Driver intentionly tried to cause an accident

Yesterday we were driving around the Dahl Al-Hamam roundabout when a driver in a (guess what?) entered the r/a from the right and cut across in front of us causing us to slow down. We had right of way so DH who was driving hooted at him to draw his attention. The idiot then deliberately stopped his car in the middle of the r/a in order to make us run in to the back of him. Luckily, DH fully anticipated his action so we managed to avoid a collision.
What sort of messed up mind would try to intentionally cause an accident just because someone tried to object to your poor behaviour? I've heard of being run off the road by other drivers trying to get past but to purposefully stop, cause an accident, possibly be injured yourself or cause and injury ot others because of some lunatic reaction is beyond belief. Never mind the damage to your own car and the fact that we had 3 kids in our car. Some people just won't be told when they are in the wrong.
I must agree with you. Having driven in most of the GCC countries, Qatar is a doddle compared to Saudi and kuwait.
Sometimes one would think if these are the cases of missing moral value amoung these guys here versus to what they have been preaching to say that they are good and clean.
You can't believe this but Kuwait is 10 times worse than here, we were run off the road once and we chased the guy down and he told my husband he almost killed an American not an Arab because he saw ME in the passenger seat, so I was OK to kill.
Please be careful the stress is not good for your unborn baby, maybe better to only go out with your husband so you are not stressed or should I say a bit less. I would of taken the license number of the lady who threw the can its unbelievable she behaved soooooooooooo childish. I honk here as it seems its the only way they pay any attention, we would never do it in the US but here it seems you have to let them know. I too hate driving here, please stay safe. Just tonight a women all in black pulled in front of us like we were not on the road and then was all over the road, I didn't want my husband to pass her as she was all over the street!
I hope "Someone" is reading this & feeling ashamed..... (Well, hopes are just hopes)
PS: And yes, em missing "bleu", that's his favourite subject to comment on... :-)
---------------------------------------------------------Whenever I find the KEY to SUCCESS...Someone STEALS it.
Ka Pukhtoon ye no dalta daNgg warka:
I remember a couple of incidents that came to my mind now..
I was on the fast lane and approaching a R/A. One Land Criser came from behind flashing lights...I thought he would ram from behind. He changed lane after passing the R/A and came close to me and this time we were running parallel very close... I didn't slow or speed up... He played around a while and took off like a headless chicken... He showed his frustration on the road by precarious maneuver of the vehicle an excessive accelration..
Another instance whene I saw a Qatari Lady talking over phone whilst driving a black Benz just behind me. Things were not looking good when I watched her abruptly stopping just behind me.. I pulled over and followed her just to watch how long she is on phone... I watched her 20 minutes driving continuously while talking on phone... Meanwhile she crossed many R/A and Police watched her talking over phone ... nothing happened... traffic rules are meant for expatriates only...
Jumping a red signal at R/A is a common practice now a days... No one cares...
and the response I got was "I drive very carefully" or "Everyone's time to die is written by Allah when they are born". At that point I am too frustrated to continue.
I just keep praying the police will do their job and start pulling parents over and arresting them for not restraining their kids in the car.
I didn't drink the kool-aid! -- PM
she didn't put her children in car or booster seats and couldn't believe what she said, "it makes them cry"...wouldn't you rather have a crying child rather than a dead or seriously injured one..I didn't say that but certainly thought it.
Nah, sandee, only Renault drivers!
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Wait till that chap drives in my country. I will pinch his ears.
Ecen F1 drivers are intentionally causing accidents these days MD..
"Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former." - Albert Einstein
I am frequently disturbed by what I see as a lack of respect for human life when it comes to driving in Doha. If it isn't some idiot compensating for small penis size by driving like a maniac or someone taking out their aggression on fellow travelers, then it's idiot parents who don't properly restrain their kids. I see the police standing at roundabouts watching them drive by and not even lifting a finger to make them abide by the law.
I didn't drink the kool-aid! -- PM
yes I have to say in the short time we've been here we have seen many accidents, near accidents and just stupid driving behaviour. It's risking your life every time you get behind the wheel which is why I drivein the slow lane and pray lots.
F1 pilots are professionals, Lion, Qatar drivers are idiots.
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Although we can talk about defensive driving and traffic rules and regulations; something totally different happens on these roads...
Priority is ALWAYS for big 4x4 vehicles, it also depends on the number of digits on the number plate. The less the number, more priority you have...
You can not drive within the posted speed limit on a fast lane. Your speed mainly depends on the incoming vehicle's speed from behind.
When someone flshes light from behind... you need to anticipate his action prior to his/her action... basically you need to read the mind of the person... and even if you read his/her mind... you need to act quickly... do not put indicators before you make an attempt to give way...they are in a "hurry". Just in case if you are not in a positon to give way... then you are in big trouble for the next stretch.... Oh man... You can feel the heat of Fomula 1 race... You would be lucky to avoid collission by inches...
tracey, doha road is one of the most lethal road in the world (the accident rate), please take care. x
for your kind words. Bad behaviour for sure but I'm okay now but it may be the last straw for us as we have waited six years for this baby through a lot of heartaches and disappointments so he is quite precious to us and we think we want to go back home as I'm quite frightened to driver here now and even though we can't wrap him in cotton wool we want to give him a chance to grow up.
