Eid Al Adha on November 27
Web posted at: 11/18/2009 6:40:28
Source ::: QNA Riyadh:
Saudi Arabia announced that today (Wednesday) will be the first day of Dhul-Hijja of 1430 H. The pilgrims will ascend the mountain of Arafat on 9 Dhul-Hijja (November 26) and will celebrate Eid Al Adha on Friday, November 27, a statement released by the Supreme Court in Riyadh said.
Any one can let us know about fireworks will be at corniche during this eid? At what time?
for the useful info
Yahoo its good to hear that we have 4 days of rest so we could relax from work lets enjoy the holiday!!!!
mai lain pa!
and it makes me off for the whole next week.. otherwise if Eid started on November 26th, we would have to go back to the office on Wednesday, December 2nd.
But this way I can leave qatar for full 9 days without attaching some days from my vacancy...
Go BKK, go!!
"What lies behind us and what lies before us are small compared to what lies within us."
Oliver Wendell Holmes
Eid mubarak to all! Enjoy.....
تهنئة مقدمة للعيد الاضحى ...!!!! كل عام وانتم بخير
الله أكبر الله أكبر لاإله إلا الله .... الله أكبر الله أكبر ولله الحمــد
"(A man is great by deeds, not by birth.)"
Thanks rMs buddy, good info, I checked at Islamic finder website.....
Eid on FRIDAY 27, Nov....any risk for Govt or Islamic Rulers?
@Yaksbunt: most of shops close during first and maybe second day of Eid here excpet supermarkets and malls.. that is why you will see many asians on streets
I dream things that never were; and I say, "Why not?"
Eid Mubarick to All
That means...................FRIDAY
Is anything open during Eid?
Shops, restaurants, bars?
It's my first one and want to be prepared.
Nobody is Perfect - I am Nobody.
Wow it means a good looong weekend for me..
i got only 1 day :(
Eid Mubarak too all! I'm availing this break to visit home!!
yaahooooo...we are having 10 holiday's from 26 - 5... :)
but nothing much to do....:(
rest rest and rest... EID MUBARAK!!!
and yes crazyfish, i also wish eid falls on 28th but what to do..now only have 2 days off.....luck
I wish Eid falls on 28th satday
Arrey ... you want to have rMs Majboos ? grrr!! lol
I don't want a Signature line to prove that I'm great !!
you know HIN1 virus so i dont trust those goats sheeps camels cows bulls in market. so will sacrifice you :D
Now, why is that DaRude? :S
I don't want a Signature line to prove that I'm great !!
you should start eating and eat alot. because on 27th morning after prayers i am coming to get you with my dagger.
Thanks and Hijja mumberk
Do what you need to do. Just make sure you can live with the consequences