Dumbledore is gay, 'Harry Potter' author reveals

Dumbledore is gay, 'Harry Potter' author reveals.
NEW YORK (AP) -- Harry Potter fans, the rumors are true: Albus Dumbledore, master wizard and Headmaster of Hogwarts, is gay.
J.K. Rowling, author of the mega-selling fantasy series that ended last summer, outed the beloved character Friday night while appearing before a full house at Carnegie Hall. After reading briefly from the final book, "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows," she took questions from audience members.
She was asked by one young fan whether Dumbledore finds "true love."
"Dumbledore is gay," the author responded to gasps and applause.
She then explained that Dumbledore was smitten with rival Gellert Grindelwald, whom he defeated long ago in a battle between good and bad wizards. "Falling in love can blind us to an extent," Rowling said of Dumbledore's feelings, adding that Dumbledore was "horribly, terribly let down."
Dumbledore's love, she observed, was his "great tragedy."
"Oh, my god," Rowling concluded with a laugh, "the fan fiction."
Potter readers on fan sites and elsewhere on the Internet have speculated on the sexuality of Dumbledore, noting that he has no close relationship with women and a mysterious, troubled past. And explicit scenes with Dumbledore already have appeared in fan fiction.
Rowling told the audience that while working on the planned sixth Potter film, "Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince," she spotted a reference in the script to a girl who once was of interest to Dumbledore. A note was duly passed to director David Yates, revealing the truth about her character.
Rowling, finishing a brief "Open Book Tour" of the United States, her first tour here since 2000, also said that she regarded her Potter books as a "prolonged argument for tolerance" and urged her fans to "question authority."
Not everyone likes her work, Rowling said, likely referring to Christian groups that have alleged the books promote witchcraft. Her news about Dumbledore, she said, will give them one more reason.
The world has collapsed indeed.... Dumbledore the wizardry cudnt solve a persons sexual weakness....
To the question you're not asking and you're tempted to ask LOl .. I say : Yes . It was a bit complicated though lol . It was ( GGB) hahahahahah PM me if you need the code :D
Some are Wise ... Some are ...Otherwise
Just the time I get another username and connect from home lol. hummm the password will be : 3D :D
Some are Wise ... Some are ...Otherwise
Frog, it entered my mind the first day I joined QL (posting that is)....having said that, you start the thread....lol
'Our freedom is but a light that breaks through from another world'
DO you think we can ask the question in an independent thread without being censored ? :D Have you ever ...... lol
Some are Wise ... Some are ...Otherwise
Hummers What is important is to participate, isn't it ? :D
Some are Wise ... Some are ...Otherwise
Yeap, and I can guarantee most men would say yes, despite what they think about homosexual's...oh and some women...LOL
'Our freedom is but a light that breaks through from another world'
LOL, Hummers_rock that is so tricky.
No comment lol ...... hummm. I cannot not commet lol... well I did say the same : it's none of my business, but What I think of ( good or bad ) is my own business. So none could tell me to think good of it :)
Some are Wise ... Some are ...Otherwise
Oh come on Frog, you would turn down a 3 some because it's immoral?? :p
What people do with their lives (as long as there not hurting others) is NONE of anyone else's business!!!
'Our freedom is but a light that breaks through from another world'
Yes its true Harry Potter does deal with much more complex issues than say transformers, and that would also explain its legions of adult fans....but to claim that its the controversy that's driving sales, then the controversy would have to occur FIRST!
Ex: Flashback a few years...Some chick named Paris Hilton was about to Lauch a new reality show called "a simple Life"...she is still not as well know....suddenly a stolen sex tape surfaces and she is an instant celebrity and all over the news and on the internet pages, gossip columns, etc....her show is launched and turns out to be a hit, cashing in on her newfound fame or infamy (depending on your point of view)...See how that works? The controversy driving her new endeavour to success.
