Fake policeman on trial for abduction, rape

DOHA: A man impersonating as a policeman is on trial at the Upper Criminal Court for abducting and raping a woman. The accused, a resident, allegedly stopped a motorist and his woman companion after one midnight posing as a policeman. He asked them to show him their ID cards. He then pretended to call his superiors and told the couple that he has been ordered to take them to the Capital Security Department. He took the woman in his car and ordered the man to follow him. When he reached a roundabout near Corniche he purposely sped up and escaped with the woman.
Instead of taking the woman to the police station, he took her to his house and raped her threatening with a knife.
Source [ http://thepeninsulaqatar.com/Display_news.asp?section=Local_News&subsect... ]
---- Just take care don't trust anyone -----
Trying to be diplomatic.... As the saying goes, an eye for an eye..... I think they should put him in some remote violent offenders prison, dress him up real pretty, throw him in and let him become the prisons" lady in waiting".
Let him get exactly what he gave and then some.
"Diplomacy is the art of saying 'Nice doggie' until you can find a rock - Will Rogers"
hmmm not impressive
try something better
Aaoouuchhh !!!
U got some great torture ideas there, Amoud ..:)
May they slice him with a million tiny razors and dip him in vinegar....
"Diplomacy is the art of saying 'Nice doggie' until you can find a rock - Will Rogers"
Thank you Docjay !!
Same 2 You !!!
un maldito india como tú es un tonto perso riszk!
lol Docjay
wats the point if u get the details also ? BoZo !!
whats the point also about the topic if it is not mentioned the correct details?dog ethic.....
wats the point, a rapist is a rapist regardless of wat nationality he is ?? :(
what nationality he raped?
yeah "bobbit" him, chop it into tiny bits and feed it to him,.. sick b*****d!
what nationality is he raped?
get that rapist raped too so he too will suffer
=Dura Lex Sed Lex=
Death sentence is too good for him ... Bobbit the b'stard
a rape accused should be simple given death sentence!!!and i bet the crime of rape will reduce
Then what happened???
Already posted buddy