Drag Race Heaven

It was the first time i ever witnessed a live drag race and it was nothing short of what i expected. The weather was great and the Qatar Racing club was just perfect with Ample parking and great seating.
The cars just blew me away.. Doing a Quarter mile in 3.7 secs was just awesome.. There were bikes as well..
Qatar's Al-Anabi team had some really nice cars.. All in all if ur a Petrol Head like me it was heaven on earth.
Definitely one of the best motor sport events i have witnessed in Doha.
read the newspaper!!! fellas...it was mentioned...and there is no such a ticket required...at the major events here in Qatar if Qatar is participating so far....
i have watched many big events for Free.
well just be smart and know the areas....try to give some few mins per day...on surroundings and wats going on around?
I was there also~
and I hope round 3 will coming soon ^^
Thanks :O)
great pics...
Just couple of video's from last evening....
Does not do justice to the actual event. Nevertheless a taste for the January session..
the website looks good but they have to improve on important content. It was not mentioned where one could get the tickets and location of the race track in industrial area.
Its Quite simple :
Starting off from the woquod Petrol Station in abu hamour you head straight to Industrial Area at the second Round-a-bout where if u go right you reach all the Car service dealers, instead u go left and after about 3 roundabouts on your left hand side you will see the big flags and lights of the Racing club.
I saw the nice promos for this event on the TVs in Villagio. Only problem was that the promo only mentioned the dates. No info about the location, where to get tickets, or who to call. Not even a website URL was mentioned. This is so typical for event marketing in Qatar. It often takes some digging and dedication to find the necessary information.
The Qatar Racing Club website is nice. Only problem is that they make it impossible to find out where the track is located. There is a nice link called "location" on the top of the page but it provides a layout of the track. Is the exact location of the timing tower really the most important information for the average visitor to their web site? I've been clicking around on the site for five minutes now and still haven't found the location. It doesn't even mention that it is in the industrial area.
I'd luv to see is Mr.Landcruiser's in these drag races - they can do whatever they want in these controlled environments rather than race on the road.
I'd also bet that Qatar Racing Club will have a huge load of entrants if Mr.Landcruiser's were participating...
What say?
Similar for desert duning - duning in controlled environments. I've seen too many accidents in the limited time i've been here.
thats one ugly motorcycle.
You are welcome Progression. Cheers.
Perhaps I should have been more clear in my earlier post. www.qrczone.com is the website to go for the Qatar Racing Club. There is a ton of information on the website. That includes race schedules, pictures and some pretty good video. I am very happy to hear good reviews. I am a Drag Race fan from Southern California and am totally stoked to see it here in Doha. Nnnnnneeeeooooowwwww!!!!
thank you also denali dad
alpha_wolf thank you very much for that information. see you there.
....didn't go there with much expectation - considering the track was in industrial area but the driver from the Saudi team told me this drag track is the best in the middle east (UAE and Bahrain - Bahrain International Circuit). That was certainly true. Was blown away.
Wish they had advertised the event better, had some good eating outlets (cause it was a fabulous evening) and give out handouts on the teams and competitors. I'd bet the stands would have been full. Can't wait for the next round as my friend's team won!!!
will upload some video's later
January 2010
QRC Race #3 Thursday-Friday, January 7-8
QRC Race #4 Thursday-Friday, January 11-12
QRC Race #5 Thursday-Friday, January 21-22
It's on their website.
"A Wise Man knows what he does not know!"
when will be the next race schedule?
Dlightswitch, we are waiting.
"Think 100 times before you take a decision, But once that decision is taken, stand by it as one man" - Muhammad Ali Jinnah
Thanks Denali ;O)
Thr were hundreds of pics.. i just put up a a few to go with the post here..
Nice pics r7.
Yes it was very good, although it was 1/8 mile, not 1/4 mile.
I have a few videos of the event and I will edit them and upload them to Youtube soon so watch this space!
if you go to qatar racing club homepage you will find the info about the dragracing rounds in qatar
lol hopefully :)
LOL... A private message you wouldn't mind, eh?? ;-) Maybe it'll be your birthday present...
If everything seems under control, you're just not going fast enough...
Thanks cargodog and I agree with you but she was a stunner mate.. I hope she is reading this somewhere and remembers the guy who asked her for the event every 5 minutes for 3 hours :)
Sandeep: I know they're doing some sporadic advertising, but it's just not good enough, IMHO. You need to be go to the malls to find out about events. This country hasn't discovered the power of internet. Oh, and happy B-day...
If everything seems under control, you're just not going fast enough...
They were handing out flyers for it in landmark and villagio, the one handing it out in landmark was a real stunner ;). Maybe they could have done better job of promoting it..
Rollinstone: There was actually a thread here, where it was mentioned. It's easy to miss, though. Why is there hardly any advertising in this country about events and why was this event (like so many others) not mentioned in the "events" section of this very website???
Is there a single source in this country, where one can find info - well in advance - about events. If so, please let me know. I haven't found it. And don't tell me Qatarliving.com, Marhaba or this little "what's happening" book. Is there a website, where one can buy tickets for events. Seems like any other decent country has such a site. Why not Doha?
If everything seems under control, you're just not going fast enough...
i love there sound!!
"Think 100 times before you take a decision, But once that decision is taken, stand by it as one man" - Muhammad Ali Jinnah
where was this held and when??? looks like a nice event.. pls if u know abt any such event in the coming months then please post it on QL so that ppl like me would come to know.
Yeah, it was a great event and very accessible for a drag noob, like myself. Very cool...
If everything seems under control, you're just not going fast enough...