IF Rowling wanted to use the controversy of Dumbledore's sexual preferences to drive the sales of her books, she would not out him AFTER the series is finished and she became the greatest selling author of all time, now would she?
Once again I am neither arguing for OR against a certain lifestyle or sexual preference....I am merely saying that claiming Rowling is doing it to drive sales demonstrates ignorance of economic theory.
Stay safe all.
Perfection does not exist. The question therefore, is: what level of imperfection are we willing to settle for?
I "ribit" (frog sound, sorry for the spelling) with you too Frog. And not only gay issue that is being used to promote products and service to make money. Even politics, events, all-time-diet and many more.
Its just that, J.K. Rowling happened to choose this subject to just do that. And sad to say, now that kids are alreaedy marketly-sunked with HP, there's very little (point zero zero zero something) to stop HP at this point. Marketing strategy, really.
Oryx, I promise you, I'll be the first one to attend a homophile rally if ever. As for 'practise'/practice, what can I say, it does makes one exhausted.
It is healthy to know your stand Ragnarock, and everyone else in this page. I'm sure many appreciates your view. Here's mine...
There is no grey area. Just black or white (not about color of skin) but right or wrong, or truth or false. Say for example Transformers fiction (like the Harry Potter fiction), unlike the Potter series, Transformers had drawn the line, if you are an autobot or a decepticon, nothing in between. The mega-success Potter happens to just show its true "grey" color at this stage, not at the early stage where it wanted to draw and create its own "fantasy world" of fans.
Marketing 101, take in the market first, once the market is in (millions by the way), then you can dictate the steering wheel. So, now, everyone's hooked, whether you're part of the "love Harry" or "hate Harry." If you like it, then you belong to the "love Harry" millions of fans out there, if you dont, then you belong to the BILLIONS of "hate Harry" group.
The seahores for example,i think you know it is the male which become pregnant and born the babys.So i think lets not judge here anyone for his personal feelings as far as he is not harassing anyone.
Cheers and have a great day.
*Create your own destiny,fighting against your dark sides,raise your
spirituality.Every day is a new day.A new life.
Keep the faith!*
Kikomodos I do agree with you. I think being gay nowdays has become so fashionable that everyone is using it for promotion .
Some are Wise ... Some are ...Otherwise
Maybe you don't perceive yourself as homophobic but you certainly come over as being homophobic... which is my perception.
I cant see the logic that if you have worked with gay people then you are not homophobic.
There is no axiomatic logic there.
Terre Blanche worked with lots of blacks and look what a B*st*rd he is.
A pimp works with lots of girls... doesn't make him a champion of female emancipation.
I wouldn't call my sexuality 'a practise' but then again if i say to the BF - do you want to 'practise' this evening I am sure he would like the idea. LOL
Well ... I may go beyond the main subject ( sorry to hijack) but I see all over the posts people saying : What's wrong with gays/ You are homo phobic/ being a gay is not a prob...etc. Then I thought : What if I don't like gays ? As far as I know ''gay'' is neither a race nor a nationality. It's a sexual state. So.... what if I don't appreciate it and don't wanna have kids that are gays.
I do confirm : I don't like gays and I consider that being a gay is something immoral and a sorta abnormal sexual deviation . However, I'll never be agressive towards anyone gay or not gay, and I will never spread hatred among people.
The Question is just : As long as there could be people who like gays , there could be also other people that do not. Accepting difference is the key to co-exist. So stop calling people names and accusing with the ----phopic adjectives .
Some are Wise ... Some are ...Otherwise
Oryx, saying 'gayism' is a sickness, is in a way questioning the practise. However, not on moral grounds. And, I am not homophobic as you say, because I have worked with gay men. If ever I say, being oversexed is a diesease, please don't take it as, I am sexophobic.
Miriam you are debating the morality of homosexuals.
You are homo phobic.
I too hope if you have children they wont be gay because you will screw them up for life with your attitude.
Alexa - i like your attitude... just take folk as they are....
