Encourage Temporary Marriage

Iran's Interior Minister wants to encourage temporary marriages (anywhere from 1 hour to 100 years) to fight illicit sex.
Ask the hookers they see at the weekends in Bahrain and Dubai enter into temporary marriages before or after they hand over the cash.
Condom Check
Visa Check
Marriage Certificate Check.
I may be new here, and unused to people's meaning or humour(?) when they say things, but I found your last comment really rather offensive!
Sorry, but I thought it was a bit harsh. :o(
"Watch out for the pedestrian ..... It's on the road; it knows the risks its taking!"
But temporary marriages are against Islamic laws. And it will definitely not stop the sexual harrassment, all it will do is give illicit sex a new name.
support temporary marriages for the followers of Islam, maybe then the dirty perverts will stop sexually harrasing western women..but probably not!
We came we saw we were Qatarized
They r just trying to give new shapes to ISLAMIC LAWS.....so bad
[---"Imagination is more important than knowledge"---]
Can a real wife request copys of these temporary marriages? Does anyone know if his info is on the web or does he person need to call?
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And if it stipulates in the contract for 1 hour only...then after 1 hour and 1 second, marriage is over!
Funny! isn't it? ;)
Hmmm...I don't think there was temporary marriage, they might have been able to stay at the hotel as girlfriend/boyfriend.
must have done that in Doha. Before he arrived for the tennis it was his girlfriend and after they left it was his girlfriend but they shared a suite at the hotel in Doha.
Must have been a temporary marriage.
So when the husbands contract is over the husbands just come back home to the real wife and his family does he forget about the temperary merriage he had oversease? This temperary merriege is just like saying its a husbands mistrece and once the lust is over the marriege is over?
[img_assist|nid=16925|title=Lexis|desc=Have a nice day!!|link=none|align=left|width=146|height=180]
I know some people who had a temporaray marriage here, so it's not banned in the Gulf, it's just not advertised.
[img_assist|nid=13228|title=I feel your scorn and I accept it-Jon Stewart|desc=|link=none|align=left|width=180|height=180]
The sad thing is...they consider this temporary marriage as Halal! and Permissible! in the name of Allah.
If Temporary Marriage is not an excuse for satisfying lust, then what is it? It seems to be the easiest solution for adultery.
If Temporary Marriage really was to be done in case of need then why is it permissible for a married person to do it?
Also, if one cannot marry due to financial insecurity then how can one be responsible for supporting the child and not be able to support the wife?
Isn't it just non-sense?
the husband is NOT financially responsible for his wife, but if she bears a child though, then the husband is responsible of supporting the child financially.
According to Shia's beliefs, Temporary Marriage is permissible when one cannot afford Permanent Marriage. And the need for committing adultery exist, No-witnesses! No Guardian permission's needed! and there is NO-limit of the number of Temporary Marriage one can do! Also the time period can be as little as 1 hour! In addition, a man who is permanently married can do Temporary Marriage as many as he feels like.
Legal Prostitution indeed!! :((
Can some one awsner the questions that I had on this Temporary Marriage issue.
[img_assist|nid=16925|title=Lexis|desc=Have a nice day!!|link=none|align=left|width=146|height=180]
sorry i guess,,no harm feelings???
iran follows shia islam. the gulf follows more of sunni islam. temporary marriage is a shia practice.sunnis forbid mutah(temporary marriage) based on some hadiths.
'Ali b. AbiTalib reported that Allaah's Messenger (sallAllaahu alayhi wa sallam) prohibited on the Day of Khaibar the contracting of temporary marriage with women (sahih muslim No. 3263)
'Ali (Allaah be pleased with him) said to Ibn 'Abbas (Allaah be pleased with them) that Allaah's Messenger (sallAllaahu alayhi wa sallam) on the Day of Khaibar forbade forever the contracting of temporary marriage."
(sahih muslim No. 3267)
Laws are made by people for their convenience.
Marriages were never made so unromantic.
So what will happen to the children born out of these wedlocks?
...The guys & the girls will still find it more conveinient doing it illegeally....as it happens all over the world irrespective of religion & race.
Hayoonah if you had read my comment properly you would see that I was criticising the regime not the religion. I am most certainly not against my own religion as you asked but I do not suffer fools gladly and that can be applied to regimes and people alike.
FYI I'm a Qataria muslimah habibti.
and islam in iran..isn't that much different in the GULF..
