Female Characters for a Documentary Film

Hello Everyone,
I'm a student at Qatar University and I'm looking for women to be part of my documentary film project.
I'm graduating this semester and for my graduation project I'm making a documentary film - and I'm sending this out hoping that some of you may either be interested in being part of the project, or knows someone that is.
My film is about women, and the decisions that women of all ages make regarding their career ambition. The focal point here is that women nowadays lean towards a more ambitious lifestyle, women want to further themselves from a career front, or aspire for higher education. This isn't specific to women of our generation, but rather from generations that came before us - and also the generations of women that are to come.
That said, women have also found that making such a decision would possibly stand in the way for making a more enclosed and stable platform for themselves to stand on. What does this type of ambition mean for a young and headstrong woman that wants to marry one day? Is it at all possible to have both the job and degree, AND a family of her own?
This is the question I hope to find answers to for my documentary. I want to find 6 women, 2 from each age demographic (2 from ages 20 - 29, 2 from ages 30 - 42 and 2 from ages 42 and above). I want to see how both paths or decision made by these 6 characters are being made, and on what grounds, and possibly what they have to say about their lives.
I understand that this is an extremely personal topic, and that people may not want to be involved in this, but if you know anyone that would be interested, please refer them back to me.
Also, I'm going to film a focus group for the film - for women to also discuss this amongst themselves. The focus group gives women the opportunity to interact without the pressure of being a character, so you don't want to be a main character, you can also be involved as a female during a close sitting, being part of a group, rather than having a more focused appreciation of your life.
If I have failed to elaborate as much as possible I apologize. I have found some difficulty trying to find people to participate, so forgive me for sounding somewhat unclear. I appreciate you taking the time to read this and hopefully you'll be able to help me out.
I know I've tagged guys too, and of course I won't be needing any males to be part of the film (seeing as this is a female specific film) but if you know any women that would be interested, then please let me know.
FYI - This will be a film made and hopefully showcased in different film festivals. If anyone has any reservations then this may not be for you. But I encourage you all to ask around! And characters of this film will hopefully be diverse. I want women from all different nationalities if that's possible. National women would be ideal, along with other arab women, western women and the like. Please don't hesitate to respond!
Thank you all so much! And I hope to hear from you soon.
You can contact me at this email address, and then I'll contact you from there through phone.
email [email protected]
Contact me here [email protected]
Hello Bushra,
Well my schedule is very hectic, as I have to start almost immediately. I am currently working on my project, so I technically already started. I appreciate that you are interested and please send me your contact information by email ([email protected]) and I will be more than happy to provide you with any further details.
I will continue filming for the rest of this month, and I will have to wrap up by the first week of December. I hope that works for you.
Thank you!
let me know the details when u ll b starting ur project ur shoot n everything i m interested because i like the topic n ur project i m from qatar my name is Bushra i will give u my contact details if u ll tell me ur schedule
I'm casting females only because women are they ones that are the center of my topic. I'm interested in what they have to say regarding my topic, and not what men have to say. You might not agree but that's the way I envisioned my project. Anyone that would like to be part of this project is welcome. Thanks.
For the record, I am saying it like it is. Regardless of nationality I want to meet everyone out there that would be interested in being part of this project. I only said Nationals would be ideal because my university wants me to target that particular audience, and I am bound by some rules to follow.
Please don't misread what I wrote because every woman out there has something to say and I want to be able to document it. No hesitation, no beating around the bush.
wow I like it. and if there's a chance for me to be a part of it I'll be glad to.
hmmm! why casting female only? are you from bang bros? lolz
If you wanna make a winning documentary, you gotta say it like it is
Why go half way and just say,"National women would be ideal, along with other arab women, western women and the like."
say it like it is... why hesitate... "no East Asians pls"...
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thank you all for the support! but i'm new on qatar living, so how does pm'ing me work? i'm available for whoever wants to get in touch with me. Send me your contact information to this email [email protected] and I will call you as soon as I receive the email.
Thank you all again!
me too! i'll pm you
Hello dear,
You doing a great job. I would love to be a part of your documentary. you may contact me at my home phone no. 44663229.
Or email me the details at [email protected]
I will be waiting for your response. Feel free to contact me anytime...
Good chance, don't miss it!