she was a fan of the series..:):)
btw, i read all 3 , and it is..umm..funny.., to say the least
Ben_130: "Fair point well made" (A line used by Mr Christian Grey quite a few times in the book)
Be careful Brit, not sure if your ticker can cope ;-)
Cool. I wanna read it too! Read it's preview, and balked a little at 'The Fifty Shades trilogy was developed from a Twilight fan fiction'. But still want to read it.
Yazleb, I'll send my email ID, pleeease send it to me :) Thanks.
And that Raymond Hodgson was a noodlehead. He has no right to control anyone like that. Maybe he kept his own stash really well hidden from his girlfriend. Hypocrite.
snessy - we are looking but have to imagine the story, you are reading but have to imagine the pictures!
Both the same in my eyes, at least that way everyone's a winner.
For goodness sake.. Now I have all these images in my mind and I haven't even started reading the book :O(
Watch it Brit, I've learnt a thing or two from reading Fifty Shades and I may have to invest in a whip! LOL...
Well said...
i think the ladies will say that one is erotica and the other an amusing fatasy read :O(
Ben_130: we're using our imaginations to picture what's going on and what the characters may look like in the book, you're looking at other women in the mags from the top shelf.
The way I see if is if your girl is reading it, whats to stop you going to the top shelf (when back home obviously) to pick up a copy of Razzle/Escort or some other dirty mag? Its practically the same thing.
yazleb..:) ooopz we normally see lots of weirdoes here... so TB must have mistaken you..:)
yazmin yummy mummy,.... be prepared to get friend request from those sick minded guys in here..:)
It'a ok YAZLEB! You know how guys think lol ! Ah men!
I can assure u that im an English lady!!! i dont need any qatar living ladies i.d's
do try to drag ur minds outta the gutter just for a moment plzzzzzzzz it was a genuine offer. I have them in pdf all 3.....go check my fb account m yazmine yummymummy :-D
Step up from Mills and Boon??? No I don't think so, this one is 3 book wonder.If E.L James keep repeating this theme I sure would not read it. Nothing can beat Mills and boon in my book...
Well at least the movie won't be shown in Qatar :O)
What i find fascinating here is that women are more interested in this book than men .. Is this a step up from Mills & Boon and barbara cartland ?
and the movie vl be rated 18+++++++(to infinity).
Ya we both read it from Yahoo UK maybe he he he..'s going to be made into a film too :-)
Yep, I heard the same nad023...
It outsold Harry porter already brit..
Seems that this will be a better seller than Harry potter :o0
I have all the books,read the first one. The book surely is ahemm...X rated but yet I could not stop reading.
Now coming to this guy who squirted sauce on his Girlfriend, I think he finds himself lacking hence he is provoked by this mere fiction...Pathetic is the word for him.
I have 50 shades of grey and Fifty Shades Freed, both amazing! Too bad it's only Fiction ;p
I've no idea how it works TB, I have it on my kindle account. Not sure if it's possible to send, I'll check.
MM: I bought mine from Amazon, read it on my iPad. I believe it has been banned in some countries.
I'm most definitely not a pervert, but for some reason I couldn't put it down. It IS pure filth :-)
ok I googled
Brit: it's definitely more than saucy but I don't think you can call it pornographic, it's up to your imagination to visualise what's going on so it's more what I would call an erotic novel.
Xena: you won't put it down, I read all 3 books in less than a week. This is what's been keeping me away from QL and FB ;-)
I didnt understand anything....:(
Yeah but is it any good!!!!??? Im getting all sorts of mixed messages, some from my decent friends and some from my perverted friends about it.......I wish I could be bothered to read it ...........
I'm going to pick it up when I head to the States next month. They were selling it here in the UAE a few months back, but it's gone off the shelves now. Not sure if it's sold out or banned.
my partner reading saucy material sure i would love it!
i prefer her saucy action stays with me alone!
just brought it back with her from one of her trips....
Am looking so forward to settling down to read it later;-p
Would you regard it as saucy or bordering on the p0rnographic ?
I prefer the Saudi version of the book.
One Shade of Black.
I should also point out I finished reading the trilogy yesterday and I am now suffering from fifty shades of withdrawal symptoms...and no hubby didn't mind me reading the books at all! I suggested he has a read too :-P
Assaulting a woman is "funny"?
'He said that he did what he did to Miss McCormick to show her what saucy really meant.'
hahahahahah that was hilarious..she knows now Hodgson she knows
Her idea of saucy is a little different to his...they're better off apart!