Gypsy, if/whenever I have kids I would prefer them to be straight. Gay may not be evil but I feel it is like being sick. Forgive me, God if I am being judgemental.
IF it was a ploy to create controversy and sell more books, then why out him now that the series is over? why not MUCH earlier on, like just before one of the books was released?
I don't think it affects sales all that much.....the world is divided into people who either love the books or hate them. Generally those who hate them will continue to hate them, and those who love them will also continue to love them. I don't see how this will affect sales at all since MOST people who would object to this would be in the "hate the series" camp already.
Each person can make their own choice on wether to buy these books or not. The fact that they are so successful....well that just has to be one of those things that makes you go: hmmm.......
Stay safe all.
P.S. LOL Jauntie =p
Perfection does not exist. The question therefore, is: what level of imperfection are we willing to settle for?
is easy - try explaining to a seven year old that one of her best friends two mums was actually her dad who'd had a sex change. My daughter's eyes did widen a bit but I wanted her to hear it from me as it was about to come out in the classroom as the said couple were about to divorce(!) The parents were the nicest of people and became good friends. We all went trick or treating on Halloween!
"There's this thing called being so open-minded your brains drop out". - Richard Dawkins
i love gay's..if Dumbledore is gay, i would have enjoyed being in his school/class :D...
[img_assist|nid=12867|title=Nothing in life is to be feared. It is only to be understood.|desc= |link=none|align=left|width=44|height=180]
Whats wrong with Gay people? Are they all not also human being like us?
No one is asking you to like ot not like gays. Nor you dont need to say bad things to people who does or does not. Fan of Harry Potter, fine. But those who aren't are not lesser kind of you or even greater...
...nor a stupid or an overjoyed stupid like you said.
Well if liking gay people makes me stupid, then I'm overjoyed to be stupid.
"I fight with love and I laugh with rage, you have to live light enough to see the humor and long enough to see some change." Ani Difranco
...Or the opposite Gyspy...
And your a homophobic twat azee. My recommendation, don't read the books, they might actually make you more intelligent.
"I fight with love and I laugh with rage, you have to live light enough to see the humor and long enough to see some change." Ani Difranco
Some are wise & some are otherwise...Gypsy is otherwise :P
Actually if you read the books I'm really not surprised about the "outing" of Dumbeldore. It's completely in line with the themes of the books which is about accepting people as equals regardless of the way they were born, Muggle born, half breed, werewolf or house elf. Frankly I'm more surprised Dumbeldores outing wasn't more obvious in the book except that Rowling skirts the issue of sex quite well.
Maria, if your kids googled Harry Potter there's a really good chance they'll come across the thousands of fan fiction sites which can get a bit more explicit then "Mommy what does gay mean"
"I fight with love and I laugh with rage, you have to live light enough to see the humor and long enough to see some change." Ani Difranco
I don't think it's a strategy at all. I think that's just how she envisioned the character. To be honest it makes sense to me, and I like it. I do have a younger brother, two in fact. I don't see a problem with kids learning about homosexuality the same time as they learn about the birds and the bees.
"I fight with love and I laugh with rage, you have to live light enough to see the humor and long enough to see some change." Ani Difranco
So now, the book is all about educating the children...that...gay is ok? And you think, its was her original intention when she wrote the first book? Hello Frog. Excuse me, and not all in the West is pro gay, you cant generalize.
C'mon. Wake up Gypsy. Its not to return the books bought, it to sell even more...and more. And yes, I would have to explain the gay issue to my kids someday, but it will be me who will explain it rather than exploit the young minds using this book or this story.
So, now, Harry Potter is beginning to show its true colors, isnt it. Now that it was able to capture millions of fans. I told you, it was rather a wise strategy, whether you agree or not.
doesn't it ... hmmm
Forget I said that - 'Over ruled!' Strike that from the record.
Gypsy, as far as I know the information is on web. So young children who might explore their favourite characters on web might come across this information about Dumbeldore. If you have a younger brother you'll know what I mean. (I am not debating about moral issues on gay, most of the male fashion designers I worked with are gay). Is'nt that a lot of information for a kid to handle.