PM, maybe her husband doesn't allow it.
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squirm by bringing her in for questioning and ID.
Stories like that make me furious!
I didn't drink the kool-aid! -- PM
One could assume she is a Muslim since she was covered. Shame on her!
Hope you are better now and am glad the police were kind.
I didn't drink the kool-aid! -- PM
I was shaken up that I barely got myself to a safe place to fall apart. When my husband came to pick me up..he was furious so we went to the police station but they came out, looked at the broken window and gave us an accident report to get it fixed....that's all. I have to say they were quite polite and concerned as I started hyperventilating as I recalled the incident and I'm quite preggers they brought me water a couple of times but not much help as my only description was "a white cayenne with a competely covered lady driver with a fierce throwing arm"...I've calmed down a bit now but my husband is still hopping mad.
so lets say the next scenario would be like this, even Traceyboots have her number, she reported it to the police, the police call the other party, the other party said she did not do it. Tracey's words again hers ... What will happen next ???
Not that it would make a difference but when I called the police for the guy that tried to run me off the road they were only interested in it if there had been damage. Otherwise I think they are too busy giving instructions on how they like their tea.... :-P
I didn't drink the kool-aid! -- PM
@ PM,point taken mate...
As usual, brit summed it up. Drive as if everybody else was a complete idiot. That's the only way to be safe.
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i am with you PM ... thats what making me angry.
not the question. I am explaining to you why the police said it didn't matter who was at fault and why we should not care.
I didn't drink the kool-aid! -- PM
people who THINK they are VIP. Personally, I am not a believer in such things.
I didn't drink the kool-aid! -- PM
I must be honest with you guys, i left last August not a single bit misses the driving in Doha ....
Unfortunately, you have to look out for yourself here. It's not worth getting too worked up. He cut you up, you were safe, thank the Lord and move on..
@ magicdragon,as a matter of fact,i already have a 4-digit number but all the same,thank you!
today I was stopped in bumper to bumper traffic at the light before the Ramada Signal when this lady comes zipping out by the gas station trying to nose into traffic. I couldn't let her in as there wasn't any room. She kept gesturing me but I just shrugged..the bang...she throws a full can of pop at my car and broke the passenger side window. I couldn't bloody believe it. If I wasn't 6 months pregnant and a bit braver I would have chased her but instead I pulled into the Ramada parking lot and cried for a bit. I don't think I will ever drive with the baby in the car...these people are mental!
18765 should have lost his driver's license by now. (Land Cruiser)
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I have some beautiful 4-digit numbers, too, gadarene.
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PM .... is not because the insurance covering or not. For me if I am not in the wrong, I dont want people told me that it was my fault. As simple as that.
In the 'civilized country' the insurance work on scheme something you call like 'no claim bonus'. If you never involve in an accident that happened because your fault you get quoted cheaper insurance premium.
@ PM,that's not what i meant,FYI a good % of the real VIP's in Qatar don't have 3-digit numbers,that's more for the wannabes...
Or check out 122.
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Lakhwiya(the "elite" squad in red land cruisers & nissan patrols) do in fact have a link up to the MOI mainframe & a bigass monitor installed in their vehicles...of course the fact that they put this to no use benefitting the general public is a different for the three-digit guy being discussed,FYI,anyone with Qr.10.000 spare cash can legally buy a 3-digit no:,or they could when the scheme was first launched,the numbers are all bought up now & only recirculate @ a higher price to the highest bidder so there's no guarantee he's a VIP,he could be some beddu(bedouin) with lots of spare cash...& yes,certain car numbers are in the MOI system for "auto delete" when they're clicked by cameras anywhere on Qatar's roads,this is inside info from a friend who works there...unlike in the real world or even closer home in the UAE or Bahrain or Oman,different rules apply for locals & expats,the sooner you get used to that,the less frustrating it will be to live here,one hardly sees this type of attitude on the roads of UAE or Oman,for one simple reason,traffic cops enforce the law IRRESPECTIVE of nationality most of the time so even local drivers are afraid of the law,here,there's no fear of prosecution which is why these yobs behave the way they do on the roads...
131 is also not too bad!
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Actually I know an incident when my friend, an Indian was completely at fault but the police said it was the Qatari woman's fault... Must be an aberration..
"Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former." - Albert Einstein
I didn't drink the kool-aid! -- PM
In each case at the scene of the accident the police stated it was not our fault. By the time we got to the police station that night the story changed and it was suddenly our fault. The police explained it didn't matter because insurance covers the damage anyway?!?!
I didn't drink the kool-aid! -- PM
lol Magic Dragon ....
anwar4annu ? you kidding right ? collide with them ? My friend was stationary in the roundabout, a local qatari lady hit her from behind. Police came, spoke to the qatari lady, spoke to her. Asked her to come to the police station to get the report ... and of course thats my friend fault. The police cant explain how can it be my friend's fault.