She said the regime is ridicules, she meant by that the Islamic revolution in Iran. And it’s certainly is.
Accusing someone of infidelity is the first step toward extremism, are you an extremist?
hell no..why are u guys so confusing???
people will allways have different opinions and perspectives thats why we're human..we can't force someone to change his/her mind!!!
and iran's idea is kind of harsh...and i don't think the GULF would go for it!!!
and hey, diamond girl, are you christian living in qatar??
...or are you a muslim against your own religion??
the idea is ridiculous,,but islam is NEVER ridiculous!!!
don't ever think of that...
I read somewhere that women's groups are encouraging this because they hope it will take the emphasis off women's virginity. Personally it doesn't really bother me, marriage means different things to different people, if this is what someone wants to do, so be it.
[img_assist|nid=13228|title=I feel your scorn and I accept it-Jon Stewart|desc=|link=none|align=left|width=180|height=180]
I don’t actually believe in Marriage but I respect the sanctity of it. I don’t agree in Gay Marriages and this type of news (if it’s true) is an absolute “non-sense”
Illicit sex does not come only when you are married (pre-marital sex & prostitution) so how would “temporary marriage” answer the existence of “illicit sex”. As already been proven, Prostitution is the oldest profession in the world and still existing an trust me will continue to exist.
Sex is an action of a spontaneous urge (applies to Human and Animals) and you can’t just simply go through the process of getting married first and have this urge to explode for normally, "11 minutes" (according to Maria ~ "11 minutes" by Mr. Paulo Coehlo) =)
"I know how and when to say "Please", "Sorry", & "Thank You"
That is just a sick idea!!
Wow!I must ask, So when a men interdues the woman doe's the man say this is my temporary marriage? How sick is that. So is he rilly saying this is my sex wife.:)At the same time some men have a wife back home..what rights doe's this temporary marriage have? Do they have the same right as a wife? When they breakup, what rights doe's the kids that she will have in this temporay marriage have?
I know everyone knows that it's just a way for men to have sex.
[img_assist|nid=16925|title=Lexis|desc=Have a nice day!!|link=none|align=left|width=146|height=180]
What ever the recomendations and propoganda these so called people in power are trying to talk,even in this advaced century ,people are considering Women as only Sex machines.
They must remeber if they are driving their own Car,they will take care for wear & Tear,drive smooth.
If they are driving a rent a car,people will be negligent and least botherd to maintain and will think they are paying so they can use how ever they like.
Just another example of how womans rights get ignored.
'He also said couples should marry at an earlier age.'
Why not make it 10 years of age!
Is disgusting!
sounds cool to me
just kidding... :p
Refund/exchange policy should be implemented.
Also they shold introduce the secret shopper concept.
Buy the way, they have temporary marriage for centuries. I wonder why it is announced by a goverment official now.
People will always interpret religion in a way to suit their needs and desires. Quite sad really how they're too scared to take responsibilities of their own actions and use religion as their shield.
I'm just thinking of the chaos that'll occur cause of this "temporary marriage". Women will be pregnant without knowing who the father is, and since women in Iran as not as independent as women in the West it will be extremely difficult to be a single parent. The father will deny his child, the mom will probably be young and either still studying or at home, and the child will have a messed up life. Woohoo way to go Iran!
Hey Kelly do u think they'll have a refund/exchange policy? I sure hope so! hehe
Of course someone has to "solemnize" these new "marriages" and that potential revenue source would go to the imans, err, I mean pimps.
This will boom the economy everywhere:
1. Insurance companies will have a new class of business with its re-insurance treaties. So the impact will be world-wide,
2. Also insurance companies would introduce additional coverage for non-pregnancy and "satisfaction guarantee",
3. Medical centers will be very busy investigating and determining the father in case of pregnancy,
4. New information system will be developed to track the "marriage transactions" for each individual. One should not be amazed if Oracle or SAP or Microsoft would launch such products.
5. Transport companies (like Karwa) would have additional business for home delivery,
6. Travel agencies and airlines would be very busy transporting temporary marriedees (those who are married temporarily) in case of international or overseas contracts,
7. Hotels and furnished appartments will achieve 100% occupancy.
People will start advertising in Classified adds,
1.Transfer of RP is not necessary,
2.Available between hours where they are not booked.
3.NO need to transfer Salary,
4.No instalments in adavance paid
5.Insurance against AIDS
That means who evere wants to have a new person depending on their taste get married whom ever they like and services renderd by other side is like a number less photocopier.
