Extra iPhone 3G if you want one
I was in Hong Kong, bought two iPhone 3G's, one for me, and I had an idea to sell the other one at a higher price (to help pay for mine), but didn't get any takers, so am now selling it for what I paid, $1275 US, or 4700 QR. I have it here in Doha and will meet up with a buyer so they can check it out first and play with it.
Mine works fine with the Qtel SIM in it, so no worries there. If I don't get any takers in Doha, I will put it on eBay, but I thought I'd give someone here a chance. (I also put this under classifieds, but I saw there are alot of bogus ads for iPhones, all wanting you to wire money...(suprised the QL Admin doesn't remove them)...)
email: [email protected]
The iPhone costs $299 in America, right, but it is locked to an ATT network, unable to change SIM cards, and you have to have a two year contract with them. This is an "(unlocked" phone, genius, meaning you can use it anywhere in the world. American phones can't leave America (until they are hacked, but even then would you be able to use a QTel SIM?)
And as for the price, yes, I know it's expensive. But that is what they were ALL going for in Hong Kong when I bought it, and that is also what they are going for here in Doha (Hyatt Plaza). Go look.
Finally, I have been off QatarLiving for awhile and didn't know they set up a Classified forum, I now know that.
@brutus, it costs 250 QR for delivery. I know because I've had friends deliver to me.
Mr. Q's Blog - A Qatari's view on Qatar.
Dude how about the price for your ticket going to Singapore. Even if you order the Iphone in Singapore It will still cost you more than $1275/phone for delivery.
too expensive...
team applei.ph < www.applei.ph >
For your iphone needs! :P
can give upto 1275 but riyal...
err nice sales pitch doc! but isnt the new IPhone like 200 bucks in American Peso?
Good Fortune always comes knocking at your door...when you are sh*tting in the toilet!! :)
Hey Man for that price I can get 2 iPhones in Singapore.