You are a dreamer, anwar!
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He has right to be prisoned.
ah again ... the story of Doha road ... :)
No, novi, I don't think they will do anything if the owner is their cousin.
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Disgusting? Yes.
Surprising? No.
The police are busy giving tickets to people parking in malls (since when should state-funded police be carrying traffic services on behalf of a commercial parking lot?) rather than 'policing' the streets.
Think about it - the lights on roundabouts and cameras on intersections is all about the idea of removing actual police from the streets so that they never have to be physically present. The police know that there is a problem, and there is nothing they are willing to do about it.
Magic Dragon, PM ... lived there for 8 years. I know how things works.
@Magic Dragon : Laptop connected to the MOI ? that would be a good idea. Nowadays police car in the UK have similar device, so when they drive down the road the device screening the plate number around, and when the number are wanted for hit and run, expired insurance, etc etc ... the police car then stopped them. If thats is in Qatar, do you really think the police will do something if the owner of the car have a certain family name ???
blatant evidence that the police in Qatar don't want to do anything that could make the "wrong people" uncomfortable. I think that's disgusting.
I didn't drink the kool-aid! -- PM
PM, did you check it out. You are some hot gun.
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They should and they could, novi, if every police car was equipped with a laptop connected to the MOI, they could easily clean up the roads. But there is not enough police in Qatar. Not that I wanted a "police state", but we are talking about road safety here.
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but the right of way is not one of them. Don't mess around with driver-cum-morons.
Saw this incident: white sports range rover was out of lane and sort of blocking the way of an incoming japanese sedan which honked his car to notify the guy so he could pass. The arab guy in the range rover shouted at the man in the japanese sedan which sounded very much like a verbal abuse to me. Such show of arrogance! What gives? Could only shake my head.
No one is in charge of your happiness except you"
That is the problem.
I didn't drink the kool-aid! -- PM
That guy (who must be considered a VIP with that plate number -- lol) has 9 infractions in the UAE and has 50 pts in one year!!! And I bet you anything he is STILL driving because his most recent infraction is 5 days ago!!!
This needs to be reported to the police and newspapers.
I didn't drink the kool-aid! -- PM
Magic Dragon, some of them never renew the istimara, so they never pay the fines. Just wondering does the authority every chase those overdue fines ?
The MOI E-Services Website is an eye opener. I take down the license plate numbers of all the idiots I encounter, and I have a 60% success rate. 60% have fines for traffic violations. (136 was the best, so far)
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3 other infractions in 5 months, including 2 in the last month that were for reckless driving and speeding.
I didn't drink the kool-aid! -- PM
twinnie, unfortunately it is a very common story. I feels sorry for you. I suggest you should just give way to 'these idiots' on the road. Wether it is your rights or his it doesnt matter.
What happened to you and your husband are happened to me and my husband very regular. My son getting older and he have more and more activities, I ended up spending longer and longer hours on the road. After 8 years, I cant take it anymore and decided to quit.
Take care xxx
sorry but you will have to get used to it! Alot of (but not all) the L%c*ls (no names) cant drive safely, they speed, drive up ur A£S and consistently flash their lights! and then when you give them a little back, they cant take it! like spoilt babies!!
sometimes i wish they would just come and visit a small little island opposite france and pick on the wrong person in a local!!
but at least your safe! you just need to try and look everywhere, good luck with the driving.
im sure there will be L&c*ls who will argue against this post! they always do!
License plate number 136.
50 points, 20.000 QAR fines, expired road permit. Posted on QL.
The car is still on the roads!
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I had a young kid try to run me off the road by swerving his car into mine, missing by only a few inches. He was angry because I couldn't give way immediately when he came up behind me in his Red BMW with license plate 38394X. When we were stopped side by side at the roundabout, I lowered my window and told him I was calling the police. He said, "No broblem. Bolice will not do anything to Qatari" and then tore off at a very high rate of speed jumping the roundabout light and racing away.
And he was right. I called the police with an exact description of him, his whereabouts, his car make and model and his license plate. When they heard I managed to miss being hit they didn't care to pursue getting this maniac off the road.
I didn't drink the kool-aid! -- PM
- A study Conducted by FriedUnicorn - Vol I (September,1999)
They don't understand a "warning", they feel threatened. Just ignore these a**holes.
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Nobody was insisting on anything, just warning the other driver of our presence and trying to highlight to him that he was about to cause an accident, so instead he compounded the incident by deliberately trying to cause and incident.
What makes you think you had 'right' of way?
No such thing as 'rights' in this country, especially where the traffic police are concerned.
You better get used to that, or you, and/or your three children will wind up dead in a traffic accident.
If you want to live in a country where people obey the rules and treat each other equally, then buy a plane ticket and leave Qatar.
You don't have the right of way, even if you have it, you don't. It is not a good style with three children onboard to insist on one's right of way.
We call this 'defensive driving'.
And, yes, you have to give in many times. Do it for the sake of the children onboard.
You can always go home and kick your TV out of the window if you're angry.
Take it Easy!
..............THIS IS QATAR..............