Etihad Airways - Unprofessional attitude

Hi guys!
I would like to share my experience with you guys so that you can be careful and do not get into the same trouble I was put by Etihad Airways by their unprofessional attitude towards the innocent passengers whom they fool around.
I am a frequent flyer of Qatar Airways, but for the first time to try the new airline Etihad Airways I decided to travel through this. But Unfortunately I strongly regret my decision.
I made my reservation at Etihad Airways office (not even a travel agent) when I was informed that during the travel there is a transit about 12 hours at Abudhabi airport. But the supervisor told me that I will be given a stay in a hotel during this transit. I agreed and she confirmed the flight as well the hotel booking.
Regression regression regression !!! Totally unacceptable when I reached Abudhabi Airport and visited Etihad Airways counter, the staff refused to give me a hotel and instead offered me a cheap meal voucher and asked me to stay at Abudhabi airport for next 12 hours. Not only me all other passengers including kids and senior citizens were also upset and were screaming that they were promised that hotel will be provided, but the staff strictly refused and said Etihad Airways has changed its policies due to new cost saving procedures.
Well, if it costs too high to pay for the hotel for passengers on transit, why the hell do you promise? I would have never taken this flight if I was told that I will be thrown at the airport for 12 hours. I and many other passengers were being cheated by Etihad Airways.
Finally I paid from my own pocket and stayed at Abudhabi Airport Hotel, since this was not at all possible to stay at the airport for so long.
I strongly recommend every body not to use this airline, as you never know when they will cheat you. These guys are really unprofessional.
Etihad s customer service is shit anyway even in Doha; esp that agency at Megamart shopping mall
Phew! Good thing I didn't book through Etihad. I was going to though but there was a 10 hour wait at Abu Dhabi Airport, and their office told me that they would offer a hotel stay. Although Emirates Airlines is a bit more expensive but it's worth the money, plus I only have to wait 2 hours in Dubai Airport, which is great cause their airport is like a huge mall! lol
You can report it to the management of Etihad will never happen again.
Thats what i want to say every body, either try to avoid, or if by chance you travel through Etihad, never trust these people, they are not professional and not reliable. Must carry an evidence so that you can prove yourself. Otherwise these guys are big cheat and will take you for ride.
Its not that Etihad Airways didn't have my booking, its because they changed thier policy to save cost. Not only me, many other passengers suffered the same and i remember many of them even had hard copies of thier bookings.
I agree with most of you that Emirates is better than Qatar Airways with respect to thier service and dealings with the passengers. But Etihad, i think these guys need to train thier staff at least how to speak even. At least the staff sitting in Doha office is pathatic.
its the same at every airline. Qatar airways will try to put you into a cheap hotel although they try their level best not to give you one.
I was inside the airport when a scuffle broke out between the transit passengers and the Qatar Airways guy for making them wait for 5 hours at the airport.
With the rising oil prices and the ever increasing number of airlines popping up every day, no wonder the airline business has become very competitive.
i think i should buy a private jet for myself with my personal hostesses (dream on)
as u didnt receive a hard copy of was promised to you, it might have been a misunderstanding between you and the person doing the booking, i have taken emirates and have had transit times of 8 hours or more and to my knowleadge non of them offer free hotels for that. Emirates & Ethiad are both miles ahead of Qatar Airways with respect to service and technology that is offered by both the UAE airlines!! 5 star service does not just begin in the sky when u have taken off but its a whole process from when u step into the airport and i think Qatar Airways has not reached achived that profesionalism yet. They may do in the future but the way their headding I doubt it, the people working in the airpot here work as though you owe them a living :(
back to the main point next time getting everything confirmed in writing before u start your travel. Words are not good enough these days.
i must confessnsamme i fly with qatar and etihad to me mtihad are a far better air line sorry they upset you
although customer services look bad as you described but i think you have some part of this that you didn't take a hard copy of the hotel booking so that if they did what they did you can ask for refund , etc..
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