Emaciated Expat found wandering near Ramada!

Breaking News !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
In the first incident of its kind, Police yesterday evening found a disoriented and slightly emaciated expatriate wandering the streets near Ramada.
The expat - well dressed, reasonably handsome with a George Cloonyesque appearance was dehydrated and carrying a portable laptop..
Slightly disoriented, he kept repeatedly mumbling "MMM , Expecting Invite Soon"...
Local residents gave succor to the poor chap , before he was finally able to go on his way..
One person interviewed said that "He had suffered a cruel hoax which may haunt him for the rest of his life; I hope MMM (whoever they may be are listening"..
We DONT share!! Back off....
NEW blood... and i am not invited???
where's the garlic and holly water??
i wana dieee!!!
Dont need Tom anymore....old hat.....want NEW blood!
NO DRAC!! your not invited!!
yeah baby yeah!
Tom's also mumbling MMM...
in M.I 1...
then he died...poor guy!
missed some really HOT BABES....Only those with Tom's good looks are invited to "entertain".....yummmy
yes MJ rub it in
OH Those poor guys in the MMM waiting list... :P
To understand brit's ramblings, you had to be here YESTERDAY. brit is feeling left out because he didn't get an invite to yesterday's MMM.
Now he wants us to believe he was found starving and wandering.
And then....tcom, that poser, stepped in and tried to make us think that HE was the emaciated expat.
And as for the Tom Cruise references, well you'll just have to figure that out for yourselves.
Sheesh, keep up!
News update : Tom Cruise says he can't make the next meeting, he accepted a better offer from some Chinese looking female near the Ramada..
Johny Depp can't make it unless he's offered a part in Pirates of the carribean - Search for the Banana Shaped Black Pearl !
Mulitilingual Mormons Meeting?
The Honorary Member of "Multi Modal Madness" is here!
lol Gypsy
What the hell are you nutters talking about?
Brit- That makes even less sense:)
You're right NFH, and thats what I love QL, you can talk all the nonsense u want here:)
"Ali Baba and 40 thieves" are now "Ali Baba and 30 thieves" ; 10 were laid off.
OMG, nfh that's it! im not missing the next MMM! :P
Someonenew, just confirmed Johnny Depp this morning!
And since when do QL threads have to make sense?
NFH, have u sent invites to these hotties? MMMMMMM....
I think I've discovered the secret of life - you just hang around until you get used to it. ~Charles Schulz
That's because it was hijacked by Tom Cruise..
This thread doesnt make any sense but I still like it coz there's Tom Cruise, George Clooney and Hugh Hot Jackman in it:) Can we have Johnny Dep and Antonio Banderas as well???
"Ali Baba and 40 thieves" are now "Ali Baba and 30 thieves" ; 10 were laid off.
LOL, is Mystica a MMM member??
Its a secret society remember ... SO:
Mysterious , Mystical, Madames !
lol Drac, nulti modal madness!??! :P
lol, that's probably more accurate than 'Mommy's Milk and More'
MJ any one even you can loose it, if treated this way, this is the worst torture.
Multi Modal Madness?
he lost his sanity that's why... LOL
That's not fair for us wannabe
poor guy...mumbling MMM? was he sleepwalking at broad daylight?
I think I've discovered the secret of life - you just hang around until you get used to it. ~Charles Schulz
lol NFH maybe we can put him on the waiting list? :P
brit, I tried. I even suggested the possibility of making him an honorary MMM member. But it seems the MMMs are focused on Tommy right now.
well ok brit, guess this Clooneyesque is not too bad... but then again, if that was a Jackmanesque, he's got a better chance.. :P
Thank you MJ... In the rush for Tom Cruise, the poor Clooneyesque expat has been forgotten..
may be he was eating MnM?
oh so sorry i don't know how to unblock, i tried already... i will PM you my number you can text me your message.. now, back to Tom Cruise,... ;P
I have a very important message for you!
"Don't let a little dispute injure a great friendship"
"dgoodrebel is not plastic"
lol NFH, i thought it was about that George Clooneyesque Expat? :P
noooooooo a shemale was serving them happy now :D
an emaciated expat? Lol!!!! Someone up there is impersonating someone!
"Don't let a little dispute injure a great friendship"
"dgoodrebel is not plastic"
Is Tom Cruise a female?
lol dms... now there's "good" in your morning... :P
Quit hijacking.
This thread is about Tom Cruise!
You can't teach experience...
E-Channel thread of Filex! Good morning!
"Don't let a little dispute injure a great friendship"
"dgoodrebel is not plastic"
lol Darudeeeeeeeee
You can't teach experience...
no the waiter who was serving them
Is Tom Cruise a female?
Mommy's Milk and MORE!
How did Tom Ctuise get into this ??
You ladies should be ashamed of yourselves..
We are talking about a poor, misguided soul, who trusted someone from this secret society, sometimes known as "MMM".
yeah i know leelah, i missed big time! :P lol brit, i thought this was a serious news... :P
NFH, make it Hugh Jackman next time ok? that, i will surely not miss! :D
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what did you do to the poor man?well never mind this is life as long as now he is in safe hands or place.
thankyou very much for the lunch.it was lovely to see all lovely ladies.TOM CRUISE was icing on the cake.
ladies who couldn't make it you missed it big time.
Those kind harted cops took me to Italian Job tleast they have a HEART unlike our MMM
Yikes! Our stalkers are even creepier than I thought. Sheesh, have to remember to stay out of the ladies room at all MMM events lol
Lol......brit! Im so sad for the man! Poor bugger!
Whatever you vividly imagine, Ardently desire, Sincerely believe and Enthusiastically act upon, Must inevitably come to pass.
na he went to spa later enjoying there.
I confess! I was in the toilet.
Lol deedee, the beggars at MegaMart are all those pathetic rejected MMM groupies.
I bet after his wanderings near the Ramada that he went over to Megamart and started begging. What a poor state he has been reduced to.
..but what are you blaming Mandi for?????
She hasn't done anything wrong. She's one of my loyal MMMs, and you know we MMMs all protect each other from creepy stalkers like YOUUUUUU who hacked into my group.
atleast should have asked me for the direction and i would have directed you to the exact location.
I confess
i pity that man... but on the brighter side, im so happy to know that MMMers had a great time yesterday without any disturbance from stalkers... *wink*
hey Da, i wasn't there :)
isnt around was it him
didnt see him online since yesday noon.
How is he now, does anyone know?
Another one of our MMM groupies, no doubt. Such a miserable lot they are :-(
And he was found near the Ramada! Oh sooooo close, and yet so far.....
Kinda breaks my heart. Maybe we should take pity on him and make him an honorary member ??
The source did not say... It was just sad to see a person reduced to that condition with a false promise..
so thaaaaaaaaaaaats where she got the name from MMM hmmm
and greentea you are also one of them you will be court marshaled too.
DaRuDe or britexpat? :D
forget it no chance of recovery
Hope he recovers soon
Its all Mandi's nasty propaganda for not allowing us in the group and the damn manager she keeps sending me invitations and then kicks me out :/
such a group of weirdos
i am ok..i am ok!
no no you are going the other way come this way it was at this side :D
and MMM is bunch of meaaaaan, rude and with nasty attitude #&%&^*(%&*