Egypt school beating 'kills boy'

An Egyptian teacher at a primary school in Alexandria is alleged to have beaten an 11-year-old pupil to death.
The maths teacher, Haitham Nabeel Abdelhamid, who worked at Saad Othman school, was furious because Islam Amro had not finished his homework.
After using a ruler to punish him, the teacher is alleged to have taken the young boy outside the classroom and hit him violently in his stomach.
The young pupil fainted and later died in hospital of heart failure.
He was taken from the school to hospital but suffered a sharp drop in blood pressure and heart failure.
The teacher is reported by Egyptian newspaper Al Masry Alyoum to have told the prosecutor that he was only trying to "discipline the boy, not to kill him".
Mr Abdelhamid was remanded in custody on manslaughter charges.
wow....poor kid
hope hes not my teacher :P
Im the one and only
I agree this is barbaric
One of my darkest memories as a child is a teacher hitting me on the head with a book.
They also still used the paddle when I was in grade school.
I don't understand how they still have corporal punishment in schools here, it's barbaric.
So sad...he should get maximum punishment...
"I have a pair of eyes but I can't see U everyday...
I have a pair of ears but I can't hear U everytime....
I have only one heart that remembers U everyseconds......"
less gruesome or not, it should never be allowed to happen....if it ever happens to me, hell, it's gonna be war... i wont have some teacher beat up on my child...
i remember a slightly lesser gruesome incident that happened while i was at school in abu dhabi....there was an incident where a kid in grade 1 had his head banged onto the wall by his teacher for not being able to write his ABCD properly....his forehead started to bleed and was rushed to the hospital :-O thankfully,he didn't have any internal injury.otherwise the teacher (who also happened to be the Principal's wife) would've been behind bars!
Keep smiling!
The teacher should be thrown to the crocodiles
ouch !!! me out from from this thread
Very sad and frustrating to read. Sadly in the Middle East some of schools find it acceptable to use physical discipline.
I hope this will serve has a lesson to the rest of those teachers who still believe the old school beating works...
sad huh...
im not so sure that is the right word for it.. it's way way way beyond stupid,'s cruelty! teachers are supposed to educate children and stand as second parents, what does this tell can we ever trust them with our children if things like these happen?
saw that article on yahoo..
stupid teacher.. poor kid..
i wonder how that kid must have felt..