It's already an international success. She doesn't need to care what anyone thinks of her, people can't return the books.
"I fight with love and I laugh with rage, you have to live light enough to see the humor and long enough to see some change." Ani Difranco
Nope, I think it educates children that being gay is ok. Dumbeldore is a hero and he's gay, so therefore there is nothing wrong with being gay.
Well....maybe it's ok in Western countries, but here or in any other Arab/muslim country, being a gay is totally unaccepted. So if the writer wants an international success, she has to pay attention to what her characters represent.
Some are Wise ... Some are ...Otherwise
Well you have to explain gay to your kids someday. And the way the books are written you don't need to explain it at all. I can't see a kid reading that and thinking "Hmmmm, what is Dumbeldores sexual preference?" It's just not even eluded to. I didn't pick up on it at all, and I consider myself pretty intune to that kind of thing, and the only person I know who did wonder is a gay male himself.
And it most defintely doesn't undermine morality, it teaches children that just because someone is gay doesn't mean they are evil. If that's undermining morality, then we need new morals.
As for basic economics, the books are already the number 1 bestsellers of all time, she's worth billions, I really don't think the what...thousand people (if you can find that many who haven't read the book already) who go out and purchase it will make a difference. Anyway, given the amount of twat's out there who think homosexuality is evil, she's liable to lose as many readers as she gains.
"I fight with love and I laugh with rage, you have to live light enough to see the humor and long enough to see some change." Ani Difranco
whose morality?
Of course its for publicity; to flush out and publicise the shocked, the homophobes and the hypocrites.
What business is it of yours where a FICTIONAL character puts his FICTIONAL (and never referred to) willy?
I don't go to mythical places with strange men.
-- Douglas Adams, The Long Dark Tea-Time of the Soul.
Its basic economics Gypsy, at least that's how it looks underneath when you scratch beyond the surface. I think it's a very cheap way to sell her story-book, because it undermine morality, while flashes pubicity....like this one.
She needs to sell more books for her next one. and its a ripple effect with movies & merchandise. Spell it out like millions of money!
At least that's how it is in my point of view.
I agree Gypsy.
Rowling might have to add a prelude on 'Safe S*x'. Gypsy, try explaining 'gay' to a kid.
I really don't see how it's an issue, sex is hardly even eluded to in the books.
"I fight with love and I laugh with rage, you have to live light enough to see the humor and long enough to see some change." Ani Difranco
Nope, I think it educates children that being gay is ok. Dumbeldore is a hero and he's gay, so therefore there is nothing wrong with being gay.
"I fight with love and I laugh with rage, you have to live light enough to see the humor and long enough to see some change." Ani Difranco
As a kid I enjoyed fairy tales and believed in fairy dust. Witches and wizards are okay but 'gay' gives a bad taste to kid fiction.
Since when did J.K. Rowling need to sell more books??? I think she just did it because that's how she envisioned the character. I think it's great. :D
"I fight with love and I laugh with rage, you have to live light enough to see the humor and long enough to see some change." Ani Difranco
You are rgiht too. :) I wasn't thinking about them. But for kids better to have Harry Potter as a good example. :)
Oh yes. Very true Herne. But kids do like to associate themselves with the characters. (Not that I am an expert on moral issues related to gay or otherwise. {For that matter I'd like to think Santa is a male. Period})
I think, J.K. Rowling, the author of Harry Potter is "wise" enough to stir-up hot issues like the "gay" issue to sell more books, and movie buds around the world.
You know, there's a saying, "Bad publicity is still publicity." Could be a strategic marketing strategy.
Nevertheless, its not making any sale from me, huh!
But Harry Potter is not about the sexual orientation of Dumbledore, so it doesn't really matters.
Not a 'Potter' fan, but read it on Yahoo. Fiction gone haywire, I think.