I arrived in qatar last jan from UAE, though it is relief to witness very less traffic on the roads, driving in qatar is a pain. NOBODY follows traffic rules , leave alone locals, even expraites don't have road sense.
In UAE, people follow rules & drive with courtesy and allow others while changing lanes. But in Qatar, you have to literally beg to give space or just enter risking your car & your life!! Qatar is famous for R/A, but do people know how to drive there? we see people driving in last lane & suddenly in R/A, turns to left without any indications!!!
Now Qatar is witnessing sea change in developments, as a result lots of construction workers are running around without knowledge of road manners. We have these pick-ups, lorries, buses, etc.. driven by crazy people, who don't have any road sense leave alone thier safety. I wonder how did they get driving licence!!!
GOD must save us from these creatures, who don't care about others!!
Girl you said it right :) about driving 5 cars.
I consder my self an excelent driver, however i'm little woried about driving in Doha because i heard about lack of driving curtosy and ignoring the driving rules.
spicemom ...thats so true here you have to learn to drive 5 cars
Really, so true!
is true 0B1 that is why i say i am driving 5 cars instead of 1 and have to anticipate wat the others are gonna do (well i try) and also keep my distance (as best i can) and yes i agree wif ya lotsa improvement since i arrived in 2004
life's too short so make the most of it, you only live but once.......
but even being a defensive driver you don't know when someone gonna hit you at the back :(
but there's a lot of improvement nowadays =D
in case of U.A.E. try removing those horrific traffics and it will all be the same :)
have realized that since i started driving here i am driving 5 cars and not one car , (5 cars left, right, front, back and me in the middle)coz ya dont know wat they are gonna do next so ya have to anticipate and yes defensive driving is adviced
life's too short so make the most of it, you only live but once.......
True, coming from the UAE it might be worse but compare it to say Egypt or Jordan, the driving here is pretty good. The challenge here is the speeds are much higher. My theory on that and the lack of courtesy expecially being shown by expats is that people are getting so frustrated with the traffic. If you have to wait at a traffic light for 5 rounds before it's your turn (typical at Ramada and Sadd lights), you are in no mood to give anybody a break and just want to get out of there!
On the roads if you stick to the middle or right lane you should be pretty safe. You can't go more than 80 anyways!
At the roundabouts, I generally stay in the right lane if going straight or right . Avoid the middle lane as you never know where you will get squeezed from.
If you are making a U turn or a left from the R/A stay in your left lane.
There will always be some nut case going left from the right lane but I don't see that as often....just go slow.
One need to take defensive driving lessons to be safe on the Doha roads. Road manners among Doha drivers(people who got there training here in Doha) is at zilch. Most of the road/traffic developments here are relatively recent and the oldies have no clue on how to deal with it.
It will be good idea for the authorities to reevaluate the driving skills at very renewal
Blessed are the flexible, for they shall not be bent out of shape!
I feel there has been some improvements on the Driving over the last 3 years, am i Mistaken ?
Nut to be honest with you, I love driving in Qatar.( I love the fact that the Cars are Cheap-cheaper than Northern Europe anyway- nowwhere else would I been able to afford the Car I am currently Driving)
"Now Qatar is witnessing sea change in developments, as a
result lots of construction workers are running around without
knowledge of road manners. We have these pick-ups, lorries, buses,
etc.. driven by crazy people, who don't have any road sense leave alone
thier safety. I wonder how did they get driving licence!!!"
---> I been wondering the same for the past 5 yrs