I mean, since there is a numbering system in a copier,one will know how many impressions they have taken and this temporary marriages are like NO numbering system in a human beings,it can be used as many time as the other person is capable as no record of how many types it has been used.
Very sad treat a human being like a human being,there should be some sanctity for the word MARRIAGE, mean a realationship for life long.
The "service agencies" should provide an insurance policy for his goods against HIV. Unless they provide "manfacturer warranty"
temporary marriage is not even islamic.there is a hadith which says that it's banned. these people mines well be having sex without writing up a contract.because temporary marriage is like messing around
You have great imagination.
I am imagining KFC and Pizza Hutt guys would be home-delivering a girl or a guy.
And they would make offers like "buy 2 get 1 free" or "eat all you can" yummy :)
of this is our marriage contract in case they got caught while having sex. I don't know what is the value of such marriage papers while they know that it does not cost or got the value of anything more than the ink on the paper. They got there some serious problems and they are trying to go around the laws and traditions there by legalizing such thing. They can't control it , they can't stop it and it gives them a big headache. Guess they should have a good supplies of 'ADOL Extra', these issues can't be solved like that.
Well Kelly, some things in this world just annoy me! And being the big mouth that I am, I can't keep quiet about it so instead I come on QL and blabber lol. I just think it's really silly, and useless because illicit sex is not being prevented, it's only been given a new name "temporary marriage".
Hmmm...do u think they'll have catalogues and home delivery services with these businesses ? lol, hmmm...I'm already writing the specs I want! hehe
ur right cornellian
[img_assist|nid=16217|title=We Will Be Back...|desc=|link=none|align=left|width=136|height=180]
Happy to see Blackcat cheering up.
Cornie please don't take such things very serious. We are living in a funny world where nonsense is prevailing.
I would classify such arrangements like internship or as the call in n Canada Coop for university students.
Wonder if there is any dealer in Doha for such services. Have seen the add for "driver 2 call" and "housekeeper 2 call"
Looking forward to see "wife 2 call" and "husband 2 call" businesses. :)
This is just sad. These type of marriages go against the very definition of marriage. Marriage is wanting to spend the rest of ur lives together, have a family and children, etc. but this temporary marriage is nowhere close! But I must ask, what is the use of these temporary marriages ? I mean everyone knows that it's just a way for people to have sex without being frowned upon in society, so how are they kidding? It's really useless. I think this encouragement is going to have a negative effect on Iran, most people won't want to have families anymore, instead everyone will be sleeping with everyone with the excuse that they're "married". Worst part is that they drag Islam into this mess.
finally I could marry all these guys who is dying to marry me: one by one.. lol... otherwise, they have to stay in queue, sometimes for years... but with temporary marriage everything is so much easier: every month - new husband!! I love it!
What do they mean by 1 hour of marriage? What is the meaning of this and how can such thing be a respectful marriage? Are they gonna have children and build a family in that hour? If that is possible then let it be ...
its really bad
[img_assist|nid=16217|title=We Will Be Back...|desc=|link=none|align=left|width=136|height=180]
it is tempting to attempt a temporary betrothal.....
What is Illicit sex ? there is no such thing, the Quicker "I'm a dinner Jacket" is out of Iran the better. Half of Iran's population is, I believe under the age of 18, whole lotta trouble brewing there me thinks. And forget about the sex what about the RAMPANT heroin problem they have, good old extremists always worrying about the wrong thing.
Also see USA abstinence programs. Waste of time get this Teenagers have sex, its fu*king great move on, nothing you say,do or try will EVER change that I don't care what religion you are.
And you can throw rocks at as many girls as you want its not gonna stop em. But that was a different thread.
WOW now I have two choices to settle down. Lucky me
They want to legalize it to fight illicit sex?
Nah! what they call it then, legal prostitution?
Call it a 'ministry approval certificate' for adultery! How degrading.
happy heart
DRIVE SAFE,someone is waiting for you at home
e46M3, this does not sorprise me. Yet another wonderful idea and in the name of Islam too, no doubt. This is yet another ridiculous thing to come out of this regime...the woman will be the loser as typically a lot of men will not want to have a long term marriage with a woman they know has had one or more temporary marriages. Men will use and throw.
you are crazy sl...LOL
happy heart
DRIVE SAFE,someone is waiting for you at home
I want to go to Iran. can you help me to obtain a visa