Driving etiquette

Had an experience, I thought I would share with QL this morning.
Last night while returning home around 2300 hours along the road behind the mall (there is a school) going to LULU hyper market, people who do this road know it is a single carriage way, I had a couple of vehicles ahead of me, so there was no way I could go any faster or give way. Some A$$hole kept blinking his high beam for me to move or what God only knows. I stopped my car in the centre of the road and showed him my hands as in what??!!. After that, he kept a space of one car between us and followed all traffic signs till I took a side road to go home. I took a note of his licence plate, in anticipation of any problems latter.
I do not understand, the guy had a nice new car, and it was late at night, he could see there were cars ahead of us, it is a single carriage way, so what was his problem!!!??
I think people who follow traffic rules, should not be afraid to take a stand, most of these guys are cowards and will back away once pulled up.
Driving ettequite are you kidding....??? They ain't no such beast in the GCC.....
i am not moving whe i am in the fast lane and already reaching the speed limit ...
angelo ... believe me ... the guy you met ... he have plenty of identical twins around Qatar. It is seems to be a norm to drive like a mad man in this country. :-)
just out of curiosity I wonder how many violation he has.
This was a single carriage road, there was no place to the left or right.
To be honest, if I were alone, I would not only stop my car, but also walk up to this guy and ask him what his problem was. I had my mum and sister in the car as well.
I do believe and agree with all of you, we should have respect for others. Respect begets respect.
Really, I am not against this guy, just that, this is the first time I have stopped on the road, and thought I would share it with QL. Guys if you have the time, please check out my post at SARAI restaurant last night. - I do not work there, however, just realised that we do a number of restaurants regularly.
U know what most people are missing over here? Respect for others. I think if everyone just respected everyone else on the road then we wouldn't have all this chaos.
U know sometimes when people come up behind me and start flashing I just move cause really for me it's not worth the trouble or stress cause they'll be stuck to me all the time and it's a nuisance, so i let them go and say sarcatistically " yes please go ahead, I'm sure u've got something very important to do other than have coffee with ur buddies! Oh and next time please do crash into me! Thanks!"
I agree. When people come up on my rear flashing their lights I refuse to move or speed up. I just flash them the peace sign and smile as they pass in a huff on the right.
just make sure you will never show your middle finger to them ... :-)