Father fined 500AED for beating daughter

Father beat teen girl for surfing indecent websites, Al Ain court hears
Tuesday, December 11, 2012
7DAYS Abu Dhabi
A father has been fined Dhs500 for beating up his teenage daughter after discovering she had been looking for sexual material online.
Al Ain Court of First Instance handed down the penalty to the Emirati after he was found guilty of hitting his 14-year-old daughter, leaving her with bruises all over her body.
The girl said: “My father beat me up just because I was using the internet.”
The 34-year-old defendant admitted assaulting his daughter but said he did it to instill morals in her, not to hurt her. He told the court that his wife, the
girl’s step-mum, saw the teen using her computer and the girl turned it off when she realised she had been spotted.
The father said he checked what his daughter had been looking at and found she was logged on to pornographic sites, so he started beating her.
He then locked the girl in her bedroom for several days but the youngster had access to a phone and called her mum to tell her about the punishment.
The mother went to the house to rescue her daughter and filed a complaint at Al Jimi Police Station. She said: “My daughter said her father beat her, locked her in the room and threatened to beat her again if she left the house.”
A medical report noted that the girl had injuries to her face, neck and left eye, suffered from a blood clot in her shoulders and bruising on her legs. The girl’s mum says she wants custody as it isn’t safe for the girl to stay with her father.
The courts have yet to decide on custody.
He beat the crap out of her and only gets a 500 AED fine? No wonder kids don't come forward.
And unless the girls a hacker, all pornographic sites are blocked in the UAE, so either his definition of porn is very different from the governments, or he's lying through his teeth.
19y minus 9 months is ??
a guy when he was 18 was,.i dont know she looks different then me,..lets investigate ;)9months later he was a dad,..
he got married at 19 , doesn't make him a dad at 19 there is process ;)
34 year old dad...
with a 14 year old daughter... hmmmm...
So he was 19 at most when he got married
he missed the class about not hitting kids
cos he was getting married
lol now that was an interesting question
which website was she browsing?
no its not,.but last comment was also not ment being sarcastic;)
One Day the Daughter will be big enough to kick his ass
here more about abusing kids on moral grounds then i did in the "bad bad west" where kids are not hit or abused by parents for watching porn,.
wich in most homes the can not if the parents are internet wise and have parental control on the web browsers,
any way if the dad in the uae has a vpn so he can watch his share of P**N and his daughter found out how to use it and just went thru the dads favorite links,... thats wy he beat her up
May be some men's Health website Fubar?
Maybe she was looking at pictures of men showing their knees and shoulders?
good she just saw n dint flash unlike the one in canada otherwise father wld have killed her
Its combination of the teenage, the hormones and lack of Sex education?
I agree. there is no excuse to beat her..
Brit, no, I do not think so. I am pretty sure she was unhappy etc., but a girl does not look at porn to irk her father. Totally a typical. I don't believe it.
He is just an a hole, as simple as that.
Still not an excuse to beat her Brit.
ofcourse she could be a problem child who was unhappy at having to live away from her mother and looked at porn to irritate her father and step mother.
Ok it is all to do with the Evil Step mother?
I agree with NM. I think she was looking at perfectly normal things.
The father's looking for excuses. If he didn't beat her for this, he'd beat her for something else.
Miss Mimi I think she was caught in the act as the report says and didn't have time to erase the history?
The situation is like this Miss Mimi, at school kids will pass on information of sites etc to each other, but may have limited knowledge on Private browsing?
I think she was looking at totally normal stuff that her father is classing as porn. That could be the Victoris's Secret website, it could some teen mag....you know how some people are over here...;)
Article says she was using her step-mothers computer Brit.
Sure UK, but, if she knows how to by pass proxies, she knows how to erase her history.
Miss Mimi, indeed!
But of course...that can't be true! :P
Miss Mimi you would be surprised what the teenagers in the Middleast know..
The action of the Father are just not acceptable.
Perhaps she borrowed her friends laptop which had a proxy bypass on it or had a vpn connection to a site in europe :O(
khanan it happens when u stay without food and water
That would be the most likely thing NM, which might explain the father's reaction.
