Drugs - Should society do more ?
Read a heart rendering article on drug abuse in South Africa..
Nyaope - "crack with a sickening twist" - combines heroin, detergents, and ARVs into a lethal cocktail that's ravaging the country's townships.
A whole generation is being ruined. Users resort to violence, rape, and rob to get their hit. If necessary they'll even kill. Some young men will become rent boys [gay escorts] or even turn to prostitution to feed their addiction.
My question ? Whilst we put the onus on governments , Shouldn't society be doing more to address these issues ?
Religious people cannot be addicted to drugs??? Are you serious or just plain ignorant of what happens in this world.
I think you are very niave if you believe that.
Addiction is not a matter of faith.
You've got the discussion back on track.
When it comes to personal choice, it's hardly the case that a religious person be addicted to drugs.
Criticising the idea by condemning its believers, though being the most comon way used by the weak, is not a valid debate.
Good points Fathima. People don't take drugs because they are bad, but because they make you feel good. What we need to do is educate the people on the side affects.
Ultimately it's up to the matured and sane individual to decide whether he should do drugs or not. I mean we already have all these international and local awareness campaigns. We have parents/guardians/teachers advising youngsters against drug abuse, and it is made illegal by the governments, so what else can we do as a collective effort except continue on the same vein? We can better the spreading awareness factor maybe..expand the ads. But it's more or less like smoking a cigarette..those who do it more know the risk but still desire the high.
Well, Afghnistan may have something there...it is not a bad thing to grow cannabis/ hemp, what's important is HOW to use it ! Hemp can be used to make paper (better than cutting down trees and deforestaion as it happens now), it can be used as medicine, it is very powerful if used the right way for the right disease, it can be used to make exceptionally strong rope, too.
Unfortunately people use it wrong...but if that changes, a lot of things will improve for a lot of people!
that is the answer to how it comes from Iran
BG knows so little it was like he was a heavy drug users for the last 20 years, even Ozzy Osbourne sounds more coherent.
Maybe he is blind to such knowledge but as we have seen before he doesn't like 'facts' and 'evidence'to get in the way of what he believes.
Zuma and the ANC are killing SA
Blame it on the apartheid
forget to dress but die for drugs .... in far off places.
Very cool thought ....
Usually it is an Iranian and Indian who use a boat to bring into the GCC. Very simple operation and always seems to be those two nationalites.
as victims , are often coerced by the international mafia for dire consequences .
how does it come from Iran
Everybody knows where it ends .....
babu where do you think all the drugs in the GCC come from? They come from Iran as the major gateway.
Now you will tell me there is no drug use in the GCC.... *sigh*
There you go. I am surprised you didn't know this
Iran has a strong religious dictatorship but also have one of the highest number of drugs users in the world. Afghanistan another conservative religious country but also high drug use - source ?
is to divert the addicts { & potential addicts } towards sports ....
Isn't it a cheating ?
When there religious leaders are such hypocrites why should young people believe them on drug use?
Addicts and their proveders should folllow the religious people who can make a difference by being their role models.
A discipline in teen years goes a long way to save one later in the life ...
Hislam Iran has a strong religious dictatorship but also have one of the highest number of drugs users in the world. Afghanistan another conservative religious country but also high drug use. Doesn't seem to work for them.
But wouldn't it be the answer for this mystery?
Give it a try.
A difficult question to answer. The war on drugs that has been waged for about a 100 years have failed miserably and made things much worse, not just for the addicts but the ordinary citizens due to criminal gangs making huge fortunes from the drug trade and the addicts committing crimes to fund their addictions.
A better approach would be to legalise most substances and provide addiction clinics for people to get clean.
As we have all seen if you are an alcoholic or a drug user you will find a way to get your fix. No amount of prohibition will stop you.