Is Expat a dirty word

As a long time Expat, 30 years travelling this wonderful planet working in so many different countries on all continents, I ask myself how Expats see themselves. Just to give you all some background, whether you like it or not there are countries where Expats are disliked if not hated, why? well in the poorer countries we are seen as rich money grabers who take high wages, come for a couple of years, give nothing to the country and dispear as quick as we came. Expats with their clubs, pubs, meeting places, a community that keeps to itself, lives a life as if they were in our own counrry and basically ignore whats happening in the country we are in. Even worst can be that Expats ignore the laws rules, religion and customs of the countries they are in, they arrogance and self rightousness knows no bounds. Some Expats certainly change when they are away from home, they do and say things they would never do at home.
What do we owe the country we are in? how far should we intergrate? where are the boundaries? How do you see your role if any other than earning money and having a good time?
Red Pope, firstly, thanks for the reply and the dictionary definition which I was fully aware of.
I suppose running around the world, is rather like a nomad but unlike the desert nomads I have seen more than diferent grades and colours of sand. It is one of the joys of my life that I have had the pleasure of seeing many diferent countries, learning about other traditions and meeting and making new friends. As for my tent I know where it is, like the nomad its where I put it up. Rules and laws I have always respected, some maybe strange and not logical to me but they are the laws of the country I choose to worl in.
My passport has always been in my hands, I am not a coporate slave, I work for myself, sell my work to those who I want to sell it to but even if I sell it, I still own it, they can rent me out but they dont own me.
lastely, I live a clean life.........unlike alot of Expats I know and have met.
intransitive verb settle abroad: to settle in another country or work abroad.
No is not a dirty word.
It all depends,
How dirty you live or work abroad?
I think that 30 years of working abroad, could have give you a better understanding and comprehensive definition for the word ex-patriot. All that jumping around from country to country is worse than having a nomadic life in the desert. At least the nomads know their tent location, You don't.
About the laws and rule, you got no choice but to follow it. Even others won't care a darn about it.
Good luck to you ex patriot.
I'm still holding to my passport and not some government or corporate office. About you Mr. Prince?
The Red Pope of Qatar Living
HOw about Aliens? Thats how I think many countries call expats isnt it?
as if they are from some outer space.
Some countries, including Qatar, and many corporations have created the environment which has led to the concept of "me incorporated" meaning you have a set of skills available for hire and when they don't need you anymore for whatever reason you are gone. Your responsibility is to dedicate your skills to meet their objectives while respecting their rules and culture in return for compensation. It is as simple as that. One hopes that once your basic needs are satisfied that you are able to give something back, not to the country or corporation, but those less fortunate than yourselves wherever they may be.
I can understand you. don't worry!
I know what I should learn or do. I want to use myself eyes to look into the world again not from certain education. anyway, I love to hold my Chinese pastport as nationality means a place for one to birth and a culture in one's mind.
A boy ever said:"you Chinese has a strong spirit in life". Yes, I confirmed it, meanwhile I told him not all but some. So I thank for my China ever having raised this good character on me.
I love China.
I ever told my friends in China. I will own a few of HOMETOWNs in my whole life.
So my first hometown is Jilin city, Lao Pee knows it.
2nd is Dalian
3rd is Jinan
4th is Beijing
5th is Doha
6th is unknown~~~___***
share your life with me as we are different:)
YOU are an ex-patriate also. But I see what you are getting at. If you use 'expatriate' as a verb, it would mean to 'be cast out of your country'.
I think using it as we are here , it just means you are choosing to be 'out of your country' but not cast out of it.
I think I need to research this lol I'm getting all confused here.
expatriate is:
"A citizen from one country who is a residing in another country"
Not a bad word, just means a person is working and/or living in a country other than their native country.
Gosh Arona - your Chinese dictionary makes it sound awful! Would that be a throw back to Chinese Communism? Teaching of how to you would be viewed if you left China?
The word EXPATRIATE is a bad word in Chinese dictionary. Its explanation is in below.
C, V. immigrate to other countries
So, first I saw the word I am too strange why you all call yourselves as EXPATRIATES.
Now, we should be given this word a new meaning. Can English men or women give an original or present explanation in English.
share your life with me as we are different:)
well Matty you should have realised it before you posted the topic isnt it?
Look before you Leap
if that came across as a personal dig, it wasnt really meant to be. I realise you were playing Devils Advocate, but i could see the topic getting over run with the Expat v Locals argument with digs and jibes. Then it develops into a Westerner v Arab arguement, then it gets religious. Theres too many people out there looking to use this board and these topics as a platform to spout bigotted garbage. You see it on so many thereads.
[img_assist|nid=17864|title=Chicks dig Guys with skills|desc=|link=none|align=left|width=440|height=440]
for someone who didnt understand the question you sure answered it. The idea wasnt to get people to snip at each other, I asked how do expats see themselves not how others see you.
another can of worm just being opened eh???
the point of this topic is? It seems like another attempt to get expats and locals sniping at each other.
I was invited to work here by a local. The money is ok, but to be honest my wages were on a par back home, my quality of life may or may not be slightly better, theres pro's and con's.
I do frequent ex-pat bars and clubs, no apologies for that, i go because i want to, but its not like were smuggling alcohol into the coutry, its already here.
I have many Qatari and Omani friends, they come to my house i go to theirs. Assoon as someone is qualified to do my job i'll go home, because thats what my contract states. Its that easy.
Some people have too much time on their hands dont they Prince[img_assist|nid=17864|title=Chicks dig Guys with skills|desc=|link=none|align=left|width=440|height=440]
Even worst can be that expatriates ignore the laws rules, religion and customs of the countries they are in, they arrogance and self rightousness knows no bounds.
>>>Yeah, I see topless Expat chicks, girls in bikinis roller blading down the corniche every night. Oh and Expat blokes who drink in public places especially outside the malls.
'Our freedom is but a light that breaks through from another world'