LOL at the Hijack of the thread and some assumptions.
Monkey, it is mentioned there in invisible fonts which u cant read - happy ?
then how did u read those invisible fonts r u Jaadu from koi mil gaya
Miss Mimi, she may have stumbled upon it...maybe it was left open by a previous viewer...;)
Monkey, it is mentioned there in invisible fonts which u cant read - happy ?
But would a 14 year old girl really know how to get around proxy's. Lets be reasonable. Most 14 year old girls don't want to look at porn that bad. Now if it was a 14 year old boy....
Is it possible to accept the news report that she was looking at porn ?
Then we can move on to the real issue. Abuse of the child and the punishment ..
so many sounds like doubt like all journalist here
rizks u still dint answer where is it mentioned she stayed without food and water
Well....how about this angle?
IF she was looking at porn, there must have been a way set up to get around the blocks...question is, who set those things up? The father maybe ?
I doubt it was the stepmother, maids or drivers....
Porn sites are blocked in all the MEcountries and most of the places, but still there are ways to surf these site...
I'd be shocked if she was actually looking at porn. Porn sites are blocked in the UAE, and I doubt she knows her way around the blocks. Sounds like her father just caught her using the computer and beat her black and blue.
where is it mentioned she stayed without food and water
Agreed the penalty given is lousy, however the fact that this case reached the courts and got the kind of media coverage it did will itself send a warning out to all abusive parents out there. God knows these people would never like that their sins be displayed to all and sundry. Kind of blows their whole "honorable" front!
No fine is enough for beating a kid, related or not, the father should be jailed, not for days or months, should be years!
coz one cannot live without Water and Food for several days...:(
He then locked the girl in her bedroom for "several days "
but the youngster had access to a phone and called her mum to tell her about the punishment - why did she wait for those "several days " ok i m dumb to believe any shyte the media says HAHA
But it is a start. It's certainly better than the mere slap on the wrist reprimanding many people are known to get. In all honesty, knowing the state of the Internet security in UAE,I really don't buy the pornography story. But had it been even true, then all the father had to do was teach his daughter right from wrong verbally and at most ground her from using the Internet, NOT beat her black and blue! Why do parents not realize that violence is not the answer when it comes to repelling evil? I hope and pray the mum gets custody.
to your statment
,Dragging personal problems to court does it sound logic..it can be solved within 4 corner of the house,
YES it is very logical to bring these kind of abusive cases in front of courts.
even if it was proven that she was watching porn, then "beating" is definitely the lousiest & most stupid solution.
Like tahsin said, explaining to her, her mistake, is the 1st thing to do. You have to talk logic to these teenagers, and do something about those porn sites
nice idea :)
Easy babu, get this man to beat everyone in the world.
there are issues everywhere , kidnapping , drone attacks , so many die of hunger , murder how to solve these issues
it can but not by beating crap out of your daughter. It is not personal if you injured someone.
A medical report noted that the girl had injuries to her face, neck and left eye, suffered from a blood clot in her shoulders and bruising on her legs.'
Is this the way to solve the issue???
yes and she shld be given a new laptop and more privacy
Agree with Khanan, the daughter should also immediately be taken out of the house.
A father has been fined Dhs500 for beating up his " teenage daughter" after discovering she had been looking for "sexual material online."
nice daughter
putting the father to trial and passing a judgement and then publish it in the daily is a good start.
She was probably looking at fashion sites which her father considered indecent. What scum.
Has Wadiymas's Law been passed ?
Anyway, what would you suggest as apt punishment ?
case is so heart-breaking!
Been following it and was so depressed to know about the two girls been through.
The punishment is very linent but I see it as a start. Punishing abusive parents is a taboo here.
Lets hope it gets more regulated and harsh.
What I find disturbing about this is it comes after Wadiyma's law, which was supposed to be calling for harsher penalties for abuse of children. Don't see how 500 AED is a harsh penalty. My speeding tickets are more.
Once again, the punishment does not fit the crime. Let's hope that the mother gets custody.
serves him right. He should also get negative points on his (marriage) license.