Eyes and Cats on QL

Eyes and Cats r 2 common nick names on Ql, we have alot of cats here: mis-cat, fatcat, jass-cat, cat stevens and other cats lol. On the other hand the Eyes population is also increasing on Ql, we have blueeyes, prettyeyez, eyez, all eyez on me :P... I still cant figure out what are the common names in guys among ql... any ideas ??
lol u crazy cats hahaha :P, Pope, yea I'll cya in the jogging group :P
"One man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter" - George Galloway.
owen said:
thexonic.. you've been ...
thexonic.. you've been observing those since when? ..must be out of boredom huh?.. :)
hope you are doing fine.. looking forward seeing you on the "jogging group".. :P
I want to join you for your daily Jogging, I do not see any problems with it, at all.
Under one condition:
1-I'll borrow my neighbors baby stroller, you will seat comfortably, seat belt on, helmet on and some baby bottle, ready with juice or water.
2-The most important part of it, One Big pacifier to calm you down, while, I tow you, the distance with my truck, while touring the sand dunes in 4X4 mode.
I reckon, it will help you loose weight quickly. Not only that, I will have plenty of adult diapers, just in case you need them with some baby wipes.
Since there is no toilets in the desert. Unless you want to dig your own cat hole with your own hands, sorry no shovel or pick inside my truck.
3-I forgot to add, your baby rattler. You want some gu-gu, da-da from Daddy?
"Don't make me write your name on my TURD List!"
...citing an example.
And many eyes in Qatar also, that'll be another one...
Well I gotta admit, I also 'meow' in the office everyday...must be Qatar's environment...
"Everything in this book may be wrong." Illusions: The Adventures of The Reluctant Messiah by Richard Bach
POT calling the KETTLE black
You can't teach experience
Yeh the name "street cat" or "stray cat" would be very appropriate for some of the male species writing on this thread. lol
"One man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter" - George Galloway.
rizks, it is SRTAY CAT
Myspace Ange
I love cats :P
I know one more cat in QL----CATfighting:)))
woohoo! anyone?
Do I need to remind you about your gf's? lol
I am going to convert in qatari-cat's-eyes
she is in California
Myspace Ange
Thanks Iceyyy.... (^_^)
Never Ask for a SMILE..just GIVE it..
Myspace Ange
I was just going to start getting tired of looking for you all over QL and you are here in your Eyes-ICe thread...how nice...I must say, good to have met you the other evening, and next time try not being so quiet, god it was so difficult to get you to talk girl, dont be so tough next time alright...and yes you do have pretty - eyes...I forgot to mention on Tuesday evening...LOL!
So how you doing today...?
sounds like cat..lol
ammm all these cats and eyes... I already started thinking of a new nick for me like:
What say??
Never Ask for a SMILE..just GIVE it..
and out of boredom..gosh i have read all the threads here...
Myspace Ange
yeah now more more chick using dragon too after i changed my name to one. aaarrrrgggggggggggg
Live, Laugh, Love and Get Laid.
Owen I wish, I wanna work, atleast until my university begins :(.
"One man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter" - George Galloway.
can we trade situations for a month only?.. :D
[img_assist|nid=12867|link=none|align=left|width=|height=0]Nothing in life is to be feared. It is only to be understood.
Being jobless is not a blessing, ah this life and the stupid summer vacation. Sitting at home procrastinating...
"One man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter" - George Galloway.
thexonic.. you've been observing those since when? ..must be out of boredom huh?.. :)
hope you are doing fine.. looking forward seeing you on the "jogging group".. :P
[img_assist|nid=12867|link=none|align=left|width=|height=0]Nothing in life is to be feared. It is only to be understood.
Jasskat fatcat miscat alicat blackcat and nimrcat something any body knows of other cat on QL.