Everybody is invited!!!!

Lady luck was smiling on me recently, therefore I'd like to invite all of you to a BIG PARTY!!!
Lady luck was smiling on me recently, therefore I'd like to invite all of you to a BIG PARTY!!!
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I'm waiting for the real thing, the real deal, who's in for coffee? There is a QLer whom I owe him BIG TIME a cup of coffee :o)
n0 tHanks!
count me in... i'm coming...
omg realy? a party? lol
Dracula, the VVIP cave is reserved for you.
You will find a fresh supply of blood of various blood groups, several luxury coffins for you to rest in, and of course, for your personal entertainment ,I have flown in banshees , ghouls and two headed maidens to be at your service.
Let me know if you need anything else.
sweet nomerci, do you have any underwater caves for me?
Very well edifis, very well.
I don't usually go to parties specially on an unknown island.
I will come dressed as myself.
Elegantlady, no worries...discreet , yet powerful security details will certainly ensure smooth procedures. :)
nomercy, this sign board may help you with the smooth running....
"Never be the first to arrive at a party or the last to go home, and never, ever be both".
hope there's no paty-spoilers on your party..party party eh eh..
Indeed strawberry, indeed.
muhammad, you ARE invited...as you are included in EVERYBODY.
You can recite some of your poems.
oh well i cant wait for the long line of cute guys to put lotion on my back..lol :)
Strawberry...there will be several cute guys for you to entertain, don't worry.
F/A, if it makes you happy...why not. Just don't poke anybody.
You are most welcome Elegantlady. There will be several elegant gentlemen in evening attire for you to choose from. :)
don't bring umbrella..it's summer..we're suppose to be basking under the sun..oh well i can't wait to show off my perfect tan...any cute guys coming?
Should i bring Umbrella too.... ;)
Thanks for the invitation nomerci. Any gifts to be registered???
I will be in my elegant evening knee length gown so that I can dance. I will choose a handsome partner there..
No problem fathima. Enjoy!
As far as swimming goes then I think I'll pass..those deck chairs sure look inviting!
wow..then i'll don one of my sexiest two-piece i ever had...
Qatar kiwi, no worries, Jams Blunt is NOT invited...he messed up enough as it is...:(
strawberry, the whole gang is welcome...come dressed as sexy as you possibly can.....
Fathima, just as you are is perfectly fine. But darling, no swimming in abaya please...don't want to have to fish you out of the water when all that fabric pulls you under..
can i bring the whole gang with me? dress code please :)
Yes, i know. he's a little runt :O)
Would love to experience it in the flesh...any specific dress code or can I just come as I am?
Looks great! Only ruined by James Blunt playing underneath. The only man who is his own rhyming slang...
No, Its that bloody Harry with his red hair..... I'll be be helping carry the train :o(
Brit, haven't you heard?? Katie and Wills are having the wedding at my place. They just couldn't say no to the location!
Since, I am so scared of Tsunami...I'll pass it on this time. Will join you in your next bbque night at your compound.
Damn! It's just a little late. I would have come, but i'm going to the Wedding :o(
Enjoy yourself !!
lol no merci , sure we will attend
Really??? :))